I love feeling exhausted after a good, hard, honest day's work.

Actors love to do good work irrespective of country and borders.

I would love to work with Tim Burton. I think we would be very good together.

I love to work with producers who are very good with their chord progressions.

I'd love it if every company could give raises to the average worker for doing good work.

It doesn't matter what medium I perform, I just love to perform in general, if it's good work.

When you have such a love and passion for wrestling and you love to work, you want to get in with good workers.

I'm blessed to be able to work at something that I'm good at, and that I love. It's not something I take for granted.

I have a crazy work schedule, I don't eat good food, and I often work through nights, but I am just doing what I love.

I do notice that when I come in to meet casting people, they love that I'm Australian. Maybe it's our good work ethic.

I do want to be able to benefit from my work and make a good living, but I love it so much that I would do it for free.

I love writing dialogue - it's when I really lose myself in my work. I love reading it, too, when it's good and rings true.

Women with low self-esteem love bad boys. Women who have work to do love bad boys. Women who love themselves love good men.

I'm just looking for good work. I just really love acting, and I'd like to jump on something that's really exciting for me.

I love TV and film and will happily work there if it's good. But I want the ability to choose between things, to have options.

Aparshakti has his own journey, and as a sibling, I can only wish him good luck. I would also love to work with him as an actor.

I would love to work with Calvin Harris because I think he's a really good songwriter and producer and he does everything, which I like.

I am a workaholic. I am very restless, and I am always looking for good work. I don't act for the heck of it; I do it because I love it.

I love an actor who comes in, ready to work. It's like a good tennis player. They hit the ball where you don't expect it, and it's great.

All love stories rest on the leads, and if they work, the show works, and if they don't, the show won't work, no matter how good the writing is.

When you really work hard for something that you genuinely and truly love, and you don't want it to fail, it's a good feeling to see it do good.

I would really love to do the score for movies. Pick the music and work with composers. I don't know if I'd be any good at it, but I love music.

If the work is good, what does it matter? I'm doing it because I love it. Why not do as many things I love as I can? As long as the work is good.

If you love something - and there are things that I love - you do want more and more and more of it, but that's not the way to produce good work.

I love print fiction, but sometimes when I'm reading a good graphic novel or manga, I find myself envying those who work in an illustrated format.

I'd love to work in the States; I'd love to work anywhere where you get a good script and a good part to play. But I do love British film as well.

We have to rise above bad fortune. We have to be in the good and enjoy the good, study and work and adventure and friendship and community and love.

I think to downplay a woman's role in sports is not a good idea because a lot of women love sport, whether they watch it, report on it or work on a team.

How often do we make films just celebrating people that do a good job, work altruistically, and are in it just for the sake of the love and not the business?

It's no good singing if you just want to be a pop star; you've got to work at it and do it for the love for it, not because you think it will make you famous.

I love a mask. It's why I've got a thing about good writing. When you're acting, you're going into someone else's work. You're behind his words; it's not you.

I was a little, uh, incorrigible as a kid, so the kitchen was a good place to give me structure and balance. It taught me hard work, but then I grew to love it.

The good things about Chicago save me on a daily basis, like getting to work with my students, seeing a beautiful part of the city, or seeing the people that I love.

My parents wanted me to be a teacher. Because I could work most of the year and pursue the things that I love to do during the summer. It just seemed like a good plan.

There's a slew of actors that I'd love to work with. I'd love to work with Gary Oldman. He seems like not only a solid dude and a good man, but a pretty inspired actor.

I don't know what kind of career I want to forge for myself. But I want it to be one where I love the work that I've done. And I like to think that I have good instincts.

I feel like after acting, the other half of why I love this business is the opportunity to work with and meet people who inspire you. That it pays my rent is a good bonus.

I love Rob Zombie. Rob's just a dude, you know? He's an artist, but he's a regular guy, down to earth. And he's a damned good director, too, and a lot of fun to work with.

The Bible says that all things work together for the good of those who love the Lord and are called according to his purpose. I believe that. Because I've seen it all work.

I pile on the weight when I work. All that location catering's not good for the love handles. I lose a bit when I'm not working, but I love my food and the occasional snifter.

I have to be below 140 to really look good. I have to work my legs like crazy. Actually, do you want my real goal? My real goal's always too low. I love the way I look at, like, 128.

Personally, I really enjoy sci-fi. I watch it, I read comic books, and I play video games. I love this kind of world, so to be able to work in it is a dream. I enjoy it. It's all good.

It's amazing, the quality of good work that happened in the fifties when a series would have to turn out 30-some episodes a season - it's amazing that 'I Love Lucy' was as good as it was!

I love the ability to work with very good managers, and to provide the right incentives for them, and truly become a partner with that management, and make that management take a long view.

Sometimes when I get home after a long day, I'll turn on music - I love Latin, disco, and pop - and do my own workout, even if it's a short one. Know a good song to work out to? 'I Will Survive.'

I know you've heard it a thousand times before. But it's true - hard work pays off. If you want to be good, you have to practice, practice, practice. If you don't love something, then don't do it.

If you love something - and there are things that I love - you do want more and more and more of it, but that's not the way to produce good work. So as an author, I need to write what I need to write.

I would love to work with Shah Rukh Khan, Amitabh Bachchan, Aamir Khan, Salman Khan, Abishek Bachchan and a lot more... even Imran Khan, Hrithik Roshan and Ranbir Kapoor are damn good with their acting.

My parents, they gave me everything. They taught me how to work hard. They taught me how to be a good Catholic. They taught me how to love people, how to respect people, but how to stand my ground, as well.

I think that there is a tragic misfit at the core of me, and I've just done a lot of work on myself. I love a good self-help book; I've read a ton of them. I love self-help seminars and therapy and all that.

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