I grew up a misfit. I never fit in.

I love how 'Misfits' is a drama-comedy.

I've always identified with the misfits.

I love stories about misfits and underdogs.

I freely admit that I am a bit of a misfit.

Misfits aren't misfits among other misfits.

Not bad for a bunch of castoffs and misfits.

Eccentricity gives misfits a way of fitting in.

Take a look around, there are misfits everywhere.

Great. Now the queen thought I was a misfit, too.

I love playing music. And that's what it's all about.

I should be so lucky to be a misfit. I aspire to be a misfit.

We both [wuth Harry Elfont] had those sort of misfit childhoods.

The Misfits skull was my second tattoo, and the Danzig was my third.

'Misfits' is one of my favorite shows; I think it's a fantastic show.

Somebody said once 'Follow the money' and that is what it is all about.

You put an old Misfits record on, and it sounds like it came out yesterday.

I think we all feel like misfits when we open our mouth sometimes, you know?

Look at all the Misfits products that came out. We never made a dime off it.

Look at all the Misfits products that came out. We never made a dime off it.

All is disgust when one leaves his own nature and does things that misfit it.

I listened to all the Misfits albums growing up and Red Hot Chili Peppers, too.

If there's going to be another Misfits record, I'd probably have to write the stuff.

And then the first was The Misfits, which I enjoyed very much, with Marilyn and Gable.

Even now, I'm better around people who are uncomfortable with themselves, the misfits.

It was possible to feel superior to other people and feel like a misfit at the same time.

I like playing misfits, I like playing oddballs, I like playing characters with rough edges.

I try to be the fixer of situations and I gravitate to people who are institutional misfits.

Maverick is a word which appeals to me more than misfit. Maverick is active, misfit is passive.

I've always had that maternal thing: that connection with street kids and people who are misfits.

There was never a time when I wasn't making guitars out of cardboard or dressing up like the Misfits.

Ive felt the pressure of wanting to be known as a young actress rather than just Alisha from Misfits.

I've felt the pressure of wanting to be known as a young actress rather than just Alisha from 'Misfits'.

Anybody that goes to the theater, I think we're all misfits, so we ended up on stage or in the audience.

San Francisco has always been a haven for misfits and weirdos. I'm both of those, which is why I came here.

I do not know of any salvation for society except through eccentrics, misfits, dissenters, people who protest.

Beware of a misfit occupation. . . . Consider carefully your natural bent, whether for business or a profession.

A lot of early Misfits song titles are inspired by old B-movies, which were my Popeye's spinach when I was a kid.

I strode among giants, friends tell me now, though at the time I felt more like a misfit associating with oddballs.

She would of been a good woman," said The Misfit, "if it had been somebody there to shoot her every minute of her life.

What irritates me are bands that pretend they've never heard of the Misfits or Danzig, but they've got the skeleton shirt.

When everybody looks at our generation of kids, they always call us the misfits - you know, like we just don't give a damn.

Entrepreneurs are misfits to the core. They forge ahead, making their own path and always, always, question the status quo.

And my experience in the music scene had shown me that there were places for places in the world where misfits were welcome.

I was always a bit of a loose cannon, then again I was always the artistic one: bit of a social misfit. I probably still am.

We didn't call it a sport necessarily, and skaters definitely weren't thought of as athletes, we were thought of as misfits.

Working with Marilyn Monroe on The Misfits (1961) nearly gave me a heart attack. I have never been happier when a film ended.

I like to play people who are underdogs and misfits. People who are not on a straight and narrow path. That's exciting for me.

I think Good Charlotte has definitely always been for the underdogs and the misfits. We haven't ever really been the critics' darlings.

Everybody feels like [a misfit] at different points in their life. If you feel like who you are is right for you, then you are beautiful.

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