Radical simply means 'grasping things at the root.'

One can live in the shadow of an idea without grasping it.

In grasping at uncertainties we lost that which is certain.

Beware lest you lose the substance by grasping at the shadow.

I am more and more convinced that man is a dangerous creature.

Opportunity: A favorable occasion for grasping a disappointment.

Beware that you do not lose the substance by grasping at the shadow.

Reading is not walking on the words; it's grasping the soul of them.

Dishonesty is so grasping it would deceive God himself, were it possible.

Since the end of the Cold War, America has been grasping left and right for an identity.

Simply allow your thoughts and experiences to come and go, without ever grasping at them.

Difficulty attracts the characterful man, for it is by grasping it that he fulfils himself.

To lay hold of the mean without taking into account the occasion is like grasping one thing only.

Like many members of the uncultured, Cheez-It consuming public, I am not good at grasping modern art.

Nature gives all, without reservation, and loses nothing; man or woman, grasping all, loses everything.

Many troubled Midwestern towns are grasping for ways to fend off decline and, in some cases, extinction.

Seeing consists of the grasping of structural features rather than the indiscriminate recording of detail.

I'm grasping with how you do something on a large scale with multiple operations and not have quality decrease.

You can free yourself from aging by reinterpreting your body and by grasping the link between belief and biology.

The idea of having a narrative guiding the viewer through and grasping their attention is a really compelling thing.

We don't have control over many things. We're always grasping for it, but in reality, we don't have a lot of control.

If I am capable of grasping God objectively, I do not believe, but precisely because I cannot do this I must believe.

'Deadwood' proved that viewers are smarter in terms of grasping intricate dialogue than they had been given credit for.

Meet this transient world with neither grasping nor fear, trust the unfolding of life, and you will attain true serenity.

I had difficulty in grasping how music was made for films. It was a huge learning curve and the toughest phase of my life.

Holding on to anger is like grasping a hot coal with the intent of throwing it at someone else; you are the one who gets burned.

People want to protect their way of life, and when they think it's in danger they start grasping for more extreme-seeming alternatives.

If we seek to be loved - if we expect to be loved - this cannot be accomplished; we will be dependent and grasping not genuinely loving.

I think teams really want to see how you respond picking up and grasping things and if you can make changes and regurgitate that information.

We're always grasping to feel safe. Ultimately, some people feel safe through love or family or community. Some people through exerting control.

I find that you learn from others. It's very much about watching TV and watching movies for me and grasping that way and watching other people act.

I'm just grasping everything, getting as much knowledge as I can, and continuing to learn and not being afraid to take challenges and actually take action.

Mystery is a birthright of theology and faith, but you often do find religious people grasping for answers that shut things down and narrow what is possible.

For most people, the major hurdle in grasping modern insights into the nature of the universe is that these developments are usually phrased using mathematics.

I see many black males grasping for some thread of hope. There are so many destructive practices, glimpses into a psychic abyss. That must be very frightening.

We do each have an intellect but there's a universal intellect which is the same for everybody, as it were. And this single intellect is grasping the platonic forms.

I am more and more convinced that man is a dangerous creature and that power, whether vested in many or a few, is ever grasping, and like the grave, cries, 'Give, give.'

When people ask me where my roots are, I look down at my feet, and I see the roots of my soul grasping the earth. They are here... in the Southwest... I still live in New Mexico.

People are still grasping for the miracle, and unfortunately, there are no miracles, if you do not exercise for a year, and let your body remain dormant, then you will gain weight.

Pain is what I feed from when nothing else will nourish the noxious fury in my heart. It’s what I cling to when everything else—everyone else—slips right between my grasping fingers.

Wherefore the mere practical architect is not able to assign sufficient reasons for the forms he adopts; and the theoretic architect also fails, grasping the shadow instead of the substance.

The rhetoric of theory is always in a bind. It pronounces ideas and denounces failures to accept or grasp them while insisting that there are no grounds either for accepting or grasping ideas.

Endings are the toughest, harder than beginnings. They must satisfy the expectations you have hopefully generated in your reader - not frustrate them, leave the reader grasping at elusive strings.

Water is the softest of all things, yet it is the most powerful. The ocean patiently allows all things to flow into it. It is always flexible. The Tao is not about grasping, but allowing, like water.

It was my dream that I had clenched in a fist of discontent and wouldn't release. But time had now pried every finger open. There is peace in an open and upraised hand that isn't grasping for anything.

Grasping the realities of the Middle East is never easy. This is not primarily because they change quickly, but because so much time, effort, and money is spent to prevent reality from breaking through.

Memory depends very much on the perspicuity, regularity, and order of our thoughts. Many complain of the want of memory, when the defect is in the judgment; and others, by grasping at all, retain nothing.

I use zero photography. I have a photographic memory and a complete knowledge of anatomy and physiology, and an interest in grasping the moment of what is happening, not just the outside, but the inside out.

I felt invisible in my family, and I wanted to be significant like my brothers were significant. I wanted my parents to pay attention, so I went out into the world with that driving me, that grasping, that seeking validation.

I've put out a lot of stuff that just confused and alienated people: a huge chunk of songs that were verbal and musical challenges to myself, thoughts I was keeping myself busy with, nothing I had any intention of anybody grasping onto.

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