Dictators are interesting, no?

Corporations are the new dictators.

Dictators don't come from elections.

Dictators never invent their own opportunities.

History has proved that dictators can't last forever.

Dictators free themselves, but they enslave the people.

In the '60s, I did many satirical portraits of dictators.

The world is full of little dictators trying to run your life.

Really, no-one is bad except for serial killers and dictators.

Perfection spawns doctrines, dictators and totalitarian ideas.

Africa has more dictators per capita than any other continent.

I've met quite a few dictators up close and personal in my life.

Even socialist dictators have an interest in gorgeous supermodels.

A universal draft is most often the instrument of Third World dictators.

There are dictators a bit worse than me, no? I'm the lesser evil already.

Dictators fall when they're overconfident; they stay in power when they're paranoid.

Saddam Hussein admired, studied, and copied Stalin, the paragon of modern dictators.

More harm was done in the 20th century by faceless bureaucrats than tyrant dictators.

You can't pay for healthcare if we're sending a trillion dollars a year to dictators.

Dictators and oppressors should continue to fear me because I will be here for a long time.

History reminds us that dictators and despots arise during times of severe economic crisis.

Mobs and dictators were made for each other, and when mobs appear, dictators will soon flourish.

Dictators aren't stupid, or regimes could be toppled easily by young people mobilizing on Facebook.

It's pretty well known that the CIA has been installing friendly dictators around the world for years.

The misconception that aid falls straight into the hands of dictators largely stems from the Cold War era.

I've played so many historical characters because most horrible dictators are short, fat, middle-aged men.

Democracy consists of choosing your dictators, after they've told you what you think it is you want to hear.

American presidents always avoid shaking hands with brutal dictators, except when it's advantageous to do so.

It's time to bury the unreal, failed 'realism' of those who have long thought that dictators brought stability.

When demagogues and dictators ban art, this is the reason: art is the great solvent of obedient fundamentalism.

We know that dictators are quick to choose aggression, while free nations strive to resolve differences in peace.

Not many dictators announce their resignation, but I did because I didn't want to stay on and overstay my welcome.

I think that reality is divorced from former vice president Joe Biden who hob knobs with these Hollywood dictators.

The people will demand answers from all the dictators and the people who have not allowed this country to function.

All dictators, the rich and famous, to the lowest security guard who holds a gun, easily forget that power is transitory.

When it comes to tyrants, dictators and terrorists, strength and the threat of force is the only language they understand.

Trump can embrace dictators and gulags, but we the people stand for human rights, for dignity, for keeping families together.

Warlords, dictators and terrorists are normally okay with the U.S., as long as they do the bidding of U.S. corporate interests.

For years, successive Arab dictators have tried to keep discontent at bay by distracting people with the Israeli-Arab conflict.

Britain has supported theocrats and dictators as long as it served British business interests, whether under Tory or Labour rule.

Ignorance is an evil weed, which dictators may cultivate among their dupes, but which no democracy can afford among its citizens.

I used to wish there was a useful term for those of us who thought American power should be used to remove psychopathic dictators.

So benevolent, enlightened, wise dictators are the most efficient form of government. The problem is what comes afterwards, right?

When you review the Central American wars or other Latin American wars, you find that there were dictators and there were insurgents.

We cannot forget the little things we take for granted in America that remain the disdain of dictators and terrorists throughout the world.

Tyrants and dictators have incited hatred against ethnic and religious minorities for centuries in order to consolidate power for themselves.

When the dictators and the opportunists are gone, the cross will still stand before us and something in us will say, 'That is the real thing.'

Were there peace and justice in the Middle East, the Arabs would no more need their tinhorn dictators than they would their corpulent princes.

Illicit trade corrupts corporations and governments alike, allows dictators to survive, and obscures oppression, including modern day slavery.

Dictators must have enemies. They must have internal enemies to justify their secret police and external enemies to justify their military forces.

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