We see ourselves as being people who want to take India to the world; we see ourselves as being aggressive, assuming risk.

I always assume that democracy is the only good form of government, quite frankly, and democracy is always to be preferred

Those who refuse to reform may not make mistakes, but they will be blamed for not assuming their historical responsibility.

Regarding the creative: never assume you're the master, only the student. Your audience will determine if you're masterful.

The worst mistake you can make is underrating your enemy. Assuming that they're evil - I think it's a terrible thing to do.

One of the great problems with Americans is that - being a decent people - they assume that everyone else is equally decent.

When you first hear the name 'Max Irons,' you'd be forgiven for assuming that Marvel comics has come up with a new superhero.

The prevailing wisdom is that markets are always right. I take the opposite position. I assume that markets are always wrong.

To mistake Midland for the volk heartland is the West Texas equivalent of assuming that Greenwich, Connecticut, is Levittown.

Being a grownup means assuming responsibility for yourself, for your children, and - here's the big curve - for your parents.

I assume then, that you have no real faith in the fondness any of the rest of us may feel for you?''None,' said Mrs. Halloran.

I don't like watching things where I think the people onscreen are ahead of me or assuming I know something that I don't know.

Some of us say, "Lord knows how much I can bear". I think you can assume that you can bear more than you have a right to bear.

Intolerance is the most socially acceptable form of egotism, for it permits us to assume superiority without personal boasting.

With children who have never said a word, parents tend to assume, for better or for worse, that there isn't any language there.

We assume that good-looking people are smarter and more effective than they really are, and that homely people are the reverse.

Assuming there is an intellect, we're clearly not this universal intellect or we would know it. So that's one function of soul.

I can't stand callow amateurs who aren't sufficiently interested in the craft of advertising to assume the posture of students.

...it is time [for Islam] to assume, along with all of the great cultural traditions, the modern risks of scientific knowledge.

I beg you, reject antiquity, tradition, faith, and authority! Let us begin anew by doubting everything we assume has been proven!

Once imbued with the idea of a mission, a great nation easily assumes that it has the means as well as the duty to do God's work.

Every writer hopes or boldly assumes that his life is in some sense exemplary, that the particular will turn out to be universal.

A lot of times you see really good-looking guys on TV and you sort of assume that maybe there's some sort of vacuity behind them.

I can't see what's wrong about assuming intelligence in your audience and what's bad news about being rewarded for assuming that.

We like to assume that language is a purely human property, our exclusive possession, and that everything else is basically mute.

We assume that our race simply deserves heaven; that God owes heaven to us unless we do something really bad to warrant otherwise.

Instead of assuming that emotional intelligence is always useful, we need to think more carefully about where and when it matters.

You can't make a movie for everybody. You can't go into it trying to alienate people, but you have to assume that you're going to.

If this is the only life, then everything assumes too great an importance. We have to get everything out of life and we overdo it.

I love to make a mistake. It is my only assurance that I cannot reasonably be expected to assume the responsibility of omniscience.

I'm not going to assume liberals are stupid, as they do with conservatives. No, I'll attribute it instead to more fraud and deceit.

Don't assume your child is weak. If you, the parent, assume that they can't take anymore, what kind of signal are you sending them?

Intention implies assuming you can and have every right to achieve your ambition and that you are powerful enough to make it happen.

Instead of just looking back, whiplash-style, I can assume there's something else coming. Time just folds over itself, like origami.

The economic disasters of socialism and communism come from assuming a blanket superiority of those who want to run a whole economy.

The quality of artistry is the capacity to assume innocence at will, the quality of experiencing innocence as if for the first time.

We arrogantly assume that the nervous system doesn't really need to be coaxed into romance. That romance comes from some other place.

Maybe this is the point: to embrace the core sadness of life without toppling headlong into it, or assuming it will define your days.

You would assume that a filmmaker should know how to edit, but pretty much every filmmaker I've worked with doesn't know how to edit.

We all have to let go of the Prince Charming complex and realize he doesn't necessarily exist in the package we assume he'll come in.

Nobility is often no more than the inner aspect which our egotistical feelings assume when we have not yet named and classified them.

A society must assume that it is stable, but the artist must know, and he must let us know, that there is nothing stable under heaven.

Who can in reason then or right assume monarchy over such as live by right his equals, if in power or splendor less, in freedom equal?

You should never assume anything coming from a critical standpoint. You should go into everything assuming you're going to get crushed.

Assume that everybody can see what you are doing and then live your life that way - you will find that generally you are treated right.

Heroism is about taking an action which represents a breakthrough, and then assuming full responsiblity for it, even if it's a failure.

You can't just look at someone and guess their sexuality. There's no point in assuming that every gay man has just one personality type.

Only humans are judgmental, and because you are, you assume that I must be. Yet I am not, and that is the great truth you cannot accept.

Curiously enough, it is often the people who refuse to assume any responsibility who are apt to be the sharpest critics of those who do.

Doing a good play on the stage is like eating a good meal at home - assuming your wife is a great cook or that she's hired a great cook.

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