Get off your butt and join the Marines!

Marines know we're all on the same team.

Marines don't know how to spell the word 'defeat'.

I liked my fellow Marines. I didn't like pointless orders.

I came from a family of Marines into the family of Marines.

The Marines have landed, and we now own a piece of Afghanistan.

Marines dying or being seriously wounded is commonplace in combat.

As Marines, it's drilled into us... to take care of fellow Marines.

I'm relieved that the state of the Marines' readiness will remain high.

Thirty days after high-school graduation, I went straight into the Marines.

The death rate among Marines in Iraq has been more than double that of the other services.

Oh, and once, when I was in the Marines, I got a perfect score on my physical fitness test.

It was the Marines who taught me how to act. After that, pretending to be rough wasn't so hard.

The Marines gave me a really strong sense of discipline and a work ethic that kicks in at my job.

I joined the Marines, passed Special Forces selection, and became a young leader in the military.

Some people wonder all their lives if they've made a difference. The Marines don't have that problem.

After I left the Marines in '46, I wanted to stay in the Marines; I was very happy - I loved that life.

My background is as an athlete, and you know, we in the Marines, when we want something, we go after it.

In the Marines, I was stunned, absolutely stunned, at everything around me, at what the world looked like.

The Marines was a fresh start - that is why they shave your head. I wish they would let you change your name.

As a Marine officer in combat, I was responsible for the lives and safety of all the Marines who served with me.

If we're going to spend more money, it should go to the soldiers, Marines, and airmen to increase their salaries.

I wanted to set the story straight and really let people know what it's like and what me and my Marines went through.

The United States should not frame its policy options in terms of doing nothing or unilaterally sending in the Marines.

To Marines, love of liberty is not an empty phrase... Rather, it's displayed by blood, sweat, and tears for the fallen.

I have just returned from visiting the Marines at the front, and there is not a finer fighting organization in the world!

Some Marines made fun of the fact that I had done plays and studied poetry, but then I won the award for physical training.

I can't say that dropping out of school at 16 to join the Marines was my best idea. On the other hand, maybe it was. Who knows?

I joined the Marines the week I turned 17, and that led to a few experiences that might qualify as adventure - eye of the beholder.

The Marines are like my West Highland Terrier. They get up every morning, they want to dig a hole, and they want to kill something.

My battalion motto in the Marines was, 'Whatever it takes,' and I'm going to do whatever it takes to help win back the House in 2018.

Marines are very good at fighting... And if Gen. Franks wants fighters on the ground and he puts Marines in, he'll have what he wants.

I always wanted to go into the military or something like that - my whole family, all my friends are either Air Force, Navy, or Marines.

I learned in the Marines to leave no one behind, but after 34 years in Washington, Mitch McConnell left our coal miners behind years ago.

Aristotle might not recognize it, or others who are at the root of democracy. What type of democracy do you impose with marines and bombs?

I'd been in college studying English creative writing and history when I made the decision to join the Marines in the runup to the Iraq war.

In 'Colonial Marines' you come into the game as a marine, and how you play depends on your equipment and by the choices you're making in real time.

My dad was a Marine. He was one of the Montford Point Marines. Those are the equivalent of the Tuskegee Airmen for Marines. He's a tough, tough guy.

Marines and soldiers don't issue themselves orders; they don't send themselves overseas. United States citizens elect the leaders who send us overseas.

All Marines, sailors and civilian Marines, regardless of sexual orientation, are Marines first. Every Marine is a valued member of our war-fighting team.

I suppose it is the lot of soldiers and Marines to be objectified according to the politics of the day and the mood of the American people about their war.

I would not trade you a billion dollars for the kids I led to combat in Vietnam or in fact any of the Marines that I served with for a quarter of a century.

To keep providing our soldiers, sailors and Marines with 21st-century firepower, Picatinny needs 21st-century laboratories and research and development facilities.

Before leaving the Marines, I was the Training Non-Commission Officer, where it was my job to set up all training scenarios each week that my unit would partake in.

The Merchant Marines fight piracy all over the world. We fight piracy in the Philippines, the east and west coast of Africa, and the east and west coast of South America.

The ongoing dispute over the relocation of U.S. Marines on Okinawa should be quickly settled. This isn't just an issue for the U.S. and Japan. It has regional implications.

There are always fellow Marines who understand and know what you're going through. Be proud, don't be ashamed, and go out there and tackle the second life you've been given.

I learned a great many things in the Marines that helped me as a football coach. The Marines train men hard and to do things the right way, just as a football team must train.

Standing beside each one of our brave soldiers, sailors, airmen and marines is a loving, supportive, and dedicated family whose sacrifice is a true service to our great nation.

I went in the Marines when I was 16. I spent four and a half years in the Marines and then came right to New York to be an actor. And then seven years later, I got my first job.

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