The walls, the bars, the guns and the guards can never encircle or hold down the idea of the people.

It was difficult being a conscientious objector in the 1940's, but I felt I had to stick to my guns.

I think America's obsession with guns and with violence in media and society is a horrible sickness.

If the government decides to become a tyrannical government, our guns are to protect us against that.

We have a saying in Guns N' Roses: 'When somebody's gonna get yelled at, they're gonna get the corn.'

Why is it that, as a culture, we are more comfortable seeing two men holding guns than holding hands?

I've never cared for guns. In fact, when I did 'Scent of a Woman' I had to learn how to assemble one.

I wish that there were more stringent laws to make guns sold anywhere that they're legal harder to get.

We prioritize access to guns to such a degree that we are traumatizing an entire generation of children.

The British government says that for Sinn Fein to be involved in talks the guns must be left at the door.

Honestly, it's alright that people are buying more guns. I just care that they are being safe individuals.

Guns are evil! And very little good comes from the availability of a bullet designed to kill human beings!

Negroes are in no mood to shoulder guns for democracy abroad while they are denied democracy here at home.

Guns go home with the soldiers, but landmines are designed to kill - mindlessly, out of control, for years.

I will continue to push for solutions to eliminate reliance on hired guns to provide security in war zones.

One of the issues that differentiates union members in Texas and the Northeast is guns. That's a big issue.

We take responsibility for being firearm owners. We take responsibility for whose hands those guns get into.

Ideas are more powerful than guns. We would not let our enemies have guns, why should we let them have ideas.

Queen and Bon Jovi, Aerosmith and Guns N' Roses - I had a huge rock-band mania. I play a little bit of drums.

Unless they're a fugitive or a felon, or adjudicated mentally ill, we're not against them buying guns at all.

In most Westerns, you know, people are shooting off guns all the time until you don't even notice it anymore.

Businesses - we protect our businesses with the guns, our banks, our money. We protect politicians with guns.

What Labor has said very clearly is that there should be up to life sentences for people who traffic in guns.

Bonanza' was never a violent show, yet it is set in an era when men wore guns and violence was a fact of life.

I'd love to do an action movie. Something with lots of stunts. Anything fast and dangerous and involving guns.

Was anybody else bothered by the sight of mine-resistant vehicles and guns pointed at unarmed men in Ferguson?

It was comical because you're at a firing range, all these people are so seriously shooting their little guns.

We cannot allow those with mental illness or record of hate or violence access guns and terrorize this country.

While I now own more guns than the 82nd Airborne, my first gun is still the most important gun I've ever owned.

I don't think Obama is trying to take our guns, and I don't think we have to fight the government to keep them.

I enjoy a character who sticks to her guns, who's always challenging herself. That's something I can relate to.

To declaim freedom verses seems like a poem within a poem; freedom requires guns, it requires arms, but no feet.

My job as attorney general has been, in regard to guns, to have oversight in regard to concealed-carry licenses.

About guns, about hunting, it's safe to say I know nothing. The last gun I fired was a musket at Boy Scout camp.

It bothers me when the Hollywood elite are all so against people having guns and want rigorous gun restrictions.

It doesn't matter if gun violence is down. We need to get guns and bullets and automatic weapons off the streets.

In our school you were searched for guns and knifes on the way in and if you didn't have any, they gave you some.

The Bar Association can do so much in teaching people how to resolve conflicts without knives and guns and fists.

The last time Congress seriously addressed the notion of creating a way to keep track of America's guns was 1968.

The first and most imperative necessity in war is money, for money means everything else - men, guns, ammunition.

I keep my guns on one part of the house totally locked up, and I keep the ammunition in another part of the house.

One the most efficient ways to combat gun violence is to prevent criminals from obtaining guns in the first place.

There are too many guns in the hands of people that shouldn't have guns. There is too much gun violence in America.

In my dreams I hear again the crash of guns, the rattle of musketry, the strange, mournful mutter of the battlefield.

I do believe that we should keep guns out of the hands of terrorists, would-be terrorists, and a lot of other people.

I've never done an action show, really. On 'Jericho,' other people got to ride horses and shoot guns, but I never did.

The last thing we need is efforts by some politicians and the NRA to arm educators and allow more guns in our schools.

Background checks applied universally and nationally would take millions of illegal guns off the streets of our cities.

Now what do you get in the Army? Bad helmets and Basra. Your guns don't work and everyone hates you when you come back.

Civilization is a youth with a molotov cocktail in his hand. Culture is the Soviet tank or L.A. cop that guns him down.

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