I never thought of being disadvantaged.

I grew up in small-town America, black, disadvantaged.

I've always wanted to work with young people from disadvantaged areas.

Disadvantaged communities are among the most vulnerable to climate change.

I do have a lot of care, concern, and compassion for disadvantaged people.

I've completely lost faith in the Democratic Party to truly serve the disadvantaged.

Women are completely disadvantaged - despite what men will say. It is not a fair fight.

I do not believe that the colour of one's skin determines whether you are disadvantaged.

Black men with criminal records are the most severely disadvantaged group in the labor market.

The hallmark of a healthy society has always been measured by how it cares for the disadvantaged.

When climate change supercharges weather patterns, the disadvantaged often suffer first and most.

Sport is important for children, especially from disadvantaged places, to bring up their self esteem.

I've never believed the charter movement was exclusively for socially and economically disadvantaged kids.

Social and economic policies constructed around the male breadwinner model have always disadvantaged women.

We should be the first to help disadvantaged people. What would happen if other countries decided to follow our example?

Early investment in the lives of disadvantaged children will help reduce inequality, in both the short and the long run.

I was a disadvantaged child from a non-educated family, yet I had the advantage of being in the company of great teachers.

Wherever there was injustice, war, discrimination against women, gays and the disadvantaged, I did my best to show up and exert moral persuasion.

All too often, lotteries only add to the problem of the financially disadvantaged by taking money from them and giving nothing of value in return.

My goal was to be at the point - no older than 40 - where I would have enough resources to make a difference in the lives of disadvantaged people.

The extremism of the Trump administration has galvanized women to push back against the political system that has disadvantaged them for a generation.

Teach For China recruits top American and Chinese college graduates, like 26-year-old Yang Xiao, to teach in the country's most disadvantaged schools.

Society might have been better off without them, but we are supposed to look after the disadvantaged, and so we do it. But it doesn't help the society.

The U.K. is already disadvantaged on the wholesale cost of energy, and then it puts taxes on it. Anybody who's an energy user is just going to disappear.

As a student I'd done work with a charity that took inner-city kids from disadvantaged areas and introduced them to hiking and climbing in the wilderness.

The people who depend on an antenna are often those who are underprivileged - the elderly and the disadvantaged who can't afford a $200-a-month cable bill.

African American children can't be educationally disadvantaged for 12 years and then experience a miracle cure when it comes time for admission into college.

I would say if we can select children who are not going to be severely disadvantaged, then we should do so, but I think it has to be done by voluntary choice.

We have a locale-based education system; we have increasing economic segregation. We clearly need a larger federal program to try to help disadvantaged districts.

You have to build a culture of philanthropy. In a country like India, we need to be sensitive and caring about the poorer, more disadvantaged section of our country.

I'd like to think Helen very much understood what it was to be disadvantaged in the medical field. And that that was something that she never let dictate her choices.

Tragically, the White House Task Force on Disadvantaged Youth reported that one-quarter of our young people are at serious risk of not achieving productive adulthood.

The privileged have become more wealthy, while people from disadvantaged backgrounds have had their opportunities to get on and move up closed off. That's the Tory way.

Safety nets for the poor and disadvantaged are a must for any compassionate nation, but encouraging folks to go on the dole when not absolutely necessary is disgraceful.

A serious economic downturn will undermine women's rights on multiple levels. And it is the women who are already the most disadvantaged, that will be hit hardest of all.

Schools serving disadvantaged students need more time to help these students catch up and gain the core academic skills they will need to succeed in our economy and society.

I am a middle-class black, a college professor, far from wealthy, but also well removed from the kind of deprivation that would qualify my children for the label 'disadvantaged.'

Across the globe, disadvantaged children are not living up to their potential because if they attend school at all, the schools are usually not designed to meet their extra needs.

Our nation's attitudes toward trade have been shaped by the evolving struggle over who has been helped and who has been disadvantaged by trade policy as our economy has developed.

There are exceptional schools in many of our most disadvantaged neighborhoods throughout the Commonwealth. Proving they can get it done for kids, no matter what their circumstances.

Americans have carried the burden of our government's heavy-handed approach to environmental regulation for far too long - with rural and disadvantaged communities bearing the brunt.

We need to take back control of our political process. We know so much more about what Brexit will mean, and the health implications, especially for those who are already in a disadvantaged position.

Whenever we've seen the kids in the most disadvantaged context truly excel, always it's been in classrooms and in whole schools where there is a clear vision of where the kids have the potential to be.

The importance of this success of Wipro has become manifold more, because it's the success of Wipro that enables the possibility of making a difference to some of the most disadvantaged people in the world.

We've established a world that's binary gendered, and I don't want to be disadvantaged at all. If being male is going to be more advantageous than being female, I'm all about it. I don't really think it's that important.

Football inspires and excites people like nothing else on the planet, and what I love about Common Goal is that it channels this passion in a way that makes a real difference to disadvantaged communities around the world.

It is vital that teachers can be paid more without having to leave the classroom. This will be particularly important to schools in the most disadvantaged areas as it will empower them to attract and recruit the best teachers.

Our goal of poverty eradication and of inclusive growth that embraces the disadvantaged and marginalized sections of society can be achieved when our actions are guided by a social conscience and are not devoid of sensitivity.

If a voter initiative can deny gay people access to traditional representative, democratic processes, then in California, any other small, historically disadvantaged minority group can also be denied the right of representative.

Attacking school segregation requires all hands on deck. We in the charter sector must move beyond our traditional comfort zone, serving disadvantaged students, and meet the demands of parents who have other high quality options.

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