Galactica' resembles 'Bonanza' because it's all theater.

Develop a mind so filled with love that it resembles space.

The world resembles a stage on which every man is playing a part.

Genius unrefined resembles a flash of lightning, but wisdom is like the sun.

All the new thinking is about loss, In this it resembles all the old thinking.

If we judge love by most of its effects, it resembles rather hatred than affection.

I was a big Michael Jordan fan growing up. I don't feel my game resembles his though.

A pig resembles a saint in that he is more honored after death than during his lifetime.

I have a birthmark on the inside of my left knee that resembles an upside-down sea horse.

If we are to judge of love by its consequences, it more nearly resembles hatred than friendship.

If there is such a thing as a good marriage, it is because it resembles friendship rather than love.

He that can live alone resembles the brute beast in nothing, the sage in much, and God in everything.

I don't think there is a fictional character who resembles me because fictional characters are not real!

Death most resembles a prophet who is without honor in his own land or a poet who is a stranger among his people.

I need the help of my nannies, but I don't want my children being raised in something that resembles a group home.

Piecemeal social engineering resembles physical engineering in regarding the ends as beyond the province of technology.

Evil is everywhere. But to believe that this is a country that resembles the Jim Crow-era is ludicrous and disingenuous.

My personality resembles my designs to a large extent. I'm in sync with myself and I'm transparent, just like my designs.

Violence against women and children resembles an epidemic. It has spread through society, sparing no social group or class.

Robotics are beginning to cross that line from absolutely primitive motion to motion that resembles animal or human behavior.

On a planet that increasingly resembles one huge Maximum Security prison, the only intelligent choice is to plan a jail break.

The American President resembles the commander of a ship at sea. He must have a helm to grasp, a course to steer, a port to seek.

I see my large nose, like half an avocado. I broke it falling downstairs when I was six, and it now resembles a large blob of play-dough.

What takes place in the Security Council more closely resembles a mugging than either a political debate or an effort at problem-solving.

Every beauty which is seen here by persons of perception resembles more than anything else that celestial source from which we all are come.

Although many people in Aceh are still poor and vulnerable, the province resembles nothing like the place I saw the day after the tsunami hit.

Catholicism actually resembles a family that survives because even as it aspires to holiness, it understands and can live with sin and imperfection.

If I can't cast Amitabh Bachchan because he's over 65, should I cast Abhishek Bachchan instead just because he resembles him and has a similar name?

Europe is so well gardened that it resembles a work of art, a scientific theory, a neat metaphysical system. Man has re-created Europe in his own image.

The car resembles a dragon fly or any other jumping animal that moves shorter distances in straight lines and then changes its direction at different points.

It resembles a pair of shears, so joined that they cannot be separated, often moving in opposite directions, yet always punishing anyone who comes between them.

Unfortunately, a lot of economists wanted to make their subject a science. So the more what you do resembles physics or chemistry, the more credible you become.

The Wish Factory did a tremendous job and I am amazed at how closely the doll resembles me. The clothes are modeled off actual stuff I wear, which is pretty cool.

Marriage resembles a pair of shears, so joined that they cannot be separated; often moving in opposite directions, yet always punishing anyone who comes between them.

There's a certain kind of behavior in the Arab world that, to me, resembles the way young men behave when there is no significant influence from women in their lives.

Award trophies, as opposed to letting the players define and claim their own. Ultimately, pay them to play so that their activity not only resembles work but is work.

The noise resembles the roar of heavy, distant surf. Standing on the stirring ice one can imagine it is disturbed by the breathing and tossing of a mighty giant below.

History resembles a guest list in that sense of the invited and the gatecrashers: the people for whom we have been waiting, and those whose presence takes us unawares.

The moon of a bright silver, which dazzles by its shining, illumines a world which surely is no longer ours; for it resembles in nothing what may be seen in other lands.

Art has two constant, two unending concerns: It always meditates on death and thus always creates life. All great, genuine art resembles and continues the Revelation of St John.

The first time I read an excellent work, it is to me just as if I gained a new friend; and when I read over a book I have perused before, it resembles the meeting of an old one.

I care more about a 15-year-old queer kid in Iowa who wants to know that there's anything out there that resembles their experience and life than the hip queer person in Brooklyn.

I can't live without a good scrub or concealer. Concealer could give you 8 hours sleep instantly. I also love lipstick, for everyday a berry tone that resembles the natural lip color.

For the duration of its collective life, or the time during which its identity may be assumed, each class resembles a hotel or an omnibus, always full, but always of different people.

I feel bad for my little cousins who don't see themselves being represented, or the little girls in my community who won't have a chance to see a Disney princess... who resembles them.

A revolution resembles the death of a fading star, an exhilarating Technicolor explosion that gives way not to an ordered new galaxy but to a nebula, a formless cloud of shifting energy.

The enemy resembles us. Therefore, he needs to be approached not as an assembly of 'targets' to be destroyed one by one; but as a living, intelligent entity capable of acting and reacting.

I really felt good after working in a film like 'Piku,' as many people could relate to my character. I got letters from my fans telling me how my character resembles to their grandparents.

This self-love is the instrument of our preservation; it resembles the provision for the perpetuity of mankind: it is necessary, it is dear to us, it gives us pleasure, and we must conceal it.

I really don't want to do anything that resembles stand-up comedy. But I will agree to say that I am doing it, and I will hope that people expect it to be that, so I can thwart those expectations.

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