Pooja Bhatt is a very good director.

Krishna Vamsi is a very good director.

I think a good director is a good listener.

You either are a good director or you're not.

I depend on good editors and a good director.

I'm a great bum, and I'm a pretty good director.

When you have a good director, it's just wonderful.

A good director makes a playground and allows you to play.

The combo of a great story and good director works for me.

Matching character and actor is what a good director does.

When you have a good director, everything is taken care of.

Due to God's grace and a good director, I became successful.

Somebody who likes to do my plays is a good director for them.

When you get to work with a good director, an actor's job gets reduced to half.

I've seen what a difference a good director can make to an actor's performance.

When it's a good director, you can feel when they trust you when they cast you.

To be a good director, you have to have good life experience. I'm getting there.

A good director has to be a captain - he has to work with a lot of people every day.

A good director creates an environment, which gives the actor the encouragement to fly.

If you do well as an actor, a good director will pick up on it, and keep it in the film.

I've been directed by other actors, and being an actor doesn't make you a good director.

For me, it's important that the script is good. Then a good director will want to make it.

No director wants to be directed, but no good director... would shy away from the good ideas of others.

I think that it helps that I have acted. That said, it doesn't mean you're going to be a good director.

I'm just trying to find a good project. Work with a good director, someone I really admire. Find a good role.

I feel like a good director provokes you to ask questions about your character, but doesn't answer them for you.

I think comedy is very easy. Its all in the writing. If the writing is good and you have good director it is good.

A good director is not an expert in anything in particular. A good director just knows a little bit about everything.

I did a Norwegian film called 'Insomnia' that was remade and that was a good remake by a good director, so I'm honoured.

Any good director, and I've worked with a few that I would call very good, they know how to disarm any anxieties very quickly.

Very often, it's the director that I'm attracted to. If it's a really good director, I don't even have to read the script to say yes.

Whether it's t-shirt and jeans or full monster suit, I'm still an actor underneath it all, and a good director is going to know that.

I worked with Roger Moore on three episodes of 'The Saint.' He is a lovely man, a good director, and was my favourite actor to work with.

In order to be a good director, you also need to be a good entrepreneur because the director is in charge of everything and everyone on the sets.

I think what makes a good actor's director is the same thing that makes a good director. Acting is just one of the trades necessary to make a movie.

An actor is only a part of the film, not the whole, and very often, he is moulded by the director. That is why a good director can make so much difference to a film.

There are certainly better writers and directors than me, but I have worked very hard to earn credibility within the business as a quality writer and a good director.

I love Rob Zombie. Rob's just a dude, you know? He's an artist, but he's a regular guy, down to earth. And he's a damned good director, too, and a lot of fun to work with.

One thing which no one knows about me is I could be very good director. Although I have not directed any movie so far but I am sure the day I start it, I would be very good at it.

I think any performing artist can do films, or, as a matter of fact, anybody out there in the street can be a film actor with no experience whatsoever if you've got a good director.

A good director is like a good coach. You want to play for him. You want to really show him your good stuff. You don't want to let that person down. Ridley Scott is one of those guys.

If you're good at your job, you're good at your job regardless of being male, female, whatever. Either you're a good director or you're not, and there are plenty of bad male directors.

You never learn to act in front of a camera. You never learn anything in front of a camera. But you learn to act in a rehearsal room with a good play and a good cast and a good director.

A good project but a poor director will always make a mediocre film, but an average script and good director can make a good film, as he will put in everything to make the film look good.

I didn't know I was a good director, and I mean that sincerely. I had done a film a long time ago called 'Cold Around the Heart.' Nobody saw it, and it didn't turn out the way I wanted to.

A director is the captain of the ship; he gets the vision of the film much before anyone else can. While I want to experiment with characters, I know a good director means I am in safe hands.

A lot of directors don't know what they want to do. Every director I've seen that was a good director that I've admired knew exactly what he wanted to do. They didn't sit there and think about it.

I think a director is hugely responsible for the fate of a film, so if it does well, he should be appreciated. As an actor, I can only perform well or choose to work with a good director in a good film.

After all these years, I'm starting to learn what a good director does, and I know what a good one does with actors: help us navigate finer instincts, help us when we're wrong, encourage us when things are great.

And I think being a good director is being able to be completely tyrannical and you've got to be an absolute dictator while at the same time, you have to listen and see everything because it can all change on a dime.

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