'400 Blows' was so much like my own childhood, it really stunned me.

I saw Sridevi in 'Himmatwala' and I was stunned by her screen presence.

I'm glad a genre writer has got a knighthood, but stunned that it was me.

I'm stunned that people keep asking me to play characters I didn't expect to play.

People are stunned to hear that one company has data files on 185 million Americans.

I am personally saddened and stunned by the tragic events that took place in Red Lake.

We're stunned by the diversity of rocks. This stuff looks like it was put into a blender.

Faulkner was the first novelist I read with pen and paper in hand because his technique stunned me.

I was so beautiful but I didn't realise it for years. I saw pictures of myself and even I was stunned.

I'm kind of stunned by hip-hop and R&B's embrace of what is essentially early-to-mid-Nineties Euro pop.

I was stunned to find out there had never been a serious, scholarly biography ever written on Rosa Parks.

In the Marines, I was stunned, absolutely stunned, at everything around me, at what the world looked like.

I was stunned to see that he looked stunned himself, which was an exorbitant display of emotion for Barrons.

There has to be the right pacing of images to tell the story. I'm always stunned at how little you can put in.

I have a picture of myself in my mind as I walk around every day, until I look in the mirror-and then I'm stunned.

I'm always stunned when I find out people like Roosevelt and Tolstoy weren't Jewish. How could I love them so much?

I am often stunned and charmed by the simple brilliance of what children say. But you have to be willing to listen.

A girl came up to me in a bar and said she wanted to be my apple pie. I wish I'd said something cool, but I was stunned.

I kind of always think my work is unfilmable, and when I meet people who are interested in filming it, I'm always stunned.

I was actually really stunned that my label suggested 'Door' as the single to lead with, as it's such a long and winding song.

No matter how inured you get to atrocities, you're still always stunned and shocked by how cruel and wasteful Homo sapiens can be.

I want my audience to be constantly captivated, bewitched, so that it leaves the theatre dazed, stunned to be back on the pavement.

I love Elizabeth Hurley. I have met her on a few occasions and was stunned by her beauty and her attitude. Very cool and easy going.

I am absolutely stunned how the Democrats were able to somehow say that the Republicans had a war on women... What was the war on women?

I wasn't really sure about the kind of films I wanted to be a part of. That's when I saw 'Aaranya Kaandam.' I was stunned; it was such a stylish film.

And at five o'clock in the morning we left to drive to Old Tucson, and I sat with my mouth open in the van. I was stunned by the beauty of that country.

I am both stunned and appalled that Pat Robertson would claim to know the mind of God concerning whether particular events... were the judgments of God.

When North Koreans cross the border into China, they are stunned to learn that the Chinese can afford to eat rice daily, sometimes for three meals daily.

I'm stunned at some of the stuff Johnny Miller comes out with sometimes. He is very harsh and frankly I find some of the stuff he sees very disrespectful.

There are very few topics where I can imagine that you might not find humor. And I was stunned at how much weird and dark humor there was when my mom died.

I think the actions of the president are, in my opinion, the most vile and hateful words ever spoken by a sitting president. I am stunned and I'm horrified.

Winning the BBC Music Sound Of 2016 poll has left me feeling pretty stunned at the end of one of the most emotionally and physically intense years of my life.

Most citizens viewing the tape of Rodney G. King being beaten by police officers were stunned and uncomprehending. Most citizens, that is, but the urban poor.

I was stunned to learn that more than 200,000 abandoned, neglected, or orphaned children had been sent from the East Coast to the Midwest on trains between 1854 and 1929.

I'm often stunned when I come up over Mulholland, and I'm looking down at the Valley, and I can see for thirty miles; I can see the mountains, or all the way to the ocean.

The bereaved are often treated badly. There is no statutory paid bereavement leave, with the emotionally stunned often compelled to work within days of losing a loved one.

I was just stunned when I came to America. I didn't know anything about rock music or football, and I felt very out of it... America was like a foreign country to me at first.

Most people are really stunned to find out that the technology has been around for more than 100 years, and that the diesel engine was in fact invented to run on vegetable oil.

Donald Trump has stunned the political world by building an unlikely coalition that crosses all demographic boundaries of age, sex, race, religion and social classes, and all party lines.

There have been some terrible winters in Chicago, where it feels like I'm literally being punched in the face, and everyone walks around looking stunned like they've just witnessed a murder.

When I finally learned to let go of having to totally control everything around me and let my life unfold, I was stunned by the results. How could I have ever thought I could outsmart the Universe?

I'd heard a lot of Asian people were rooting for me, but I had no idea. I was stunned. They were... impassioned, especially compared to Japan. I couldn't even have anticipated that kind of welcome.

I had a gig in Sweden. There were thousands of people there, and when I launched into 'I'm Yours,' they were all singing along. It was as if I was singing the Swedish national anthem. I was stunned.

I saw 'Annie Hall' with a group of people working in comedy and television. We were all stunned. Stunned. It was like watching a spaceship land. That something that funny could also be that beautiful.

When Trump started belittling him, Jeb reverted to Bush form. He couldn't understand how anyone could question his noble pursuit of public service. In the face of Trump's attacks, he looked hurt and stunned.

If somebody says, 'That's Elon's mum,' which happens quite a bit, they are usually stunned; sometimes they cry. I'm flattered because, I mean, to them, he's saving the world. They just feel he's the only hope.

Every night we all felt grateful to be there, stunned at the amount of people that are there, and stunned at their reactions. They go crazy; they know every lyric from eight years of age to eighty. It's unbelievable.

I thought it was quintessentially American - very hip, very late-'60s. I was absolutely stunned when a German production company asked me if I could do a 'Sesame Street' in Germany. It was absolutely the happiest surprise.

Even with all of the things that are so awful, if you walk into your yard and stay there looking at almost anything for five minutes, you will be stunned by how marvelous life is and how incredibly lucky we are to have it.

I was counsel on the full veterans committee, the first Vietnam veteran to serve as a full-committee counsel in Congress. It stunned me that there was a 600,000-case backlog of claims. During my time in the Senate, it became 900,000.

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