I love a waffle fry.

Why can't I just eat my waffle?

I've waffled before. I'll waffle again.

Who doesn't like a nice Belgian waffle?

A waffle is like a pancake with a syrup trap.

I'm a love-it-or-hate-it person. I don't waffle.

I love a waffle but adding the sweet nutty flavour of the butternut squash makes the waffles so much more flavoursome.

'Shotgun's one of the first songs I ever wrote. It's about a couple I met at Waffle House, an all night diner I used to hang at before I could go to bars.

As glamorous as WWE may seem, you're probably eating at a Waffle House at 1 in the morning, and you're probably going to see the Ring of Honor guys there, too.

Waffle House is my childhood thing. We used to go there on Sundays or weekends every now and then with my family. It's just good, Southern, home-cooked food, and that's what I love.

A college experience is something everyone should have. Going to Waffle House late at night. Or the gym at midnight, until the wee hours of the morning. Just being kids. Hanging out.

When writing, I split my time between my chambers and my satellite office: my neighborhood Chick-fil-A. It offers the word-nerd trifecta: I bring Bose headphones; they provide Wi-Fi and waffle fries.

Shawn Spears, he is a scumbag. He decided, after years of friendship with one of the greatest men to ever live Cody Rhodes, to waffle him with a chair. No one should be laying a finger on that man, he is a saint.

I always thought Magic Kingdom was supposed to be the happiest place on Earth - where everything smells like waffle cones and cotton candy - but when I first went to Diagon Alley, I knew that was where I belonged.

You know how sports teach kids teamwork and how to be strong and brave and confident? Improv was my sport. I learned how to not waffle and how to hold a conversation, how to take risks and actually be excited to fail.

My junior year, I went to an LSAT-prep course. I flipped over my test and thought, 'You bastards.' I walked out and went to Waffle House. That's where I had what I call 'The Waffle House Epiphany': I didn't want to be a lawyer. I wanted to make a dent in the universe.

I love taking the salads I get from those crazy organic delivery places and putting them on a plate and then roasting my own lamb to put on top. I balance it well. And listen, if I'm not eating Waffle House and Taco Bell and Jack in the Box, anything will make me lose weight.

I always make sure to eat a healthy breakfast because it's the first meal you eat that fuels your body for the rest of the day. Plus, breakfast is the perfect time to get away with eating carbs because they'll be burned off before the day is done, so every now and then I splurge on a Belgian waffle - my favorite!

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