In Christ, it's never too late, you're never too old... it's never "too anything" for Him to work positive change in your life.

But it's far too late for us; ring, hair, letters, photographs - all traces of our love will be scattered then, like an anagram.

I hate myself seconds after I've gotten angry but it's too late by then. I start defending my actions after that. It's shameful.

At the beginning of the cask and the end take thy fill but be saving in the middle; for at the bottom the savings comes too late. the end you are the only one who can make yourself happy. More important, is never too late to find out how to do it.

Most gods throw dice, but Fate plays chess, and you don't find out til too late that he's been playing with two queens all along.

I've already got my rent paid, and it's too late in my life for me to go around talking up stuff that I don't like or believe in.

God alone knows how great it is. All I hope is that it is not too late. I am very much afraid that it is. We can only do our best.

Diogenes said once to a person who was showing him a dial, "It is a very useful thing to save a man from being too late for supper.

We never know which lives we influence, or when, or why. Not until the future eats the present, anyway. We know when it's too late.

If you don't try to fly and so break yourself apart, you will be broken open by death, when it's too late for all you could become.

Error is better than apathy. Error can be corrected in time to change the outcome. Apathy is seldom corrected until it is too late.

It's risky in a marriage for a man to come home too late, but it can sometimes pose an even greater risk if he comes home too early.

It's more like I was daydreaming when the Supreme Being told me what I should do with my life, and it's too late to ask what it was.

Politicians get their power too late, and I think that he has inherited an impossible situation in which he is ill-equipped to deal.

Each new generation born is in effect an invasion of civilization by little barbarians, who must be civilized before it is too late.

There is such a thing as being too late. This is no time for apathy or complacency. This is a time for vigorous and positive action.

I wonder if things can happen too early or too late or if everything happens at exactly the right time. If so, how sad and beautiful.

No one could reach Amy Winehouse before it was too late. Can anyone reach Washington before it's too late? Both addicted - same fate?

You can certainly make the case that we're devolving, that it may already be too late to save the rain forests, let alone the planet.

If you sit around and wring your hands as they're all doing now until something happens to a major American city, then it is too late.

I grew up with the concept of freedom of speech. So I'm too old, it's too late for me to adjust to the new world, the new world order.

I see ghosts everywhere, and that is partially a function of my being incredibly near-sighted and reading way too late into the night.

I was born too late and missed the dream of empire. Its shadow, the Commonwealth, coincides with my life but rarely connected with it.

Wild men who caught and sang the sun in flight, And learn, too late, they grieved it on its way, Do not go gentle into that good night.

I knew I was too late—and I was glad something bloodthirsty waited in the wings. For in failing at this, I forfeited any desire to live.

The Bible says today is the accepted time, today is the day of salvation... But there will come a time when it will be too late for you.

The ultimate not knowledge, but action. To be half right on time may be more important than to obtain the whole truth too late.

Scientists have been warning about global warming for decades. It's too late to stop it now, but we can lessen its severity and impacts.

Time is a factor in all action. An imperfect scheme put into action at the proper time is better than a perfect one accomplished too late.

Our world needs to move from managing crises to preventing them in the first place. Too often, the world responds too late and too little.

But at this place, at this moment of time, all mankind is us, whether we like it or not. Let us make the most of it, before it is too late!

'The Duffler' is a very familiar story, a story about someone having something and not appreciating it until it's gone, when it's too late.

I have a motto: it's never too late to give up. It's never too late to give up what you are doing, and start doing what you realise you love.

I never knew where I was going, but I ripped the tits off of everything that got in my way. By the time they figured me out, it was too late.

Oh no, hon we were too late. Tiger-boy done pissed down the wrong honey tree and got all the bees, or in this case, bears, going wild. (Fury)

The time to worrying about flying is when you're on the ground. When you're up in the air, it's too late. No point in worrying about it then.

Too late came I to love you, O Beauty both so ancient and so new! Too late came I to love you - and behold you were with me all the time . . .

When lovely woman stoops to folly, and finds too late that men betray, what charm can soothe her melancholy, what art can wash her guilt away?

Life is very fragile and you never know when it is over. Only one instance and then it might be too late to accept Gods offer for forgiveness.

During the work, you have to be sure that you haven't left any holes, that you've captured everything, because afterwards it will be too late.

Everything harmonizes with me, which is harmonious to thee, o Universe. Nothing for me is too early or too late, which is in due time for thee.

Often when we realize how precious those seconds are, it's too late for them to be captured because the moment has passed. We realize too late.

Right and wrong can be like bloody snakes: so tangled up that you can't tell which is which until you've shot 'em both, and then it's too late.

We are 25 years too late. If the object is to avoid dangerous change, we've already had it. The object now is to avoid really dangerous change.

Most people die of a sort of creeping common sense, and discover when it is too late that the only things one never regrets are one's mistakes.

No. I just don't want to be a detective. They figure out what happened after the fact, when it's too late. I want to prevent it from happening.

There's not enough awareness about healthcare and people don't realize the importance of getting a timely health check-up until it is too late.

I shattered that memory by going back there. Without realizing it until it was too late, I replaced that memory with the emptiness of that day.

Running a boat isn't that hard. Just takes doing. Most or all women I ever knew were discouraged from running boats, but it was too late with me.

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