The Tube is a vehicle for selling things, not for exploring ideas.

A high price may be part of the mystique in selling difficult art.

Selling eight million copies of your first album will mess you up.

Life is pain...anyone who tells you otherwise is selling something

Selling out isn't selling out anymore. It's getting the brass ring.

There's nothing more human than selling food to strangers, you know?

Personally, I would never use sexuality or looks as a selling point.

I take a lot of flak from the counter-establishment for selling out.

Selling is helping people to do what they're already inclined to do.

I want to be in a position where I feel comfortable selling an idea.

Becoming famous and selling a lot of records doesn't change a thing.

Selling millions of albums is a sign you've infiltrated the culture.

Everyone is someone else's catalyst for selling something these days.

If a guy's got it, let him give it. I'm selling music, not prejudice.

I'm just really bad at selling anything I don't actually use or like.

Selling a book or story has never become absolutely automatic for me.

Selling tickets at the Bing Theater at LACMA was my first job in L.A.

Ninety percent of selling is conviction and 10 percent is persuasion.

The trade of banks is the buying and selling of interest and exchange.

Buying's easier, selling's hard - [it's] hard to know when to get out.

The big money is not in the buying and selling ... but in the waiting.

Ninety percent of selling is conviction, and 10 per cent is persuasion.

An IPO-mad technology boom made 'selling out' itself into an honorific.

Well, this would be nice if it worked out, but I'm not selling the farm.

In my late teens and early 20s, I started selling mix CDs on the street.

Too different from other juveniles on the market to warrant its selling.

If you don't believe in what you're selling, neither will your prospect.

I always tell the truth about what I’m selling, and then nobody buys it.

Scarcity is a good sales tactic if you are selling something people want.

Selling out is when you do something that you don't naturally want to do.

To sell yourself is somewhat debasing, and everyone is selling something.

You should consider an employment change before you consider selling out.

Selling and telling are two different things. In politics, we sell ideas.

Describe your product in terms of what it does not in terms of what it is.

If your heart's not into what you're selling, you're not going to make it.

I guess the quality that makes one write poetry keeps one from selling it.

Elvis is my religion. But for him, I'd be selling encyclopedias right now.

If you have a good selling idea, your secretary can write your ad for you.

Selling a million records used to be a big deal. I guess it's not anymore.

I am interested in communicating with the world by selling to many people.

I wouldn't dream of selling my work. I give them to friends, to charities.

I was studying acting, going to UCLA, selling real estate on the weekends.

October, November, December is a huge selling season globally for Nintendo.

I really hate it when I see other bands selling their music to commercials.

The other guys are selling certainty. Not me. I'm on the corner with doubt.

I am principled against selling negroes, as you would do cattle at a market.

Television, I would say, isn't an advertising medium. It's a selling medium.

It has been difficult to hold onto many paintings but I have retained a few.

Tomorrow it'll all be over, then I'll have to go back to selling pens again.

Adele is selling millions of records, and everybody tries to sing like Adele.

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