I use only essential oils for perfumes.

Essential oils are extremely important to me.

I make all my body lotions by just mixing oils.

I became completely obsessed with body oils while pregnant.

I wash my hair once or twice a week to keep the natural oils.

You need to let your hair produce its own oils and be healthy.

I love hair oils, lipsticks, and conditioners. I have so many.

My nervous system is enfeebled, only work in oils can sustain me.

A cruel story runs on wheels, and every hand oils the wheels as they run.

I like wearing oils. Perfume makes me nauseous sometimes. It's too strong.

I mix my fragrances with body oils - I love body oils, so that's my little trick.

Use spices for flavor in food rather than adding a bunch of oils, fats, or sauces.

I don't really use fragrance. I use essential oils, but not necessarily every day.

Most people wouldn't guess, but I'm really into painting: acrylics and sometimes oils.

I bring incense, essential oils, and candles to make my hotel room feel more like home.

When most people talk about biofuels, they talk about using oils or grease from plants.

I like to meditate, take baths at home with essential oils and salts and write in a journal.

Oils have the most wonderful effect on the complexion due to their high affinity with the skin.

I mix various oils, heat it and apply it on my hair. After washing, my hair feels and looks amazing.

I'm big on active recovery and supplementation with fish oils and anti-inflammatories and whatever it is.

I have superdry skin, and it's really temperamental, and I feel like oils are the best thing for my face.

I don't like washing away your body's natural oils and pheromones. Those are good. You have to keep those.

My guilty pleasure is listening to Enya in the bathtub. I do bubbles. I do essential oils. Candles, if they're around.

I put in oils and creams in my hair 3 times a day, and it just soaks it up, and then I have a bunch of special shampoos.

I always make sure to moisturize my hair. I love natural oils, coconut oil. Moisture is one thing you can never go wrong with.

I take a multivitamin, vitamin D, and omega-3 oils every day, and if I'm stressed or run- down, I bulk up on vitamin C and zinc.

Most of the oils which are valued as scents are mixtures of substances; only the combined effect of these leads to the known result.

All of my gifts really come from a place of healing. I have homemade essential oils with a diffuser, which I've given to all my kids.

Growing up, my mom used essential oils in our home, so I've always noticed the benefits and now incorporate them in my daily routine.

I'm not really keen on men wearing perfumes. It's just a bit wrong! I don't find it sexy. I prefer essential oils - patchouli is nice.

One would think that plants belonging to the same genus would always produce identical or at least similar oils. But this is by no means so.

Everybody's skin is different, so you need to find products that work for your skin type. I use a lot of facial oils, as mine can get very dry.

I can set up shop anywhere. I've got my oils, I've got my yoga mat and I'm good to go. I must know good yoga classes in about 25 cities on this planet.

Diffusers not only leave your home smelling clean and fresh, but the oils that you choose to use in it can leave you feeling refreshed and stress free!

When you play a guitar for a long time, you get your hand oils in there; it starts feeling good and behaving, and you just don't want to mess with that.

I carry lots of oils, since I have the driest skin in all the land! I switch up my facial oils, and I make them myself with coconut oil and tea tree oil.

As soon as science has solved one problem, new ones arise. This is the essence of science, and it applies, of course, also to the field of essential oils.

I don't believe in lots of face creams; I think your skin should work for itself. Your natural oils look after your skin, so I just use a simple face wash.

Certainly adding fats in the form of oils is fattening and unhealthy, but naturally fat-rich foods like nuts and seeds have profound cardiovascular benefits.

I never do anything to my hair. I just wash it. It tends to get dry, so I just try to put good, natural oils in it. I do a deep conditioning mask, which is quite good.

I love Weleda Skin Food and Avene's Moisture Mask, especially if I've been travelling. Weleda also makes great deodorants and body oils - my mum introduced me to them long ago.

After I clean my face, I use combinations of sweet-almond, meadowfoam, grape-seed, coconut, black-currant, and argan oils to hydrate. Argan is probably my favorite for my face.

I use Lina Hanson Global Face Serum every night. It's a blend of 100 per cent natural essential oils from all over the world, many of which are produced by women's cooperatives.

When I start my mornings, I put some essential oils in a diffuser; it might be orange blossom or jasmine to energize and spruce me up or lavender at night to really calm me down.

I am happy that my mom was strict about the products we used. We could only use natural oils, no face wash, no conditioner. So, my skin and my hair were protected from chemicals.

My dream is to have a creativity barn, in my back yard, which is full of musical instruments and every kind of paint and oils and paper, and you can just go in and make something.

Some essential oils, a nice massage followed by a power nap helps me start my Sunday on the right note. After a week full of running around, this becomes the perfect rejuvenation.

I love Epsom salt and just use the inexpensive unscented ones from CVS. It's better than oils... those make the tub so gross, and I never feel like cleaning it right before I go out.

I still have my Levi's jacket that I bought on the Portobello Road when I was 14, and it's like part of me, you know, it's got oils in it, and it's my comfort, security blanket or something.

For fragrance, I apply a custom blend of essential oils and perfumes. I love spritzing Michelle Roques-O'Neil's Restore Therapie Aura Spray, which is an infusion that instantly rebuilds your energy.

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