I never could have achieved the success that I have without setting physical activity and health goals.

For me, electronic music is like cooking: it's a sensual organic activity where you can mix ingredients.

I need nine hours of sleep because of all the activity I do. It doesn't always happen, but I really try.

Pigeon racing is a lousy, greedy, and often unlawful activity. One thing that it is not is kind to birds.

I would hope to inspire in my listeners a feeling of freedom - of speech, thought and political activity.

Zazen practice and everyday activity are one thing. We call zazen everyday life, and everyday life zazen.

In general, it should be in our interest to get organizations out of military activity and into politics.

The Empress has been connected with the ideas of universal fecundity and in a general sense with activity.

Jiu Jitsu is probably the No. 1 activity that I could recommend to someone to improve their lives overall.

Chinese cooking is noisy - a multitasking activity that requires constant vigilance. There is no downtime.

For the vast majority of mankind's history, economic activity consisted of finding energy and using energy.

The measure of the worth of our public activity for God is the private profound communion we have with Him.

Sometimes people think drawing and painting is mucking about when actually it is a highly skilled activity.

I think playing solo is a second rate activity, really. For me, playing is about playing with other people.

People who are making it to 100 live in environments where they are regularly nudged into physical activity.

Action is the highest perfection and drawing forth of the utmost power, vigor, and activity of man's nature.

No member of any 'grouping' should be judged by the activity of some other individual in that same grouping.

It's the journey toward doing these harder climbs that really gives value to the whole activity of climbing.

I pay a lot of attention to how things are done and the whole activity of building something is interesting.

Logical activity is not the whole of intelligence. One can be intelligent without being particularly logical.

Now our whole activity is devoted to God, and our whole life, since we are bent on progress in divine things.

The causes of obesity are varied and complex, but the lack of daily physical activity is an important factor.

For a variety of reasons, we are not producing at a given level of economic activity the jobs we used to have.

I'm not going to argue with scientists how much human activity affects natural environment, including climate.

At age 10, I was better at ballet than I think I will ever be at any physical activity for the rest of my life.

All activity in the brain is driven by other activity in the brain, in a vastly complex, interconnected network.

On average, spending time with your boss is consistently rated as the least pleasurable activity in a given day.

I don't want to sound pompous, but I really think your gender doesn't necessarily dominate your sexual activity.

I don't very much distinguish when I'm working. I do what I like to do: the time changes and my activity changes.

The highest activity a human being can attain is learning for understanding, because to understand is to be free.

The minute there's a map, there is no art. Paint by numbers is not art. Paint by numbers is a mechanical activity.

The corporate lobby in Washington is basically designed to stifle all legislative activity on behalf of consumers.

Snowboarding is an activity that is very popular with people who do not feel that regular skiing is lethal enough.

The extra curricular activity in which I was most engaged - debating - helped shape my interests in public policy.

The main pillar of my activity is making clothes, but this can never be the perfect and only vehicle of expression.

To make an activity joyful, keep adding things until the activity as a whole becomes more appealing than repulsing.

The pursuit of truth and beauty is a sphere of activity in which we are permitted to remain children all our lives.

Spirituality practiced in the state of activity is incomparably superior to that practiced in a state of withdrawel.

Like Syria, the government of Bahrain employs aggressive tactics to censor and monitor its people's online activity.

Global warming is controversial, of course, but the controversy is mainly over whether human activity is driving it.

We are not forced into unpleasant activities. We either allow them to come about or we encourage them to come about.

Happiness is not achieved by the conscious pursuit of happiness; it is generally the by-product of other activities.

The task of the educator lies in seeing that the child does not confound good with immobility and evil with activity.

Emily Osment has 'osteo-old-woman-itis.' She can't lift weights or do physical activity but ride her bike and do yoga.

We are not brought by faith into a realm of passivity, but rather, we are brought into the realm of diligent activity.

Right now, American law bars the admission of aliens suspected of terrorist activity - but not of terrorist sympathies.

I am unable to think of any critical, complex human activity that could be safely reduced to a simple summary equation.

In 'Top Gear,' everything goes wrong because you have Jeremy Clarkson, so any practical activity ends in a pile of bits.

Realize that from the start, every activity that comprises the journey has value and the ability to teach you something.

When we announced that we were going to support Bitcoin companies, we became a great lightning rod for activity and fun.

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