I'm not posh, not in the slightest. My parents spent some money on my education, but I wasn't born to the purple.

I'm not posh, not in the slightest. My parents spent some money on my education, but I wasn't born to the purple.

He Who is wrapped in purple robes, With planets in His care, Had pity on the least of things Asleep upon a chair.

I'm a soldier who didn't know how nasty the battle was going to be, and now, I've got a purple heart and I'm back.

I grew up in the Bible Belt and I made my own clothes and dyed my hair purple. Nobody ever knew what to do with me.

The novel and the film of 'The Color Purple' are both works of the imagination that make claim to historical truth.

I think I had a lot of bad hair moments. In the early 80's just sometimes I wore purple lipstick or green lipstick.

My character was obnoxious, had stinky feet and wore things like purple tights and a yellow top. I hated the clothes.

Idiotically, it occurred to me that my pink underwear didn’t match my purple bra, as if boys even notice such things.

We want Iowa to remain red. We have worked so hard to get here. We will not be a purple state: we will be a red state.

There is no dignity in wickedness, whether in purple or rags; and hell is a democracy of devils, where all are equals.

Cable news wants you to believe that America is red versus blue. I would argue America is way more purple than it looks.

I see music in colours. I love music that's black, pink, purple or red - but I hate music that's green, yellow or brown.

I wouldn't have filmed The Color Purple if the book had been a big fat novel. The reason I read it is because it is thin.

To the general public in America, the lifespan of Deep Purple probably finished with our 1984 album, 'Perfect Strangers.'

Ah, yes! I wrote the "Purple Cow" - I'm sorry, now, I wrote it! But I can tell you anyhow, I'll kill you if you quote it!

God tells us not to judge one another, no matter what anyone's sexual preferences are or if they're black, brown or purple.

Long hours trail in their purple and long years are lost in just this moment while our souls are near, our mouths separate.

Purple is my favorite color. It makes me think of spring and summer. A purple dress, eating grapes, lilacs - I love purple.

The lands are lit with all the autumn blaze of golden-rod, and everywhere the purple asters nod and bend and wave and flit.

I came in with a completely new perspective. I would write songs and they would pick tunes they felt were in the Purple vein.

Those old ages are like the landscape that shows best in purple distance, all verdant and smooth, and bathed in mellow light.

That which makes you different is what makes you strong. Whether you're gay, straight, purple, orange, dinosaur; I don't care.

My hair is always going to be purple; that's kind of my thing. It doesn't matter what length I make it, as long as it's purple.

I think if you're president, color goes away completely: you're president and it doesn't matter if you're white, green or purple.

I will never, ever forget the electricity I felt the first time I listened to the 'Purple Rain' soundtrack - and many times since.

I think the greatest records we've ever heard, from Zeppelin to Purple to Sabbath to The Who, were all recorded in the studio live.

Avoid restaurants with names that are improbable descriptions, such as the Purple Goose, the Blue Kangaroo or the Quilted Orangutan.

Deep Purple is a damn good band and we've made a niche in rock 'n' roll history. Maybe not a huge one but enough to be very proud of.

I think 'The Color Purple' is so bursting with love, the need for connection, the showing of the need for connection around the globe.

It wasn't until I saw 'The Color Purple' on Broadway when I was 15 that I really solidified acting is what I want to do professionally.

Tis midnight now. The bend and broken moon, Batter'd and black, as from a thousand battles, Hangs silent on the purple walls of Heaven.

And o'er the hills, and far away Beyond their utmost purple rim, Beyond the night, across the day, Thro' all the world she follow'd him.

In Indiana, I wasn't anything special. But in New York, I've gone out with girls with purple hair who go out with me because I'm exotic!

Purple haze all in my eyes, don't know if it's day or night. You got me blowin', blowin' my mind. Is it tomorrow or just the end of time?

One marvel of a day he had walked so far that when he returned the moon was high and full and all the world was purple shadow and silver.

Early impressions are hard to eradicate from the mind. When once wool has been dyed purple, who can restore it to its previous whiteness?

We have a thousand hydrangea plants bordering the house, and they were all supposed to be pink, but a handful of them keep turning purple.

You should hear me on my own. It's horrendous.I saw Deep Purple live once and I paid money for it and I thought, Geez, this is ridiculous.

Steven Spielberg's 'The Color Purple' might as well have been about a bunch of dancing eggplants for all it has to say about black history.

The hand of Vengeance found the Bed To which the Purple Tyrant fled The iron hand crush'd the tyrant's head And became Tyrant in his stead.

' Shoes' is very pink and yellow, and maybe orange, very bright, whereas 'Midnight Moonlight' is purple and blue and - I don't know - gray.

When we first began and I was 14, my influences were the stuff that was in my parent's record collection like Deep Purple and Led Zeppelin.

'The Color Purple' is the kind of character piece that a director like Sidney Lumet could do brilliantly with one hand tied behind his back.

When I was a teenager in the '70s, I was really into those great bands like Led Zeppelin and Queen and Jethro Tull, Deep Purple, Alice Cooper.

The pigeon here is a beautiful bird, of a delicate bronze colour, tinged with pink about the neck, and the wings marked with green and purple.

I like to write with a lot of emotion and a lot of power. Sometimes I overdo it; sometimes my prose is a little bit too purple, and I know that.

When we go and cheer Cynthia Erivo on in 'The Color Purple,' it's because we've elected her to be our voice. She sings 'I'm Here' for all of us.

I like to write with a lot of emotion and a lot of power. Sometimes I overdo it; sometimes my prose is a little bit too purple, and I know that.

The theater community will always remain a big part of my life, and I hope to re-join the cast of 'The Color Purple' at some point down the road.

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