I could have had class. I could have been a contender.

I can't keep fighting and being the No. 1 contender for years.

That's what we're striving for, making us a contender in every race.

We need just two players to be a contender. Just Babe Ruth and Sandy Koufax.

Every team that goes into training camp thinks they're a Super Bowl contender.

To be a contender in the Big Ten a squad must have a solid player at every position.

I'm done thinking about, 'I have to go up to be a title contender, I have to stress.'

The Democrats always scream 'racism' at a Republican contender in any field across the country.

I don't want to go to a team that's only won a few amount of games, but it doesn't have to be a contender.

I think if I just do what I do every day, on the extraordinary Olympic stage, I could be a podium contender.

The difference between the BNP and Labour is that the BNP was always a fringe party, never a contender for power.

Robert Pattinson is an incredibly gifted actor. Every role that Pattinson plays is a contender for an acting award.

They said if I'd fight a ranked contender, I'd get a title shot. I did that, and the next day they changed the rules.

When you're No. 1 contender for five years, and you know who's controlling things, you'll do something you're not proud of.

When I was drafted in Cleveland, I wanted to turn this team back into a perennial playoff contender and to win the Super Bowl.

I really want to try soccer after I retire because I've watched football over the years and I think I could be a good contender.

I'd much rather be in this position where people might be talking about me as a contender than turning up and sort of being a no-show.

Carmelo Anthony should do what makes him happy - either stay with the Knicks and be mediocre, or get with a contender and help them get over the hump.

Everybody knows the day I beat Diego Chaves, I became the WBA interim world titlist, which made me the No. 1 contender for whomever was the WBA titlist.

For me, to get any match is fine. For me to be thrown right into the mix and be named No. 1 Contender for the World Heavyweight Championship is a blessing.

Obviously UFC was one of those kind of dreams that we weren't sure if we were ever going to reach, so for us, the biggest belt was the Cage Contender belt.

I have always believed that there is no age factor to this music business. You are only as old as you feel and basically you can be a contender at any time.

As far as Nurmagomedov, I just don't get how you become the No. 1 contender without actually fighting guys who are ranked in the top 10. It kind of baffles me.

I've had a great run. I've been a world champ. I've been a top contender. I've been a poster boy for the organization, for sponsorships, been able to do a lot.

If segregationists had their way, I would not be a member of the United States Senate today, I would not be a top contender to be president of the United States.

I called out Rafael Dos Anjos in Brazil, so he could be a potential contender. People don't talk about Jorge Masvidal enough. He'd be a great fight: he comes to fight.

It is long overdue that we have a woman as a legitimate contender for the White House. But Hillary Clinton is the definition of the establishment so many are determined to reject.

I can walk into a restaurant and knock five guys out, become 5-0 real quick. It's about the quality of opponent. You have to beat the right guys to call yourself the No. 1 contender.

If Amanda Nunes truly wants an opportunity at the 145-lb. belt, a win against any ranked contender in that division would help establish her back in a weight class she left before fighting me.

If the fights that I take make sense, and there is not a 27-year-old number one contender in the world, then I'll probably be interested in doing fights that make sense and fights that are marketable.

A lot of people get up to the top of the pile, maybe get one No. 1 contender match-up, and if they lose, they drift into obscurity. I lost, and I went back a bit. But I built myself back up. Three times.

There seems to be an interest in connecting the history of the past to the present and asking whether things have really changed. Films like 'The Contender' and 'Bulworth' seem quaint compared with Trump!

It's a great feeling to be recognized by your peers. It's an even better feeling to be welcomed and accepted by country radio and its listeners. If desire is any part of this equation, then I'm a contender!

I often found that my favorite scene that I shoot is often one that I cut out, like in 'The Last Castle' and 'The Contender.' If you look at the deleted scenes, some of the best scenes never made it into the film.

My first MMA fight was July 2006 here in Brazil. I won a few fights here in Brazil, and then I got a chance to fight in the UFC, but they put me against the number one contender for the title at that time. It was Fabricio Werdum.

Something's bound to happen to you in a tough fight: cut eye, broken nose or broken hand or something like that. So you could make excuses out of anything, you know, but you got to keep on going if you're a champ or you're a contender.

We want to make the Cleveland Cavaliers a perennial champion and contender. We want people to be part of the franchise for long periods of time if they fit our culture, no matter who they are, whether it's LeBron or anybody that contributes.

Trump has got to, I think, move to a new level. This is no longer the primaries. He's no longer an interesting contender. He is now the potential leader of the United States and he's got to move his game up to the level of being a potential leader.

I feel like I've always been doubted or slighted. Let's be honest. When you're a walk-on, you don't start for a No. 1 team, a national championship contender. You just don't. A walk-on is a guy who plays scout team, who's just happy to be on the team.

I've written on public matters, but I don't understand how anyone could tout me as a possible poet laureate when I wrote a poem on the abdication of King Charles III or about the sex life of the Royals... anybody who knew my work would know I'm not a contender.

What had brought me to New York in the autumn of 1972 was a letter of recommendation written by Norman Mailer, the author of 'The Naked and the Dead' and American literature's leading heavyweight contender, to Dan Wolf, the delphic editor of 'The Village Voice.'

I knew I was a world champion and a top contender at the highest level for over a decade, but I think I'll be remembered as somebody that was an ambassador for the sport, someone who helped build something bigger than myself, and also for the team I've been able to build.

I had vied for a championship; I had been involved in being a No. 1 contender, and having runs where I got close but I never got there. Being able to finally get there and be the guy to carry the load and carry it for a while, I felt like I arrived, and it validated my career.

When I was ranked No. 11 or 12, they offered me Gustafsson who was the No. 1 contender, and I didn't hesitate. I was No. 10 when I fought Anthony 'Rumble' Johnson who was the No. 1 contender. We accept fights, but not everyone is like that, I'm beginning to find out. It's not right.

As a World Champion, it is important that you face the #1 contender. That is what makes it sport and not entertainment; otherwise, what are the girls fighting at 145 lbs. training to work towards if they know they will never be given a title shot, even if they become the best in the world?

What puts you in a different level is if you win the Premier League, and you're capable of challenging every season for the Premier League, and if you play Champions League, and you really believe, and you're a real contender one day to win the Champions League. That's my objective in Tottenham.

All my life, Americans have been accustomed to thinking of theirs as 'the richest, freest' country in the world. By most measurements, it was long a contender for that honor, and - among the larger countries, if equal weight were given to wealth and indices of freedom - probably did deserve to be so described.

There was originally no plan in place for me to become WWE champion. It felt like I became the No. 1 contender out of nowhere. I call what I did forcing the results. I wasn't happy with my position. I was putting in the work, but I wasn't getting the results. I was going to force the result no matter what the cost.

Even in Poland, where the president is far less powerful than the prime minister, people have a deeper and more atavistic relationship with the person who is a serious contender to become head of state. They want their national leader - the tribal chief - to look like them, to live like them, to reflect their values.

If you're going to make as much money as you are, when you're fighting someone else, that's the one thing I always tell people is I would never turn down the truly rightful No. 1 contender in my division, because the UFC can actually strip you. They can say, 'You're not going to fight the No. 1 contender. We can strip you.'

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