Music gives me a focused purpose. It saves my life every day.

I know how music makes me feel; I know how it affects my life.

For me, the backdrop of half the experiences of life includes music.

Music has always gotten me through life, particularly honest, real music.

Every day, the approach to life changes. And that's what music is all about to me.

The most personal thing about me is my music. The most honest, pure thing in my whole life.

In my whole life, I've had maybe 10 people who have told me how much my music means to them.

Having a daughter made my music, I guess, more meaningful. It made me see more of life when I had my daughter.

Music has always been a dominant force in my life. As a young kid, it was a way for me to escape everyday life.

I learned that life is about living and enjoying and all of that made me connect to music in whole other level.

I'm glad that my music has helped other people as it's helped me. It makes me glad that I did what I did with my life.

For me, music is therapeutic, so the songs that came to me the easiest came from the most devastating moments of my life.

I have never followed any sport in my life, I was always into music. So, portraying Sandeep Singh was challenging for me.

I've listened to a lot of different styles of music growing up, and they've all influenced me at different times in my life.

I draw inspiration from anything and everybody and that's what country music is to me... real life stories and real life emotions.

Going through something difficult in your life, music, for me, is always a friend and something that helps you to figure things out.

But music can save your life sometimes. It probably saved me from working in a bank or something. That's a kind of salvation right there.

Generally, I don't need any music to dance. For me, dance is not because of the music. It is simply because I've found the rhythm of life.

When I grew up, what was interesting for me was that music was color and life was gray. So music for me has always been more than entertainment.

Cat Stevens' music, voice, and energy made me feel so secure. He sounded different from some of the paternal figures in my life, so gentle and kind.

To me, music is a river. I have lived my life beside the river. Every day, I get up and look at the river. I watch it and notice when it rises and falls.

I don't know how to let loose when I'm dancing to the music and the people that made the music are watching me. I've never felt so much pressure in my life.

Winning the BBC Music Sound Of 2016 poll has left me feeling pretty stunned at the end of one of the most emotionally and physically intense years of my life.

I'll make music, whether or not anyone is listening, for the rest of my life. It's a natural form of expression for me, the same way I draw and write and sing.

Music is first for me. How the music makes me feel, it's like energy. It has to match my life. What's happening around me or to me. That's where it comes from.

To me, life is huge and thrilling and exciting and explosive and loud. If I can make music that communicates that and reflects that, then that's an achievement.

I've had more people in my life take their lives than... I think it's out of proportion with most people. I think a lot of them gravitate towards me because of the music.

Music is as integral to me as my own DNA. My life has become a continual soundtrack, with music underscoring the most powerful and even the most banal moments of my life.

Music has influenced my life and is one of the most treasured things for me. It speaks a universal language and for me, it is extremely important to stay connected to it.

From a very early period of my life I have derived the highest enjoyment from listening to music, especially to melody, which is to me the most pleasing form of composition.

There's so much chaos in life, I think I make music to make things feel calm and sane, to define something, to bring some meaning into it - it's a real peaceful thing to me.

All my life, I never gave up on music and though there was a lot of disappointment for some that the commercial thing never happened, it has never been a disappointment for me.

Being onstage and communicating with an audience was part of my life since I was very little, but I was never pushed into singing. My parents were so uninterested in me making music.

My mum was never strict. I was allowed to go out to clubs underage, watch TV, listen to whatever music I wanted to, and that made me not rebel. I have never touched a drug in my life.

The bottom line is music, for me, is an exhaust port for life, and if I have a chaotic year, then I'm gonna write a chaotic record, and that's what happened with 'Ziltoid,' with 'Z2.'

Life seems terrible and disappointing, so you need to find something you need to make you stick around. Music that makes me happiest is the saddest music, with the most emotional feel.

I live my life and play my music, and I don't really seek out other people's approval or accolades or things like that. I try to do what's true to me, and how it all comes out is fine.

I can't think of any musician or producer who has influenced me more than Brian Eno. From when he was in Roxy Music, producing Devo, the Talking Heads and My Life in the Bush of Ghosts.

I don't have any real spirituality in my life - I'm kind of an atheist - but when music can take me to the highest heights, it's almost like a spiritual feeling. It fills that void for me.

I've been married to music my entire life. I've been dedicated to it. I know what it takes to do it. And ever since my brother has been taken from me, I feel like I have to live for both of us.

When I was in school, you could pick any instrument you want, and they'd teach you how to play it. That changed my life. I loved playing music in school, and it sent me on my path as a musician.

In the course of my life, I've made some happy songs but it's the more sort of like pathos-laden, emotional, melancholic music that either I make or that other people make that really resonates with me.

I always considered trying to make a living playing music. But it was always really clear to me, at the various stages in my life, that it really wasn't a possibility unless some phenomenal thing happened.

I had been playing since I was 2 years old, never remembering a life without music, always playing everything naturally and mostly by ear, and all the grownups wanted were more scales and drudgery out of me.

The touring life wasn't for me. I like to wake up in the same place most days. And I'm really into sitting behind a mixing console and listening to music all night and making music all night. I'm a studio rat.

For me, 'risky' is revealing what really happened in my life through music. Risky is writing confessional songs and telling the true story about a person with enough details so everyone knows who that person is.

When I graduated from high school, the teacher said I was throwing my life away following music, and the same teacher invited me back to speak at the school. I don't say that to brag, I just want to be an example.

The broken heart on my right finger represents me before I figured out who I was, and the full heart on my left is because I'm left-handed, I use that to write my music, and my music helped me obtain my direction in life.

Music is a vital part of my life, and it has been since I was a kid. It helped me find my identity as a person, it helped me find my identity as an artist, and it helped me get in touch with emotions that I didn't know I had.

So many girls come up and say to me, 'I have never listened to country music in my life. I didn't even know my town had a country-music station. Then I got your record, and now I'm obsessed.' That's the coolest compliment to me.

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