I ran into Isosceles. He had a great idea for a new triangle!

I ran the wrong kind of business, but I did it with integrity.

I left Guiding Light so many times, they ran out of champagne.

I ran a 100-mile marathon, and I was powered by coconut water.

I ran to my marriage, I was happily ready to take on marriage.

I ran for ninth grade class president. Came in a close second.

I'm glad that I ran track in high school. I think it paid off.

I started jogging, jogging and jogging. I ran this weight off.

My son has been a class clown and it sort of ran in the family.

In the press, it has been said that I ran a foreclosure machine.

Sabrina ran for seven years with a different director every week.

My father, Beric, ran a joinery business and owned two factories.

At RightNow, we employed gays, and we ran a complete meritocracy.

I don't mind foreigners. God save the queen!" he squeaked and ran.

And without fear the lawless roads Ran wrong through all the land.

Their lives ran in circles so small They thought they'd seen it all

I played football all my life throughout high school and ran track.

I was into sports and dancing. I ran track. I have a lot of stamina.

I was in my tighty-whities and I never woke up, and I ran over a mile.

I ran [for presidency] because I knew what trouble our country was in.

Donald Trump's being authentic to what he ran on and what got elected.

I ran straight through the boundaries a married couple should live by.

I always felt free when I ran. I suppose that's what was good about it.

I never imagined myself doing this. Doors opened for me and I ran for it.

From the ages of 18 to 50 I ran, rowed and lifted weights at my home gym.

I played small forward on the basketball team. I also ran the 300 hurdles.

I started FUBU in 1989 but ran out of money three times and closed it down.

I had a crisis of confidence and ran away from being a standup for a while.

In 1990 we ran across Europe through 13 countries and covering 7,130 miles.

In Atlanta, we ran a motion offense, so, obviously, I was on the move a lot.

NEOWISE needed a cryogen coolant to keep its sensors cool, and that ran out.

Carrot Top... I gave him advice once and he ran with it. He should thank me.

I was walking down the street wearing glasses when the prescription ran out.

I ran a high-tempo offense in college. You don't really get caught up in it.

I think the mythology of death really ran away with me when I was very young.

When I ran for Congress I promised to help make health care affordable again.

I ran back punt returns and kickoff returns, and I played a pretty good game.

But I knew if I ran I'd never be able to sing, so I had to take my punishment.

The same way I run now, I swear, is the same way I ran when I was 6 years old.

I ran away from my house when I was about 12 years old to audition for a film.

I was captain of the volleyball team and the basketball team, and I ran track.

My parents were entrepreneurs. They ran a small ad agency in upstate New York.

I come from a long line of people that write. My folks ran a weekly newspaper.

I ran five miles today. Then, finally, I said, 'Here, lady... take your purse.'

I knew how it was with drunks. They ran out of generosity, even for themselves.

You can't test courage cautiously, so I ran hard and waved my arms hard, happy.

I never needed anyone when I became an actress. I ran off to England on my own.

By all accounts, the senate race I ran in was a quality race in the wrong year.

I had a really bad running posture: like, I ran, literally, dropping on my face.

I ran my first marathon in Florida in 1985. I had never run more than nine miles.

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