I love being on tour and having my own tour bus.

I got my own tour bus and every show has been lit.

Sometimes on a tour bus, we watch comedy when it's slow.

We each have our own tour bus. We've never done that before.

We wrote and recorded the 'Bond' song on a tour bus in Texas.

Why blow money on a tour bus when you could get your mom a nice dress?

Flying private is cool, but the tour bus is like a home that you can decorate.

I love touring. I love stand up. I love getting on a tour bus with my friends.

I don't really put cars in my videos because I'm always flying or on a tour bus.

I love the road. The closest thing to home, for me, is being on a tour bus, ironically.

I learned really late. I started leasing a tour bus, which I wish I had done a lot sooner.

I basically grew up on the road with my dad, on a tour bus every summer since I was a kid.

I was traveling on our tour bus through Europe and I was thinking I want to have long blonde hair.

I often get ideas for songs on the tour bus at odd times. Like at 6am when no one is around, I'd just write.

I'm so hands-on, from the color of my tour bus to what I eat for dinner at 5 or the way the lights are hung.

Living on the road can make you feel quite displaced. Cooking a meal on the tour bus for everyone makes it home.

I quietly work with my computer on the tour bus, and then I wait to make my more natural rhythms when I get home.

The Internet connection from the road can be spotty, so usually when I'm on the tour bus, I'm playing 'God of War.'

I think traveling as much as we do and being on the road, the craziest thing is probably having our own little tour bus.

I buried my dad the day I started Craig David's tour. Buried him, got on this tour bus in Stratford, and hit the road. Mixed emotions.

I'm definitely sleep deprived - it is so hard to sleep on a tour bus! It moves around so much, and we have really weird time schedules.

I guess getting used to sleeping on the tour bus has been the hardest thing - that and settling for whatever food you can get on the road.

I never envisioned being a rock star. I envisioned the stage. I would draw and draw and draw the stage, or the tour bus. It was much simpler.

I wish I could teleport and cut out the travelling in between gigs. I want the luxury of the shows without the painful bits stuck on a tour bus.

I see myself traveling; I see myself with a much bigger living space than I do have right now. I see myself hopefully on a tour bus at some point.

I laughed at Willie Nelson, wondering why he spends all his life on that tour bus. And I look at myself, and I'm sitting in airplanes half the time.

Every day I have a tour bus that comes around my house and stops. You can hear them on their microphone. If you don't embrace it, it's going to destroy you.

Life on the road can get a little one-dimensional. I didn't want to reach 40 and have to say all I'd done was look out the window of a tour bus and get drunk.

I read the newspaper online. Mostly 'The New York Times.' I'll still buy papers if I'm getting on an airplane or the tour bus, though. I like physical things.

I cannot believe that I get a tour bus. I've been traveling in a van for 15 years. I used to look at people who were on buses and be like, 'Whoa, man, some day.'

I was on my dad's tour bus when I was super little. My dad did a tour of 'Annie Get Your Gun' when I was really little, and I loved going and seeing him do that.

I spent six figures of my own money to get a tour bus and do a fan tour for my second album. I surprised fans at their houses, and we'd eat food and play video games.

My feet are giving out on me. But I have a wheelchair that folds out on my tour bus. I've also got this little tricycle, so if I want to go someplace, I get those out.

I don't really like living in a very small space, like a tour bus, even though I have an amazing tour bus, and I've had multiple tour buses. It's still not a lot of room.

Because I'm on a tour bus, it's so hard to wash your face - we have to use, um, water bottles. But you know what? It's not about looking cute - it's about staying hydrated.

Rebellion is what you make of it. When you've been on a tour bus for two months straight, and then you get in your car and drive wherever you want, that can feel rebellious.

We want to stay on this tour bus together as long as we possibly can. I'm sure a lot of bands are like, 'I need my own space.' But we don't. I want to be with these guys forever.

You know, I didn't have enough money to quit my day job... the myth of the major label deal. Nowadays, you have a tour bus and a stylist and all this stuff. But back then, no way.

We watch a load of films on the tour bus. We all watched Michael Jackson's 'This Is It', which was really amazing and it is a shame we will never get to see him perform live again.

Back in '93 and '94, when 'Dookie' was being made, my dad built this tour bus for us, out of a bookmobile. We toured in it for the first year. It was a really bad idea, by the way.

I used to work at my dad's peanut mill, and worked 15 hours a day, 6 days a week. So, now, riding around on a nice tour bus and doing shows, you'd have to get picky to have a downside.

I can't imagine being in a tour bus. It would be nice, but I think it costs $30,000 a week to rent. And I can't imagine spending what many people make in a year on a vehicle for one week.

I'm always ready for the enemy to come over the hill. I'm packed and set to go. That comes from my time in the army. I used to travel in a tank, but now it's a tour bus going to safer places.

I've always chosen my band members based on their sense of humor. It might sound stupid, but it means not only are they fun to live with on a tour bus for years, but humor implies intelligence.

On our American tour bus, the bunks are a bit taller so that we don't bash our heads. On the English bus, we bash our heads every morning. It's not the best thing to do first thing when you wake up.

To play on top of a bus is something we've never done before - we did play on the Red Bull Tour Bus once in Bangalore last year, but it's always a one of a kind of experience to jump on the bus and sing.

The tour bus is always fun, and there's plenty of time to watch movies. Actually, Kanye introduced me to the movie 'Step Brothers.' We were sitting there, watching it and clowning around - it was so funny, man.

You could take any four people, no matter how wonderful they are, and if you make them live together on a tour bus for eight years and don't give them any time off, after a while everybody gonna start going crazy.

I am blessed that I get to do this thing I love to do, and if I wasn't doing this, I'd probably be working as Starbucks. So the fact that I get to travel around on a tour bus all around the country is pretty awesome.

I was very young, and I kind of decided I wanted to do comedy. My parents were musicians, so we traveled on a tour bus. You're in a different town every night; as a kid, you're trying to make friends fast. You try to be funny.

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