The fact is that we wouldn't be in Iraq if it weren't for Democrats like Senator Kerry.

I still want to be the candidate for guys with Confederate flags in their pickup trucks.

Many businesses oppose any government mandates, even if they are already following them.

Inaction, contrary to its reputation for being a refuge, is neither safe nor comfortable.

We're all basically made of the same stuff: generosity and selfishness, goodness and greed.

The idea that we're going to win this war is an idea that unfortunately is just plain wrong.

Somehow I got the feeling at an early age that I had to do something important with my life.

Statistics do not convey emotion. They shock us for a minute or two, and then we click again.

Every single American has a voice and ... it ought to be heard in the halls of power every day.

I'm just deeply disappointed that once again we may have to settle for the lesser of two evils.

Most babies know how to win us over. We cannot help but smile at them and watch them smile back.

Luckily, I'm a governor - so I get to tell you what I've already done not just what I'm going to do.

We are the great grassroots campaign of the modern era, built from mousepads, shoe leather and hope.

My view is Fox News is a propaganda outlet for the Republican Party and I don't comment on Fox News.

I think we had quite enough capitalism in the last eight years; I think we need some regulation now.

I am often reminded that the wellspring of Vermont liberty flows from Main Street, not State Street.

We assume in our daily lives that the world is both safe and sane. Otherwise, we could not carry on.

When women and men can shed an equal quantity of tears in public, that's when we'll have equal power.

Remember what Susan B. Anthony said? 'Failure is impossible.' Failure is possible if women don't vote.

We will ultimately be judged by how we react in times of trouble and how we care for the least among us.

Working moms, and increasingly working dads, don't want a government handout, but they do need a hand up.

You can't make Howard Dean a straw man. He is what he appears to be. And that's the beauty of Howard Dean.

Those who speak up, those who use their connections, are more likely to succeed than those who sit and wait.

We see the world through the lens of all our experiences; that is a fundamental part of the human condition.

We all want peace. Unfortunately, there are times when peace must be defended by fighting terror and tyranny.

From a religious point of view, if God had thought homosexuality is a sin, he would not have created gay people.

I don't hate Republicans as individuals. But I hate what the Republicans are doing to this country. I really do.

Not one Republican president has balanced the budget in 34 years. You can not trust Republicans with your money.

Investment in early education is not a Liberal or Conservative idea. Nor should it be decided along party lines.

Babies are smart. They can tell the difference between a responsive face and a blank face, wiped clean of emotion.

America is a conservative country with a small "c" - they want change, but they don't want too much change too fast.

Our forbears worked hard this difficult land, and their reward was the freedom and independence of self-sufficiency.

If we are serious about providing upward mobility and building a skilled workforce, pre-school is the place to begin.

I was hoping to get a reception like this, I'd just hoped that it would be on Thursday night instead of Tuesday night.

If being a woman is a factor politically, it's usually not because of a conscious bias, but because women are a novelty.

If money is a form of speech, as the Supreme Court has regrettably found, rich donors will always be the loudest speakers.

I think with a lifetime appointment to the Supreme Court, you can't play, you know, hide the salami, or whatever it's called.

I'm tired of the ayatollahs of the right wing. We're fighting for freedom in Iraq. We're going to fight for freedom in America.

Barry Goldwater once said, "I'd rather be right than president." I can't tell you how much I disagree with that Barry Goldwater.

What I want to know is why in the world the Democratic party leadership is supporting the president's unilateral attack on Iraq?

That's one of the things about the Tea Party people. They think corporations have too much influence in American life and they do.

We won when we toppled Saddam. That was the only clear goal of this war, to topple the Iraqi government. It took about 10 minutes.

When I ran for governor, was I ambitious? Yes. Anyone, male or female, who goes through the trials of a campaign must be ambitious.

The Republican agenda is, and always has been, to repeal Roe v. Wade, and at the very least, erode it to the greatest extent possible.

George Bush calls his biggest fundraisers Rangers and Pioneers. But today, we stand together, and we call ourselves, simply, Americans.

By virtue of my traditions, and my community, I worked hard to ensure that I was accepted as part of the traditional family of America.

Fair treatment in the work force is no longer exclusively a labor issue, nor is it a women's issue - it is a fundamental economic issue.

Why can't the world be like a summer day, when I thought that health care would be an ethical decision and wars existed only to be stopped?

If you're really worried about the effect of "Silent Night" on the kids, you need a hobby or something, and I'm glad you're pointing that out.

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