A siege is an act of war.

We remain essentially a nation under siege.

I'm currently working on a Mind Siege for youth.

Energy is under siege by the Obama administration.

To come under siege was the inevitable fate of power.

We will save our Second Amendment, which is totally under siege.

Art is a primal need - even under siege, especially under siege.

Because to the poor, books are not diversions. Book are siege weapons.

It can't have been fun to live with somebody whose brain was under siege.

The world is under siege, in conflict, but it is enthusiastic about Argentina.

I'm usually the guy who says, 'Bruce Willis and Denzel Washington in the Siege'!

To be under occupation, to be under siege, is not a good inspiration for poetry.

Love is like a reservoir of kindness and pleasure, like silos and pools during a siege.

What I'm trying to do with my work is to break open things that are sealed, that are under siege.

People under siege turn to us in complete frustration and I get a chance to go in when it's do or die.

Prayer is the human response to the perpetual outpouring of love by which God lays siege to every soul.

If a jerk burns the flag, America is not threatened, democracy is not under siege, freedom is not at risk.

England, bound in with the triumphant sea, Whose rocky shore beats back the envious siege Of watery Neptune.

When you are desperate to get someone who isn't all that interested in you, you lay siege as hard as you can.

Peace cannot be achieved except after the cessation of military escalation and the economic and financial siege.

Lay siege to your sins, and starve them out by keeping away the food and fuel which is their maintenance and life.

One likes people much better when they're battered down by a prodigious siege of misfortune than when they triumph.

The Encyclopedia - the advance artillery of reason, the armada of philosophy, the siege engine of the enlightenment.

What stays with you latest and deepest? of curious panics, of hard-fought engagements or sieges tremendous what deepest remains?

Wherever good fortune enters, envy lays siege to the place and attacks it; and when it departs, sorrow and repentance remain behind.

You know why I'm running for governor? Because everything we care about is under siege from President Donald Trump and Bruce Rauner.

This old notion that work is drudgery is nonsense. Most days, even back when Xerox was under siege, I could not wait to get to the office.

Ah, whither shall a maiden flee, When a bold youth so swift pursues, And siege of tenderest courtesy, With hope perseverant, still renews!

'Fall Of A City' aims to convey, in all its emotional richness, the effects of war and the toll taken on city and family by the horrors of siege.

There's a sense of being under siege in many Muslim communities. People just assume there are agents or informants in their mosque now. It's a fact of life.

For siege works against bold and venturesome men should be constructed on one plan, on another against cautious men, and on still another against the cowardly.

We need a Supreme Court that in my opinion is going to uphold the Second Amendment, and all amendments, but the Second Amendment, which is under absolute siege.

With a vast majority of conservative voters and listeners solidly behind Mr. Trump, conservative critics of the president find themselves isolated and under siege.

I'm the sort of person who, if I arrive in a city under siege, in the middle of nowhere, I'll always find my way to the leader of the rebels. I just don't know how.

A lot of films made me love the movies, everything from Hitchcock to Godard. But the ones that really grabbed me were Costa-Gavras's films like 'Z' and 'State of Siege.'

Actors want to impress at the beginning, so you take advantage of that by suddenly saying, 'Right, you're here for two weeks.' What you're doing is creating a siege mentality.

When under siege, if we do not stand for our liberties and for the liberties of those who are unable to stand for themselves, then the great American experience will come to an end.

Even when conservatives have all the marbles, they still act as if they're under siege. Now that they are under siege, it is no time for them to act as if they're losing their marbles.

Our elephants are under siege because of an illegal international market that has driven ivory prices in the region up significantly. I call upon the international community to join us in this fight.

They [muslims] are chopping off heads in Syria. Christianity is under siege. I'm Protestant, Presbyterian, and I'm proud of it. Other religions frankly are banding together, we need to band together.

For generations, the body of Christ has been defeated and put under a constant siege of condemnation from the accuser because they believe wrongly that the Holy Spirit convicts believers of their sins.

The liberals and free people of the world will not like to see the Palestinian people living under siege. We have received indications from the international community that they will not stop their aid.

I cannot imagine a worse job than being president of these Untied States in these most trying of times. President Barack Obama has been under siege from every side for the entirety of his time in office.

We have essentially gone from being communities that were policed by people from the communities to being communities that are policed by strangers, and that's no longer a community: that's an area that's under siege.

The players can associate playing for England with enjoyment, fun, and not being under siege and feeling everything is against them. There's an energy and a connection back. That's important in the short, mid, and long term as well.

Exactly when people are in turmoil is the time that the entertainment business has always been at its best. Because people don't want to be reminded every day that they are under siege, or that they're not having a great time of life.

We don't have time to waste. Our communities are crumbling; our children are under siege. Failing schools and a for-profit prison-industrial complex are sucking the life out of black homes and communities. We are not going down like this!

I am well aware of the facts presented by numerous security experts on the many ways in which the United States' digital networks have come under siege by cybercriminals and under daily assault by hackers in league with various foreign governments.

Now even the American command is under siege. We are hitting it from the north, east, south and west. We chase them here and they chase us there. But at the end we are the people who are laying siege to them. And it is not them who are besieging us.

When the woodpecker is searching for food, or laying siege to some hidden grub, the sound of his hammer is dead or muffled and is heard but a few yards. It is only upon dry, seasoned timber, freed of its bark, that he beats his reveille to spring and wooes his mate.

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