Love is the most difficult and dangerous form of courage. Courage is ...

Love is the most difficult and dangerous form of courage. Courage is the most desperate, admirable and noble kind of love.

Nature is an admirable schoolmistress.

Effort is admirable. Achievement is valuable.

5. You feel he has a lot of admirable qualities.

It is at night that faith in light is admirable.

I'm stubborn, which is not necessarily admirable.

The best companion and helper is admirable morals.

Good deeds, when concealed, are the most admirable.

Nothing is so admirable in politics as a short memory.

There are admirable potentialities in every human being.

Music exists for the purpose of growing an admirable heart.

The zeal of atheists is the most admirable thing about them.

There are so many things admirable people do not understand.

...nothing is so entirely admirable as a man bravely wretched.

People who devote themselves to a life of style are admirable.

My characters are actually usually pretty smart and admirable.

Modern China; one also finds many things that are really quite admirable.

I sometimes give myself admirable advice, but I am incapable of taking it.

The streets are full of admirable craftsmen, but so few practical dreamers.

It is not difficult to nourish admirable thoughts when the stars are present.

This is the mark of a really admirable man: steadfastness in the face of trouble.

I think it's very admirable, in a superhero movie, to be able to take a few risks.

I think it's perfectly acceptable and rather admirable to be moderately delusional

A pilgrimage is an admirable remedy for over-fastidiousness and sickly refinement.

I always think it's far more admirable to confuse people than it is to reassure them.

A good, very good, not to say admirable schoolmaster, but then he is only a schoolmaster.

The familiar material objects may not be all that is real, but they are admirable examples.

No two people take on the information of being admirable and being admired in the same way.

If one cannot command attention by one's admirable qualities one can at least be a nuisance.

I'd say that all nations have contact with the truth, and all religions have admirable people.

Every great work makes the human face more admirable and richer, and that is its whole secret.

Just as there is nothing between the admirable omelet and the intolerable, so with autobiography.

Find people not to envy but to admire. Do not the profitable but the admirable deed. Live by ideals.

I think it's a really admirable thing to be very sure of your own moral code and not waver from that.

The great and admirable strength of America consists in this, that America is truly the American people.

We all have a great deal of admirable qualities, and we all have some that could probably be improved upon.

Childbirth is more admirable than conquest, more amazing than self-defense, and as courageous as either one.

People who refuse to rest honorably on their laurels when they reach retirement age seem very admirable to me.

I support children's charities; I just don't want them around me. It's not very admirable, but it's the truth.

Americans are overreaching; overreaching is the most admirable and most American of the many American excesses.

I saw novelists as being admirable people and I thought... I thought... maybe, one day, I could be one of them.

Nothing is more admirable than the fortitude with which millionaires tolerate the disadvantages of their wealth.

So many shows out there dumb-down the country. It's so admirable to be part of a show that wants people to think.

'The Admirable Crichton' is probably Barrie's most famous work after 'Peter Pan', nearly a pendant to that classic.

I like the fact that Melbourne always seems to support their chefs and promote them in ways I find really admirable.

In Hinduism we have got an admirable foot-rule to measure every shastra and every rule of conduct, and that is truth.

I pride myself on that, even though I'm kind of under the radar, when I step on the field, I try to do an admirable job.

To be one's self, and unafraid whether right or wrong, is more admirable than the easy cowardice of surrender to conformity.

We give our kids vaccinations. That's a biological enhancement that's considered not just acceptable but actually admirable.

Education is an admirable thing, but it is well to remember from time to time that nothing that is worth knowing can be taught.

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