Think globally, act locally.

We may freak out globally, but we suffer locally.

I think a lot of things could be handled locally.

If I'm hunting down gifts, I like to buy locally.

I've always said we need to build resilience locally.

Locally, I'll vote one way and nationally, maybe another.

While mass incarceration is a national crisis, it was built locally.

The NHS is a national organisation, but it is best delivered locally.

Wherever possible, I like to use home-grown or locally produced ingredients.

I always take the time to eat well and eat locally because it's common sense.

It wasn't until high school that I realized Avenged Sevenfold was picking up locally.

Formation of alignments for governments are done by our central parliamentary board and not locally.

I raced locally for a year, went to Europe the year after and went to the Olympics the year after that.

Most problems in poor countries are locally generated even though international factors do play a role.

I'm a normal consumer but try to do the best I can. I try to buy locally, and I mostly avoid supermarkets.

In 1996, I was in was in an acoustic kind of rock band, we were called Feeble. We were just playing locally.

It's important that we work very closely with moderate Muslim forces locally, nationally and internationally.

I do a lot of reading about food and the food industry, so I try to eat locally and go to the farmer's market.

You have a responsibility as a locally elected deputy, but you also have a responsibility as the head of government.

One of the most important lessons we can glean from the environmental movement is to 'think globally and act locally.'

By using locally manufactured products, you will be able to help the small entrepreneurs in your area to a great extent.

Buy locally where possible, but if you can't get the very best locally, don't buy locally. Buy it from where it is best.

At most large companies, what is locally optimal for you is very frequently not what is globally optimal for the company.

If people are prepared to eat locally and seasonally, then they probably do pretty well in terms of environmental impact.

I'm super supportive of locally grown foods and farmers. Here in L.A., I know all of my farmers markets and go there weekly.

The two defining issues of this century are both universal but felt locally: the global water crisis and the resources boom.

The real opportunity is to harness the inventive power of the world to locally design and produce solutions to local problems.

Mass incarceration will have to be dismantled the same way it was constructed: piecemeal, incrementally and, above all, locally.

I think I'm a critic of corporate power, whether locally or globally. And the term 'globalization' I've never found all that helpful.

I basically eat a lot of proteins, and I've been eating smaller portions of food. I try to eat all locally raised and organic produce.

I've learnt that what you need to do is have standards that are agreed nationally and then allow people locally to work out what they need.

Obama represents one-world government, a.k.a. Neocolonialism. Presidents don't change anything locally - they only deal with foreign policy.

I love Italian food; it's soulful like French food. Italian food is original and homey; it's market-driven, but also can be locally sourced.

I'm a little obsessed with lip balm. When I go to a new place, I'll find the locally made natural lip balms and buy them as my little memento.

HSNi Cares was established in 2010 with a mission to empower women and support children and families in need locally, nationally, and globally.

I will work hard at the federal level to defend our progress on climate change, but we know that forward progress on climate must happen locally.

My congressional record speaks for itself, and my ability to build coalitions locally, nationally and across the aisles in Congress is transparent.

Children exist in the worlds that adults create for them, both locally and globally, and their options are, by virtue of age, often painfully limited.

I think it's really important to try to eat seasonally as much as possible. It helps put people in touch with what's happening locally and with nature.

Renewable ethanol represents a clear opportunity to grow a significant portion of our own fuel locally and begin to break the hold imported fuels have on us.

I have ice cream every week. Maybe twice. I live for ice cream, but not just any ice cream. It has to be locally sourced and usually somewhere I can walk to.

An activist is one who is actively involved in creating community, whether that is locally in their neighborhood or internationally. It is an admirable quality.

Nightmares of a capital city overwhelmed by tsunami, war or plague transfix us, but catastrophe is first felt locally, and there are many homes outside the city.

Also, if we take back our schools and concentrate on improving them so our children get a better education, they will be better trained to compete for a job locally.

California is lucky, the East Coast is lucky because we get great seafood and a lot of produce from Florida, locally in good weather, but in the winter we have to buy it.

The concept of being a locavore, or one who chooses whenever possible to incorporate locally grown or locally produced food into one's nutrition plan, is of great importance.

Why would you have a work day that does not respond to shorter or longer day length? There's something that we lose, taking our schedules away from that locally relevant rhythm.

I hope people will learn more about agriculture in America. About locally grown farming and about water conservation. About how much pollution results from beef and pig farming.

According to the study, approximately 16.7 million U.S. workers born in Latin America had a combined gross income of $450 billion last year, of which 93 percent was spent locally.

When Glossier launched in the U.S. back in 2014, it felt small - but in a good way. We were able to introduce ourselves locally, start a community, and build something special together.

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