Do we have the right to understand the world we live in? The right to all the information regarding why our governments are making the decisions that they are?

You can't punish the middle classes for going to drama school - you need to punish the education system and the associative governments for devaluing the arts.

A Republic without parties is a complete anomaly. The histories of all popular governments show absurd is the idea of their attempting to exist without parties.

I do not think it is an exaggeration to say history is largely a history of inflation, usually inflations engineered by governments for the gain of governments.

Recently though, our State Governments have discussed instigating a carbon trading scheme - the details are still to be decided - and that's an encouraging sign.

There always will naturally be some differences when you form the government with coalition parties. Even some single party governments also face several issues.

In all modesty, we must admit that governments are not always the best doctors when it comes to diagnosing economic ailments and prescribing the right treatment.

As global organizations, governments, NGOs, and corporations plan for the years ahead, we must ensure that broadband deployment for the whole world is a priority.

Governments cannot assume or expect that the ECB will always facilitate their funding independently of the achievement of their fiscal and other policy objectives.

Nowhere is Universalism welcomed and encouraged by a people; everywhere governments have forced and are forcing Universalism upon unwilling and resistant subjects.

We know an organised workforce cannot be enslaved, but when governments fail their citizens and allow corporations to escape the rule of law, slavery can flourish.

Nations are not built by governments alone. The government can at best be a facilitator, and a trigger for society's innate entrepreneurial and creative instincts.

You can bring down governments, you can do a lot of things that are in your own interests even though liberals will get very antsy when you start talking about it.

We have shown, given these last three years, that we were succeeding in fighting terrorists. While during the first 30 years of the former governments they didn't.

We know darned well that in Bosnia, certain governments and the secretary had said tens of thousands are needed in Srebrenica and those people were never provided.

We should all be able to have faith that our governments are working in our best interests - and if they aren't, then they should be challenged and held to account.

What if people could use the Internet to create a new kind of money, one that didn't involve governments and central banks and could be used anonymously, like cash?

Ultimately, there is no entity called 'government'; there are only people forming themselves into groups called 'governments' and acting in a 'governmental' manner.

I have no truck with the faintly conspiratorial argument that international governments are gleeful about a public-health emergency to enact authoritarian measures.

I'd always maintained that much of the anarchy and craziness of the early internet had a lot to do with the fact that governments just hadn't realised it was there.

For over 20 years, the federal and provincial governments have made enormous efforts employing a variety of approaches in an attempt to stimulate Montreal's economy.

Until the governments don't have a clear law against piracy and the digital downloads are not working worldwide properly, the record industry will keep on suffering.

The strongest governments on earth cannot clean up pollution by themselves. They must rely on each ordinary person, like you and me, on our choices, and on our will.

The investment climate in Gujarat under Modi has been very supportive of business interests; but it was the same under the Congress governments that came before him.

It's the publicity function of Amnesty that I think has made its name so widely known, not only to readers in the world, but to governments - and that's what matters.

I'm the daughter of proud immigrants myself, but it's clear that successive federal governments have allowed the rate of immigration to NSW to balloon out of control.

The history of African-American repression in this country rose from government-sanctioned racism. Jim Crow laws were a product of bigoted state and local governments.

It is equally demonstrable that so far as Texas is concerned, there have been equal confusion, insecurity and injustice in the administration of the State governments.

Around the continent, governments worry that indigenous groups are fertile ground for extremist, terrorist groups. We are trying to make sure that doesn't happen here.

We should be looking at the bigger picture. It's all very well going around driving our Priuses, but we have to look to our governments to make us less reliant on oil.

Global overcapacity in steel production can no longer be ignored. Foreign governments' intervention in steel markets has had a devastating impact on the U.S. industry.

What do you think, what people want from their governments? Simple. A better life for themselves and for their children. Government that is fair, just and responsible.

It is the duty of governments to create a pro-voter environment that encourages participation, but it is also the responsibility of citizens to make their voices heard.

The more laws that governments pass, the less individual freedom there is. Any student of history will tell you that. Totalitarian countries ban pretty much everything.

All these dismal things that are going on in the world - the isolation and the sickness and the governments and the pollution - it's so frightful, over the whole world.

Clear limits should be set on how power is exercised in cyberspace by companies as well as governments through the democratic political process and enforced through law.

It costs governments money to keep fuel prices low. Oil-rich Yemen, for instance, devotes 9 percent of its GDP to making sure its people don't riot when oil prices rise.

The operations of the federal government will be most extensive and important in times of war and danger; those of the State governments, in times of peace and security.

The existing governments of the world are the consequence of disobedience to the commands of God. But Christ came to bring men back to obedience by a new and living way.

In this context the British and Irish governments will have to promote a new, imaginative and dynamic alternative in which both governments will share power in the north.

Scientists are not delinquents. Our work has changed the conditions in which men live, but the use made of these changes is the problem of governments, not of scientists.

With four of the top ten most violent cities in America, Michigan will never fully flourish unless our governments can fulfill their basic task: protecting public safety.

By creating a Metropolitan North Georgia Water Planning District, we will give local governments a framework for working together on an issue that affects our whole state.

There should be resolutions adopted in top international institutions, which are binding on all states and governments in the world, to forbid the defamation of religions.

Our common membership of the E.U. provided an important external context to the Irish and U.K. governments working together for peace. It should not be discounted lightly.

The health, safety and prosperity of our communities are our top priorities, and state and local governments provide critical services that protect and serve Maine people.

The E.U. can deliver on its citizens' needs and make its partnerships work only if we all act together - E.U. institutions and national governments, at all levels, united.

Democracy is not only the right to vote, it is also about not resorting to violence in order to reach political goals and respecting agreements signed by former governments.

See, governments are overrated. They come and go in 5 or 10 years; it is we who have the power. But we are like Hanuman in 'Ramayan,' who needed to be reminded of his power.

The United States has some people in Europe with whom we disagree on this matter and a large number of people in Europe, including governments in Europe, with whom we agree.

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