I'm lively and gay by nature.

Life is a lively process of becoming.

He's just rather more lively than most fossils.

Gratitude is a lively sense of benefits to come.

Experimentation is the key to 'lively up' the art.

Better a lively old epigram than a deadly new one.

It's apparent that I'm really eccentric and lively.

The most beautiful thing you can wear is confidence.

Meeting Ryan Reynolds was really cool, and Blake Lively.

Ideas are infinite, original, and lively divine thoughts.

My mom's Puerto Rican. That's why I'm so lively and colorful.

I believe in a lively disrespect for most forms of authority.

Vienna is a handsome, lively city, and pleases me exceedingly.

My god is a cheerful, pleasant, lively, and good-natured being.

I like the way I feel when I'm healthy; it makes me feel lively.

Live before you die, so that death is also a lively celebration.

A diverse and lively collection, the highest art of the interview.

Maybe in my 20s I was a little more lively. But I'm done with that.

Music doesn't have to be your livelihood to make your 'hood lively.

The most lively thought is still inferior to the dullest sensation.

I guess just a lively imagination is the best effort an actor can have.

I love '80s music, but in the dressing room, it tends to be more lively!

Something that I've always been. Always lively. I don't want to be dull.

Our machines are disturbingly lively, and we ourselves frighteningly inert.

She had a lively, playful disposition that delighted in anything ridiculous.

A good pun may be admitted among the smaller excellencies of lively conversation.

If you're quiet, you're not living. You've got to be noisy and colorful and lively.

A lively understandable spirit Once entertained you. It will come again. Be still. Wait.

If i'm not with somebody who really excites or inspires me, then I'd rather be by myself.

I am more convinced than ever that a lively two party system is essential to our democracy.

I cannot stand in one place and sing for three hours. By nature, I like to make things lively.

The most lively fancy aided by the strongest description cannot equal the reality of the opera.

A mind lively and at ease, can do with seeing nothing, and can see nothing that does not answer.

Constance Wu is so dedicated, Anna Kendrick is ridiculously funny, and Blake Lively is magnetic.

I have a very lively and colourful show. It's two hours of hits and the music speaks for itself.

Lively, too. Talky as a jaybird. With something smart to say on every subject: better than the radio.

The dinner table is a lively debate, and everybody weighs in in a different way. I like that, though.

We should play free football, defend lively with a passion, and have the best understanding in offence.

Whenever I am sent a new book on the lively arts, the first thing I do is look for myself in the index.

As Fallingwater demonstrates, Wright's genius was always specific, but also always lively, always daring.

A grave blockhead should always go about with a lively one - they show one another off to the best advantage.

'Granted' is about a lively young woman who does a fairy godmother a good turn and is given a wish as her reward.

It's easy to forget the ever-plodding eBay with all the noise made by the more lithe and lively Web 2.0 companies.

Blush is really fresh and young, really invigorating. I like it more than bronzer. I think it's just a bit more lively.

Look, there's no place and no point in public life, in any life, for a lot of the things Scott Lively says and believes.

Women desire six things: They want their husbands to be brave, wise, rich, generous, obedient to wife, and lively in bed.

I'm a huge Elizabeth Berg fan. Her novels are always charming, thoughtful, and filled with lively, three-dimensional characters.

Happiness is a matter of one's most ordinary and everyday mode of consciousness being busy and lively and unconcerned with self.

I know that there are many things I could do, but I'm not interested. It's more important to be loving and to have a lively mind.

After our first week of filming 'Deadpool 2,' Blake Lively got me a candle. It smells really good, and it said, 'To Firefist' on it.

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