This crazy world that looks like a lot of fun is also really stressful and crazy at times.

When you prepare an album, it's really hard and stressful and you don't get too much sleep.

I didn't have a contract for the first year of my time in NXT, and that was very stressful.

Respond to stressful times by turning towards each other, rather than away from each other.

I talk to myself quite a lot, and when things get stressful, I just tell myself to breathe.

I've been through Hell with some of the members of my old band, and Hell is highly stressful.

I have such a stressful job that the only way I can get it out of my mind is by running hard.

The Hollywood Film Awards were really stressful. It was the biggest press line I'd ever seen.

I believe that if I come home from a stressful day on the set, I just have to leave it there.

I think, all my life, I've grown up and had high expectations, but that becomes so stressful.

Physical exercise is a great way to discharge stressful feelings that accumulate during the day.

You know, I did not like being famous. It was a stressful and ugly time, and I'm glad it's over.

I think leading up to the tour is the most stressful part because you barely have any time home.

Travelling makes my work more stressful and tiring and leaves me with little spirit for exercise.

Anytime I can go fly for a few hours, I go. It's stressful and stress-relieving at the same time.

Musical auditions are always the worst because you have to sing and act, and that's so stressful.

Nope, I don't enjoy work generally. Not because I'm lazy; it's just all so stressful and worrying.

Trying to constantly get yourself into movies is extremely stressful and sometimes just impossible.

Live television is always stressful and the more you do it, the more you realise what can go wrong.

It's our nature to be free, and until we're stuck in a stressful belief system, we're pretty happy.

I was bankrolling the games, vetting the players, extending the credit. My life was really stressful.

Sleep deprivation robs you of mental strength and impairs your ability to deal with stressful events.

Even though it was a stressful time in my life, I have a lot of good memories from my Idol experience.

The ability to remain calm and focused in stressful situations is central to making positive decisions.

Having an infant is stressful, and I know I won't get a lot of sleep initially, but it will be worth it.

Creating 'Upgrade' was really something I enjoyed even though it was stressful. I would do it all again.

Go to a place where you're not going to be stressed, because a honeymoon itself can be a stressful thing.

I love my job, but it can be a little stressful at times. And reading has become a really healthy escape.

It's a weird business. You're trying to write something that's built on magic, which is pretty stressful.

Having a good defensive line allows you to play better because it's less stressful in terms of defending.

Working a job I love is mentally less stressful than punching in a clock everyday, but it's a lot busier.

Coming on to bowl in the opening powerplay might look stressful for a spinner but I actually quite like it.

Before, if I'd had a stressful day, I'd go to meet my friends in the pub and have a moan. Now I go to yoga.

'SNL' can be a stressful environment, and I am panicking constantly, but I guess I keep it pretty internal.

It's a no-win situation with politics, it's always going to be stressful. I'm more into the comedy of life.

It's a no-win situation with politics; it's always going to be stressful. I'm more into the comedy of life.

You just want to get it right so badly, so it's stressful when it comes to those vulnerable, dramatic scenes.

I think the most stressful time of my life was when I was in New York, and I didn't have money to pay my rent.

Exercising and eating properly will build your physical and mental strength to endure the stressful situation.

I had always dreamed of winning Wimbledon and when it happened it was very stressful. It was more of a relief!

The only thing I liked about Christmas as a kid was the gifts; otherwise, it just seemed like a stressful time.

I find shopping too stressful. I get hot and flustered and irritated and feel sick after I've bought something.

A film set is a workplace for me; it's my office, and nobody really wants to be in a stressful work environment.

Sometimes people can put way too much emphasis on looking 'hot' which can be stressful and put you in your head.

I seem to get motivated a few months at a time, and then something stressful breaks the routine, and I just fold.

Network cable reads are always kind of stressful because it's the first time everyone's read through it out loud.

There is nothing better than getting something in front of an audience in a less stressful setting than previews!

Forgive for your sake, if not for theirs. Those who can forgive live healthier, happier, and less stressful lives.

I like to look at how people work together when they are put into stressful situations, when life stops being cozy.

I feel more comfortable in drama. Comedy is a high-wire act. I find it stressful. It's a precision science in a way.

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