The cool thing about doing films and being different characters is that it's new everyday and new every project. So, you're always learning something different and you get to do research.

I totally think there was a country hair phase. If you look at all the mullets, and Dolly Parton, and Reba's hair, Tim McGraw's hair, Blake Shelton's hair, they definitely had their moments.

There's a huge pressure as a judge. It was difficult. I certainly didn't enjoy that factor, because it's a big responsibility to have a million dollars in your hand to change somebody's life.

I went to a theater arts school, so I'm interested in many different projects, whether it be film, television or even live theater. I'm a performer. That's what I do. That's what I want to do.

I'd feel a little bit dead inside, if I didn't have dancing. It's such a way of expression and exercise and life and love. You laugh, when you're being corny and dorky-dancing. It's everything.

I think models in general have a certain insecurity about themselves because they're known for being beautiful, so they have to prove to everybody they have personality and they are intelligent.

To me, sexy is the confident energy a person produces. sexy is the comfortable feeling of being who you are. sexy is not just having beautiful lips, legs and arms; its beyond that. sexy is soul.

I also like to feel good when I'm working out. If I put schlubby clothes on, I'm like, 'Blah.' I don't really want to work out. But if I'm feeling cute and I'm looking good - that's my motivation.

I try to bring my mascara everywhere because I'm a blonde and you know blondes have really light eyelashes, you always wanna put more and more on 'til they look like spiders, that's just what I do.

At 19, I turned professional, and I moved to New York. Then I got the call to do 'Dancing With The Stars,' so I moved to L.A. when I was 20 and did it for 18 seasons - about two a year - until I was 30.

I was in the generation of CDs, so when I moved to L.A., I think I probably brought my Shania Twain Come on Over CD. But if I lived in the '80s, I would definitely be the one going to the record stores.

It's such a cliche thing to say. I want to choreograph, I want to direct, I want to act, I want to write music, I want to play music, I want to sing. For me, it's never-ending. I want to do it all, really.

I come from a broken home. My parents split up when I was nine. Everyone gave me a good wallop. But I come from a time when you just put up with that, you got on with things rather than sitting moaning about them.

The trouble when you die is that everyone says you were nice. I would like to be thought of as genuinely nice. I would like there to be people who can honestly say: "Len! Oh yeah, there was more good than bad in him.

The trouble when you die is that everyone says you were nice. I would like to be thought of as genuinely nice. I would like there to be people who can honestly say, 'Len! Oh yeah, there was more good than bad in him.'

Everyone always asks me how to get the most mileage out of a spray tan. I'm spoiled and I get a fresh one every week; but my best advice for the rest of the girls out there is to wax a day in advance of your spray tan.

Everybody loves music and it's fun - you feel like you're not working out. It makes the time go by quick and you're having fun and, especially if you take a class, there's the energy of other people and you're laughing.

I knew if I stayed in London my whole life would be dancing. I'd won almost every major title you can. I thought 'This really isn't my passion. I really want to sing,' and I knew I wouldn't be able to if I stayed there.

The community in Utah was very religious. I was a typical teenage girl trying to find my sexuality. Unfortunately, girls do use their sexuality to find attention. I also understand why parents want to protect their kids.

Bullying can be physical, verbal or emotional. Words and threats are just as painful as fists, especially with social media these days. For those of you who don't know, I was actually bullied as a young boy on one occasion.

I’m actually pretty good at stripping, which makes me wonder what happened in my previous life. Funny enough, I don’t wear a lot of clothes when I dance and it’s very sexy, so it wasn’t too hard to get into the motion of it.

I am not dogging on non-melodic pop music because I love it, but I am saying that is why the timeless songs are still here. It's because of the melody. As far as what shouldn't be brought back, the high-waisted bikini bottoms.

I always feel so proud of the things that I was most scared to do, and they usually end up being the right decision. It becomes magic. It's scary, but I always say, when you're scared to do something, you should probably do it.

When my mind is clear, I feel like I can give more of myself to those around me and hopefully bring light and joy and an infectious kind of energy to inspire them to do whatever they want to do. That's really the key behind it all.

'DWTS' really made me feel confident, and has given me a lot of just self-worth within myself and realizing that I don't need a man to be successful and that I could do a lot on my own, and have my own voice and have my own opinion.

I think for me, the thing that gets me in the right mindset is just watching something funny, something light, something that makes me feel good. Regardless of what it is - when you feel good, when you feel upbeat, creativity flows!

I was kind of reflecting on my life and certain experiences, and you know, when I'm teaching and coaching my partners on 'Dancing With the Stars,' I sort of use those stories and anecdotes to help them sort of overcome certain fears.

The thing that I loved about growing up Mormon is that I had morals and standards instilled in me as a kid - like, you need to be a nice person, and a thoughtful person, and if anybody is trying to dog that, then I think that's rude.

I always tell the adults at my dance school, 'Men, you are going to have to do something that you are absolutely not used to: you have got to take command and be the boss.' Because - and this is just an observation - women get their way.

I've been lucky enough that some designers let me borrow their dresses to wear to events. And companies such as So Low and Tart have given me items to wear to rehearse in. I wish I could take more credit for the clothes that I get to wear!

I was partnered with the singer Drew Lachey of the popular group 98 Degrees. Drew and I complemented each other with our strengths. I was good at dancing and teaching dance, and he was a good student and a natural-born ham for the cameras.

It's tough... My real father - I have my stepdad, my mom remarried - but my real father lived in Thailand, so I barely saw him as it is. So it was really hard for me to go back there and just, I feel like I have a lot of unanswered questions.

I think there are always gonna be challenges and people throwing themselves at you in a nondiscreet way. But it's just so public now that you have to be careful saying hi or giving somebody a hug, because then somebody will turn it into something else.

My mom has always said that you have to do other things besides going to school, other extracurricular activities, so she made me do everything from basketball to, well, you name it. But for some reason, dance was the thing I always wanted to go and do.

I have tried so many fad diets, I've wasted so much time looking for a solution when it was right in front of me all along - take care of yourself, nourish your body, surround yourself with good people - you will feel good and will shine in all that you do.

I enjoy being a student and learning. I don't think you should ever stop being a student. That's where the most creative ideas come from. Teaching is a blessing as well because I get to share what I've learned and my passion for creative movement with people.

What I love about '80s rock music is the amazing, fantastic melodies. In pop music, it's all about the techno beat to dance to in the club and the repetitiveness, whereas in rock music there is literally, like, balls-to-the-wall singing and playing. I love it.

I started out dancing on a reality TV show, but always with the intention of making my way over to film. I transitioned into the film world by doing certain things that my fans had been used to seeing me do. My dancing and singing gave me the confidence to act.

Being on 'Dancing with the Stars' is an amazing opportunity. I consider myself lucky to be a part of the show and to be able to share my passion and love of dance with such a huge audience while managing to train a few celebrities in ballroom dance along the way.

I think every girl needs to love herself, regardless of anything. Like if you're having a bad day, if you don't like your hair, if you don't have the best family situation, whatever, you have to love yourself and you can't do anything until you love yourself first.

When you're a choreographer and you put so much into a routine that's emotionally driven, those are like my ideas and my little babies that I have here and then I put them out there and they're there to be judged and looked at. When it's all over, it's just such a relief.

Dancing is a part of my life where when I don't dance I feel like there's something missing because I'm such a physical person who loves to express myself through dance, but I love to act. I love to sing. I love to entertain so if I'm passionate about a certain project, I wanna do it.

As guilty and fun as it is to go through a drive-thru and get a cheeseburger or whatever, I just feel like you can make your own burger at home. You know what's going into it. You know where it came from. And it's just easy to go back and forth to those drive-thrus. Just kick that habit!

It's different when you're in a huge movie and you're being told that you can do whatever you want. It was also really cool because it helped me grow so much faster than I would have, if I did another thing where it was like, "Here's what you're saying, and that's it. Do not go off page."

I realized that carbs are often talked about in a negative context, like, "Carbs make me fat or bloated." But I think for me, I have to have some sort of carb, whether it's rice or pasta or bread or whatever it is, and not big amounts, but I do need carbs because it makes my brain click on.

It's more about balance for me. I used to be an all or nothing person. And now I would rather have a lifestyle change - rather than use the word 'diet' - where 90 percent of the time spend my life that way and 10 percent of the time have fun and do what my body feels like it needs or craves.

Keep believing in yourself, and don't ever give up, even if people tell you otherwise. Just believe in yourself and take every action you need to get there, whether it's taking more lessons or a fun, cool job in New York or LA and stepping out of the box. Be a little bit risky, but still confident.

Whether I'm doing a routine where I want to move people, or if I want to feel moved myself, I definitely tap into those moments where it's not just dancing or movement. It might just be a hand gesture or just a slow look, or even just the way you slightly tip your head forward. These subtleties speak volumes.

I wouldn't say I'm the "nice" judge, but I was certainly reminded a couple of times that this is for a million dollars. There's one thing to just do a good dance, but I had to ask myself, "Is that the million-dollar dance?" There are certain dances that people prefer, and I preferred the intelligent and smart choreography.

Sometimes people can get lost within the crowd, but we have to remember that ballroom dancing is an intimate sport where people look into your story and not the other way around. It's so important to just stay focused as a couple and that you don't let your adrenaline get the best of you by dancing too fast to the music or whatever.

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