Good work, like good talk or any other form of worthwhile human relationship, depends upon being able to assume an extended shared world.

To assume that His plan fails and that he strives to no effect is to reduce Him to the level of His creatures and make Him no God at all.

Most people seem to assume that this dramatic surge in imprisonment was due to a corresponding surge in crime, particularly violent crime.

Since there is absolutely no logical reason to assume there is an afterlife, I decided to make the life I have now as much fun as possible.

And what more could I possibly ask as an artist than that your most precious visions, however rare, assume sometimes the forms of my images.

There's always a latent or inferred image in my writing. And I can almost always assume if I do a drawing that it will eventually have text.

But let's not assume that trade is the only challenge we have in the economy. I think it is a part of it, and I've said what I'm going to do.

Once people write criticism about something - and even in 1967 I was far from alone - they're assuming it's art, and art is supposed to last.

Assuming China does not become destabilized and continues to grow, it will no doubt develop a military program in proportion to its resources.

I really don't have a lot in common with the people who attend the Comic Con. It's like assuming that all people who write prose are the same.

Each time we consider a miracle impossible, or assume that we ourselves are not capable of working it, then we're choosing not to take flight.

Nowadays, most women just assume they have a right to be in the workplace, and any kind of discrimination they suffer is sort of more creeping.

The fear that the universe is not what you assume it to be is very basic, especially when you know damn well it isn't what you assume it to be.

It's hard to write an Evan Hunter novel because I really am starting from scratch. I'm assuming a new voice each time. The McBain voice is set.

I've been amazed at how often those outside the discipline of design assume that what designers do is decoration. Good design is problem solving.

To assume all the powers is not good for anybody. Power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely. All those experiments have a bad ending.

We mistakenly assume that if our partners love us they will react and behave in certain ways - the ways we react and behave when we love someone.

I am assuming the post of the president in order to preserve and strengthen Ukraine's unity, ensure lasting peace, and guarantee reliable safety.

If you are to be, you must begin by assuming responsibility. You alone are responsible for every moment of your life, for every one of your acts.

Government is in reality established by the few; and these few assume the consent of all the rest, without any such consent being actually given.

I still feel threatened by academics, but my books have a lot of academic in-jokes and everybody assumes I went to university and studied English.

I think a lot of fans immediately go, 'ugggh' when they hear that someone is doing a prequel or a remake, they sort of assume the worst sometimes.

The Purusha should assume at all times the attitude of a giver of sanction while rejecting the lower movements and accepting only truth-movements.

Whatever anybody says or does, assume positive intent. You will be amazed at how your whole approach to a person or problem becomes very different.

Odd how it was so easy for a stranger to assume such familiarity. Especially when those who were supposed to know you best often didn't, not at all.

No one has the right to not assume that the business cycle will turn! Every five years or so, you have got to assume that something bad will happen.

We may assume the superiority ceteris paribus of the demonstration which derives from fewer postulates or hypotheses - in short, from fewer premises.

I guess libertarianism is always considered so weird and fringe that people assume that you're in the closet if you don't go around talking about it.

No-one knows what I do in my private, spare time, so I don't see why anyone would assume I'm celibate or somehow turning into a Garboesque character.

We Americans are tempted to distinguish ourselves from other current and former inhabitants of this planet by assuming that we are ruled by progress.

Why do people who are good at families have to be smug and assume it is the only way to live. … Why can’t they be blamed for being bad at promiscuity?

I am ready to serve the people of Afghanistan, particularly in order to restore peace. I will be ready to assume any duty at the service of my people.

The patronage state is an arrogant state. It assumes it can spend your money better than you do. Yet it expects you to work for it in the first place.

[We] assume that social progress is like technological progress: one cannot uninvent the internal combustion engine, so how could one uninvent liberty?

Let us face it: 'deep down' nobody in his right mind can visualize his own existence without assuming that he has always lived and will live hereafter.

Assuming that his talent can survive the increasing strain, there is one scarcely avoidable danger that lies ahead of the pupil on his road to mastery.

How it chanced that a man who reasoned on his premises so ably, should assume his premises so foolishly, is one of the great mysteries of human nature.

I would assume that you were going to offer me refreshment, but the evidence so far suggests that that would be optimistic to the point of foolishness.

The fact that educated white women automatically assume that we have similar backgrounds annoys me. We don't. I feel like I'm in a certain kind of drag.

I have come to regard with some suspicion those who claim that the Bible never troubles them. I can only assume this means they haven’t actually read it.

No,' the professor replied. 'Her Majesty s alive and well - at least I assume so if she hasn't met a certain van driver from Yeovil.' ~Professor Hamilton

As you make a prototype, assume you are right and everyone else is wrong. When you share your prototype, assume you are wrong and everyone else is right.

Our partner's sexuality does not belong to us. It isn't just for and about us, and we should not assume that it rightfully falls within our jurisdiction.

I never cease to wonder at the amazing presumption of much of white society, assuming that they have the right to bargain with the Negro for his freedom.

Assuming, as you grow older, that you're the guardian of the world's wisdom, even if you haven't necessarily lived enough to know what's right and wrong.

How ballsy it was to just assume you know, with one glance, the things another person could live without. As if it was the same for everyone, that simple.

Nothing, however, can be more arrogant, though nothing is commoner than to assume that of Gods there is only one, and of religions none but the speaker’s.

New technologies make it possible for even the mass marketer to assume the role of a small proprietor, doing business again wit individuals, one at a time.

It is something I would like to do, to be a manager, but that's not assuming I will be. It's something that I can strive towards and see where it takes us.

This assumes an upward revision of the European Budget, which is precisely what Jacques Chirac refuses to do. On the contrary, he has demanded a reduction.

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