I didnt really have an agenda for my talent. I just wanted to be able to sing.

The only hope for the world is to make sure there is not another United States.

Love moves without an agenda. It just moves because that is its nature to move.

Using terrorism or jihadists or extremists for any political agenda is immoral.

To evangelize properly by delivering the gospel, we need to follow God's agenda.

I'm not afraid of having an agenda. I do have an agenda. It's a positive agenda.

I don't have a social agenda. I just don't choose to ignore what's in front of me.

A devotee has no agenda of his own. For him, the object of devotion is everything.

When someone is trying to interpret something for you, they always have an agenda.

We all need time to enjoy being alive without an agenda of getting something done.

If I have an agenda or a goal, no one is going to deter me from what I want to do.

Live for yourself. Love those around you - but realise they have their own agendas.

We need to consolidate our enlargement agenda but be cautious with new commitments.

The inbox is nothing but a convenient organizing system for other people's agendas.

The power is to set the agenda. What we print and what we don't print matter a lot.

The universities deceive when they say they have no agenda other than to open minds.

I think there needs to be a meeting to set an agenda for more meetings about meetings.

The Congressional leaders set the agenda for journalism; it's not the other way around.

Choosing an agenda that supports the apparatuses of racial violence always pays better.

If [Donald Trump] really has an agenda to help, let him move forward with it. We'll see.

It's when someone has an agenda of their own for the record that it doesn't work for me.

The agenda should be crafted by the employee who reports to the manager not the manager.

No human being can prevent you from giving. Because no human being controls God’s agenda.

What pleases me most is that sustainable development is on almost everybody's agenda now.

Responsible employers who pursue bold growth agendas must embrace intelligent technologies.

The therapeutic concerns of the culture too often set the agenda for evangelical preaching.

Although the big word on the left is 'compassion,' the big agenda on the left is dependency.

If you go on stage with an agenda, you have to accept not everyone's going to agree with it.

Progressives always like clean energy ideas. But conservatives should like this agenda, too.

[Donald Trump] campaigned on an enormous tax cut, and he campaigned on a deregulatory agenda.

Design is so critical it should be on the agenda of every meeting in every single department.

I guess, people like myself and Roxy Music that had a different agenda about taking up music.

Nevertheless, I have no political agenda whatsoever, even though some might think the contrary.

The Western model for a meeting is you have an agenda and you come in and everyone says things.

What the Lib Dems have failed to do is offer any meaningful agenda for government or for power.

This liberal progressive agenda... is the antithesis of who we are as a constitutional republic.

We have to consider who is going to be the best prime minister to take on a "one nation" agenda.

My work is drawn to the political but avoids an agenda. There is no inherent critique or support.

I don't perceive an anti-religious agenda, especially with regard to Christians and Christianity.

I have no agenda except to be funny. Neither I nor the writers profess to offer any worldly wisdom.

A lot of times, I think broadcast commentators can get bogged down with stats and personal agendas.

We can still cap carbon, but that needn't be at the top of the agenda that we communicate to voters.

I really think [the Bush Administration]'s foreign policy agenda is to spread irony through the world.

It's the height of the Cold War, but I grew up in apolitical family and politics wasn't on the agenda.

Cancer is such a ruthless adversary because it behaves as if it has its own fiendishly cunning agenda.

Barack Obama is an incredibly intelligent, thoughtful, decisive person in pursuing the agenda he sets.

Focus on yourself -- do what you want, when you want, without having to consider anyone else's agenda.

I actually think agendas are more often found in State of the Union speeches than in inaugural speeches.

To fulfill your mission will require that you abandon your agenda and accept God’s agenda for your life.

Grey has no agenda. . . . Grey has the ability, that no other colour has, to make the invisible visible.

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