I was popular. I wasn't the most popular. But I definitely held my own.

I read the papers every day just to discover if one mentions Anna Held.

'SNL' is the first real job I've held for more than a month and a half.

When I finally held the trophy, it was just how I imagined it would be.

A song's lyrics can't be held culprit for the overall change in society.

I have no idea what stocks I held in the '90s, in the 2000s, or even now.

If people have done something wrong then they should be held accountable.

When I came up, guys like Nicholson and DeNiro were held in highest regard.

First Ladies have always been held like specimens under a media microscope.

Our bodies are held captive, but our pursuit of freedom cannot be contained.

There's nothing like being hugged or held or just anything as simple as that.

There is not a job I've held in my career that was held by a woman before me.

The first time around as a mom, I held on really tight and I was so stressed.

I held apostolic succession fully, and the channels of grace to be there only.

He carried his childhood like a hurt warm bird held to his middle-aged breast.

Elected officials have always been held to a higher standard, as we should be.

I am a President held prisoner, that I haven't resigned and I will not resign.

I don't think being black has held me back at all. Being black makes you strong.

I've never been renowned for electric pace. It doesn't seem to have held me back.

Human beings should be held accountable. Leave God alone. He has enough problems.

All public officials, including the secretary of state, must be held accountable.

To be held back by fear is to miss out on challenging yourself in different ways.

Whether you can go back in time is held in the grip of the law of quantum gravity.

Conventional show-biz savvy held that Americans hated to be the objects of satire.

Nothing's holding me back. If I'm held back, the only thing holding me back was me.

Most stocks bought and sold on Wall Street are held in what's called 'street name.'

The list of guys who have held the ROH championship, that's an elite group of guys.

History is a facsimile of events held together by finally biographical information.

I've had people say I'm inconsistent, and sure, I've never held a UFC or WEC title.

When my mom passed, it hit us hard. She was the glue that held our family together.

Anna Held's birthdate and hometown are a dark mystery, thanks to her own mythmaking.

Every thread of creation is held in position by still other strands of things living.

I'm not a public figure; I shouldn't have to be held to a certain standard of beauty.

True love brings up everything - you're allowing a mirror to be held up to you daily.

How many things we held yesterday as articles of faith which today we tell as fables.

The promise of the Internet is being held back by Visa, Master Card, American Express.

The great liberation of imaginative writing is that you're not held back by the facts.

I held off on having kids and getting married so I could fight. I gave my life to this.

I believe in justice, and I believe in people being held responsible for their actions.

We are absolutely going to make sure Paul Ryan is being held accountable to the people.

Instead of embracing change, the E.U.'s precautionary principle has held back progress.

Every rippling muscle is a book not read, a movie not seen, or a conversation not held.

We tried burying the waste at sea and the concrete cannisters that held it cracked open.

I'm part of a community that holds each other up, and it's been great to be held up too.

I attended TED in 2007 and 2008, the last two years the conference was held in Monterey.

Jesus didn't hold people accountable; He just held them close - because it works better.

Anybody who deliberately propagandizes with lies should be held up to scorn and ridicule.

In 1980, a young Senator Al Gore held the first Congressional hearings on global warming.

In addition to the dread of Indians, Texas held out no inducements for Mexican emigrants.

When you make speeches you elicit expectations against which you will be held accountable.

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