A game is a problem-solving activity, approached with a playful attitude

Music and physical activity goes hand in hand. Music and basketball, man.

Authentic happiness is not linked to an activity, it is a state of being.

The sanyasa of the Gita will not tolerate complete cessation of activity.

People love chopping wood. In this activity one immediately sees results.

The less people know about 'Paranormal Activity,' the more they enjoy it.

Our eagerness for worldly activity kills in us the sense of spiritual awe

Happiness consists in activity. It is running steam, not a stagnant pool.

I was blacklisted because of this activity, so I'm not a typical anything.

The good news is that even minimal activity can significantly extend life.

If your activities don't match your priorities, you are wasting your life.

Writing songs is a solo activity, so, if I put my mind to it, I can do it.

The activity of a singer that sings opera is similar to that of an athlete.

The lucky renew their energy through the activity in which they're engaged.

The more your mind is restful, the more you're capable of dynamic activity.

Happy people learn that happiness, like sweat, is a by-product of activity.

Dynamic activity and deep rest of the mind are complementary to each other.

Painting is a self-disciplined activity that you have to learn by yourself.

Incompetence is a better explanation than conspiracy in most human activity.

Political activity by unions is not wrong. It's their First Amendment right.

I don't care for physical activity. I'm not sporty. I'm not very coordinated.

There is an incompatibility between literary creation and political activity.

Education can become a self-fulfilling activity, liberating in and of itself.

I see no room in holy Scripture for any sexual activity outside of matrimony.

Even if you're ill, physical activity at a lower level will help you beat it.

Without constant activity, the threats of life will soon overwhelm the values.

I would say any type of sexual activity has absolutely no place in the military.

No partisan political activity transpired in my office during the recount period.

Any activity becomes creative when the doer cares about doing it right or better.

Don't confuse activity with productivity. Many people are simply busy being busy.

We confuse activity with progress, and that's always dangerous, especially in war.

Happiness involves engagement in activities that promote one's highest potentials.

Remember: if you can cease all restless activity, your integral nature will appear.

Consciousness conceives, governs, constructs, and becomes the activity of the body.

I syndicate my Twitter activity to Facebook, but I get very little traffic from it.

When you rest, realize it is not simply ceasing from activity…it is a gift from God.

If you want to seed a place with activity, the first thing to do is to put out food.

I dont think you can lightly paint a picture. Its an activity I take very seriously.

Enjoyment is not a goal, it is a feeling that accompanies important ongoing activity.

You could almost describe psychedelics as enzymes for the activity of the imagination.

I don't think you can lightly paint a picture. It's an activity I take very seriously.

Showing off seemed to me to be a highly valuable and necessary activity when I was 20.

Power from on high . . . It is God inserting into you divine activity with mightiness.

There are three essential factors in all human activity: spirit, materials, and action.

Missionary activity is not so much the work of the church as simply the Church at work.

I mean if you draw you like drawing, it's er, an activity you do all the time actually.

Kinsey kick started a lot in shocking people with how much homosexual activity there is.

You must learn to be still in the midst of activity and to be vibrantly alive in repose.

I fight to embrace the entire circle of human activity to the full extent of my ability.

There are, strictly speaking, no enlightened people, there is only enlightened activity.

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