I was raised to work for my father when I was four.

God is our father, but even more is God our mother.

I think naturally my orientation is from my father.

My father's wit, and my mother's tongue, assist me!

Whoever is king, is also the father of his country.

My father was assassinated by an FBI-CIA connection

My father wouldn't let me take typing in childhood.

Old as he was, he still missed his daddy sometimes.

My father was in the military, so I was in Okinawa.

My father is a very theatrical and dramatic person.

A father's holy life is a rich legacy for his sons.

Boys are like drugs,' her father said, 'just say no.

My dad is a motorcycle guy, not some Hollywood dude.

I'm in constant inner dialogue with my father still.

Time is the father of truth, its mother is our mind.

Every father who ever lived has a dream for his son.

Farewell, my children, forever. I go to your Father.

I think I'm a father, but a father of three kids! :)

Fathers should start teaching the boys how to punch.

It's a father's duty to give his sons a fine chance.

Most people marry their mother. I married my father.

I was born to an Arab father and I was born Islamic.

My mom and my father's birthday are on the same day.

I'm a better husband and father than I was a killer.

The patriot blood of my father was warm in my veins.

To me my father is my hero, my mountain and my drive.

You're not a man until your father says you're a man.

No love is greater than that of a father for His son.

If the father is not straight naider will be the son.

It's natural that anyone is compared to their father.

At bottom God is nothing more than an exalted father.

What people referred me as is the Father of Manitoba.

I've been accused of trying too hard to rescue people

Magnify the father, why bother with something lesser?

The mother-daughter relationship is the most complex.

My father contracted polio on a troop train in Korea.

I've been estranged from my father since I was eight.

A father is the template of a man Nature gives a girl

My father used to wear the same pants for like a week.

My husband is the most brilliant father on the planet.

On Father's Day, we again wish you all happy birthday.

The figure of my father looms large in my imagination.

My daddy, he was somewhere between God and John Wayne.

Victory has 1,000 fathers; defeat has 1,000 kibitzers.

Male athletes don't get dropped when they father kids.

I'm not a truthiness fanatic, I'm truthiness's father.

My mother converted to Catholicism to marry my father.

My father was always so mingled with rage at his life.

My father was a Methodist and my mother was a Baptist.

My father's sister never married in order to raise me.

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