In my career, I've always felt like all great things came at once, and when something goes bad, it always seems that everything else seems to start going bad.

When we decide to embark in the service of God, great things begin to happen in our life and the lives of people around us. We learn of Him. We come unto Him.

One of the great things about the 'Arrow' crew is that no one is settling for what they did yesterday. They're always thinking about what they can do tomorrow.

No, one of the great things about my three-year deal is that it's year-round. They've offered me an opportunity to cover a lot of things in the offseason, too.

One of the great things about us Jews is that we tell the best jokes. Part of the reason is we tell jokes against ourselves - before anyone else gets to do it.

Fortunately for me I was able to do well here, and it really did great things for my career and now hopefully I can go out there and continue to do what I did.

If we are busy in a hundred good things - even great things, gospel things, glorious things - but don't sit at the feet of Jesus, we are busy in the wrong ways.

I'm a bit of a romantic, to a fault. It's led me to some great things and also some sad things. It's made me a better person, to keep a good spirit about dating.

Even during my career, when I read all those great things about me, it's almost like I was reading about someone else. It's almost like there was another person.

Leaders are focused on using their vision and courage to do great things. This means challenging the way things are done and then sharing the journey with others.

One place I haven't made it to - mainly because it's so far away - is Australia, so I'd love to go there. I've heard great things about Australia and New Zealand.

When I was out in Portland there was a lot of really great things about it. But being home, I'm a New Yorker, and I think I've really enjoyed being back out here.

There are so many great things about this business. Almost everybody is on the same team. It is all for one-friendly competitiveness. No one is out to hurt anyone.

I've just come to try to see the positive in everything. Despite people saying 'The Room' is the worst movie or whatever, it's brought about a lot of great things.

One of the great things about being in a band is that you meet so many other musicians who will turn you on to stuff you would never have otherwise found out about.

One of the great things going on in Chicago is the educational facilities here. And the largest film school in the world is right here in Chicago: Columbia College.

I've experienced great things, I've experienced great tragedies. I've done almost everything I could possibly ever imagine doing, but I just know that there's more.

When Congress puts party labels aside, like we did on VA reform, we can accomplish some great things for the American people. But those occasions were far too rare.

One of the great things about making 'Reel History' was meeting British people from all over the class system. It made me realise that London is a different country.

I've tried to say that I admire and respect Sen. Obama. He has accomplished great things, and he has motivated people, and so - and he loves his country, just as I do.

Throughout his life, Ronald Reagan believed America is capable of great things and its people could and would lead the way if left unburdened by taxation and regulation.

A lot of great things are going on. In many ways, the past 30 years have been the best in world history. But we can do much better. I prefer the word hope over optimism.

One of the great things about Churchill is that he had the guts to say the unpalatable, to level with the people, even if it cost him politically to tell them the truth.

My hope is to become a top player here at Arsenal. A lot of great players have played here. I want to become part of the club's history and to achieve great things here.

One of the great things about Lanai is that the weather is always fabulous. Always 82 degrees and sunny. The problem is that, like California now, Lanai needs more water.

One of the great things about playing a fallible superhero, one who doesn't necessarily have superpowers, is that the stakes are raised by the prospect of them perishing.

In my opinion, Armani, better than any other designer, does great things for the female form. And a pair of Levis does great things for the male physique. Not that I look.

The people I've known who've done great things of that type - you know, building hospitals, running schools - are very humble people. They give their lives to the project.

I think one of the great things about 'Bridesmaids' is that it's a big studio comedy, but all of the relationships in it are so grounded that you're watching a real movie.

I grew up in a show-business family, but we were working-class show business. There was nothing glamorous about it. You had great things one day and the next day, nothing.

I call it predicament humor. You don't do anything that cuts the star off at the knees or worse. You make him intelligent; you give him great ideas and great things to do.

A lot of people think, and Microsoft is happy to let them think, that all great things are invented by Microsoft. In fact, very, very little has been invented by Microsoft.

There are millions of people, refugees, who have experienced the same conflicts and struggles I did. They have the same potential to defy the odds and achieve great things.

One of the great things about Sydney is that it has a great acceptance of everyone and everything. It's an incredibly tolerant city, a city with a huge multicultural basis.

The great thing is the start - to see an opportunity for service, and to start doing it, even though in the beginning you serve but a single customer - and him for nothing.

That's the great thing about incubating something on the web: you have the potential to go to other platforms. Every single platform has a different audience that you find.

I have done a lot of great things. I have a beautiful family and wonderful friends. But there were many times, dark times, that I almost let it all slip through my fingers.

There is a long history of founders returning to companies and doing great things. Founders are able to set the vision for their companies with an authority no one else can.

I don't presume to describe myself as a creator anymore, but I certainly love the process, and I hope I can do a lot of great things for the talent who are in and around DC.

I look up to Floyd Mayweather, but I don't try to be like Floyd Mayweather. He's done great things, he's a role model. But those who say I try to be Floyd can go kick rocks.

If you have somebody who's brilliant and highly creative with a different point of view than you have, and a very different intellectual background, great things can happen.

When I graduated from college, I was told I could do great things and be great, but I didn't know what that meant and what it would feel like and the work that it would take.

The last thing I want is for people to go through the motions in life. We're all meant to do different things, but there's a lot of opportunity for us to do some great things.

I learned from McDonald's that we can do great things from a marketing and advertising perspective, but if the experience at the restaurant isn't superior, it might not matter.

My mother was the most creative, fantastic person and would come up with great things for us to do. She'd buy art supplies and all of us would sit around painting. I was lucky.

I love to post behind-the-scenes photos of what is really going on. My twitter friends really seem to like that and the great thing is I can deliver them information right away.

Making a film is very gratifying and intoxicating. It does great things to your self-esteem, but pushing people and mentoring them to their full potential is far more fulfilling.

Jon Scoffield was an incredible director and producer at ATV. I met him when I was 30 and he made great things happen in my career. He's still alive, but we're no longer in touch.

One of the great things that playwright A.R. Gurney does in 'Sylvia' is he gives language to the emotional gestures and energy that our dogs give to us when they're communicating.

One of the great things about young entrepreneurs is that they don't know that something can't be done. So they try something that's so audacious and usually end up pulling it off.

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