I love to roller skate.

I don't really like roller coasters!

Really, I don't like roller coasters.

Everybody likes a roller coaster ride.

Yeah, I did roller derby for three years.

Life's a roller coaster, but I feel a change.

I've loved roller coasters since I was a kid.

Breaking news on live TV is a roller coaster.

I'm not gonna be a slave. I'm a rock n' roller.

I was never a great screen and roller, obviously.

I do have the roller skates from 'Boogie Nights.'

I have to tell you, every day is a roller coaster.

Actually, I can take a roller coaster or leave it.

I like roller coasters that have the one 70-foot drop.

Early on, yeah, my life was a bit of a roller coaster.

Time flies when you're on an emotional roller coaster.

That's kind of how I am - a roller coaster of emotions.

Life is like a roller coaster, live it, be happy, enjoy life.

I like to roller skate. I have been roller skating since I was eight.

I still recreationally skate at the roller rink with all the children.

Anytime we lose a game, there it goes. The roller coaster's going down.

You want the match to be like a roller coaster, so you can't predict it.

The first roller coaster I ever went on in my life wasn't until college.

There is nothing like the indignity of not fitting into a roller coaster.

He really is terribly heavy going. Like running up hill in roller skates.

Who wants to be a 40-year-old rock and roller? You cannot live in the past.

My favourite roller coaster is the Millennium Force at Cedar Point in Ohio.

Greece's history in the drachma was an up-and-down history, a roller coaster.

I don't know why, but I've always been a sucker for roller coasters in movies.

As a kid, I used to love roller coasters. I love adrenaline, love going faster.

My career has been a roller coaster ride. And every actor experiences that phase.

You can have a wife - you can have a child or children - and be a rock n' roller.

The Orioles' Dick Hall comes off the mound like a drunk kangaroo on roller skates.

I have had an extraordinary life, but it's been one incredible roller coaster ride.

The truth is that entrepreneurship is more like a roller coaster ride than a cruise.

My father had a piano that was a nickelodeon - put a nickel, and the roller would play.

My moods are like a roller coaster. It's hard for me to just feel one way all the time.

Careers are like roller coasters. You go up, you go down, and you spin yourself around.

I've got a sister who races motorcycles and another sister who's a Holy Roller preacher.

I like theme parks. The fastest roller coaster I've ever been on is at a casino in Nevada.

Liszt was a bit of a rock and roller at heart, but he was a bit of a puritan on his sounds.

It's not beyond me to take my kids to see a good popcorn movie that's a roller coaster ride.

If my life were a song it would probably be titled 'Roller Coaster', up and down all the time.

My role is to be a roller, offensive rebounder, set the screens and roll hard and play defense.

I've said this before, and I'll say this again: NXT is like a rock concert, roller coaster ride.

To be honest, I think affiliation is anathema - if you're a rock 'n' roller, you're a lone wolf.

I laugh at absurdity hardest, then stories, then observations, then bearded men on roller skates.

Acting is like roller skating. Once you know how to do it, it is neither stimulating nor exciting.

Once you learn how to roller skate for 'Starlight Express,' it's a lifelong skill you have acquired.

There's a roller derby girl that goes by that name, 'Nerd Rage,' and she named herself after my album.

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