I am advocating a weak yen to a certain extent.

I'd say I have no conscience, to a certain extent.

To a certain extent I suppose all actors are big kids.

I'm very loyal. Sociable to a certain extent. Neurotic, too.

All painters are interested in photography to a certain extent.

To a certain extent, I think I've become an animal-rights person.

I got my heroes secondhand, from television and movies, to a certain extent.

I always wanted to be the outlaw. And that's to a certain extent how I've lived.

Charities are really good. To a certain extent, the ones you pick are arbitrary.

Every actor is a model to a certain extent, since they have to do so much press.

I consider myself to be doing comedy in a post-Jon Stewart world to a certain extent.

Most people would accept that we are, to a certain extent, products of our environment.

Basic mobile phones can circumvent lack of broadband access, but only to a certain extent.

Even though we were all celebrities to a certain extent, we all looked at each other as family.

I want to get up there and tell entertaining stories but that are also to a certain extent clean.

The hierarchy of class in London was rigid. It was like a religion. It still is to a certain extent.

The perception about me has changed to a certain extent after the success of 'Sonu Ke Titu Ki Sweety.'

To a certain extent, I like fashion, but sometimes I just want to be comfortable and don't really care.

You can force students to learn, to a certain extent, but students aren't happy and employers aren't happy.

My grandfather was a church organist and would sing in choirs and was a musical genius to a certain extent.

We try to... we are, I suppose to a certain extent all affected and erm, that is both funny and sad I think.

We are true to our name. We're somewhat beneath the surface, and I think well always be to a certain extent.

I'm intrigued by people who are super adept at manipulating their own image. We all do it to a certain extent.

The idea that you must bathe every day is, to a certain extent, a manufacture on the part of the soap industry.

To a certain extent, people's behavior in a campaign is generally a reflection of how they would act in office.

What was so lovely about 'O.J.' and 'This Is Us' to a certain extent is that I got a chance to surprise people.

To a certain extent, I enjoy failure. It's part of the game. There's always room to grow; there's room to improve.

I basically just write stream of consciousness to a certain extent. I let the song kind of go where it wants to go.

I lost the power to write and I had to sort of relearn how to read and write to a certain extent and speak fluently.

You learn from your mistakes and you learn from your failures. It's how you get up that defines you to a certain extent.

I think the measure of your success to a certain extent will be the amount of things written about you that aren't true.

I don't think I have the demeanor to be a politician. I'm used to making decisions and to a certain extent being in charge.

If I spend time visualising smashing someone, it's good to a certain extent. But when I overdid it, it put me under pressure.

It sounds corny, but I never have avoided the challenges - I relish them - I think it's what make me tick, to a certain extent.

For me, it's not a struggle to go out and play hockey. Under pressure, I feel it to a certain extent... but, I'm not scared of it.

Change doesn't happen often, but to a certain extent in some way, I think when you get into recovery and you stay there, you change.

Ultimately, to have a career in movies, to a certain extent, certainly in England, you can't sustain a career in just English movies.

I do use social media as a gateway into my personal life, but only to a certain extent. When I don't want to, I pull the blinds down.

Every role is physical to a certain extent, but as a viewer, I don't respond well to actors doing more than they need to tell a story.

Looking back, when I was Gollum, I suppose I did break the mold to a certain extent. I'm proud, and very thrilled, to be a part of that.

Beck said he didn't believe in the theory of a song coming through you as if you were an open vessel. I agree with him to a certain extent.

They say that every writer, they write about himself, and I think that to a certain extent that is true. But also we are creators of fiction.

I guess I kind of lived in a fairytale world... looking at everything through rose-colored glasses. I probably always will, to a certain extent.

I like being boring to a certain extent. I don't have to be flashy. I get to put all of that into a show, and when it's over, I don't have to be that.

While admirers of capitalism, we also to a certain extent believe it has limitations that require government intervention in markets to make them work.

We all know that any thing which retards in any way the free circulation of the sap, also prevents to a certain extent the formation of wood and leaves.

I think as an action director; it comes kind of naturally to me to a certain extent, because I've done so much action myself - as my MRIs would suggest!

It's a blessing to be a part of television shows that were, to a certain extent, staples in a lot of people's lives and as far as their entertainment lives.

I think, to a certain extent, there is a pressure, although I don't think I've felt the pressure at Lyon more than I've felt at any other club I've played at.

I don't want to be known as an unprofessional actor. There was a time I was considered unprofessional, to a certain extent. I was very uncomfortable about that.

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