My life is cinematic in some ways.

I thought labs were such cinematic, spooky spaces.

Most of us live our lives devoid of cinematic moments.

Lawrence of Arabia is the ultimate movie, deeply cinematic.

I think I've always been drawn to the notion of talk as cinematic.

Watching an Amitabh Bachchan film in my village was a cinematic treat.

We're always striving to make Avatar look like a cinematic, live-action movie.

Cinematic icons of the police detective are more male role models than female.

My cinematic crush has been pretty much the same since I was 12: Kevin Costner.

But actually I make films that I think are extremely sophisticated and cinematic.

I love writing dialogue, and I think a lot of my writing is visual and very cinematic.

I could make the title of my memoirs: 'It's got cinematic disaster written all over it.'

I haven't read a lot of Westerns. But I wrote a Western. The influences were all cinematic.

I think violence in a cinematic context can be, if handled in a certain way, very seductive.

'Teen Spirit' is a celebration of the power that music can deliver to the cinematic experience.

'Sweet Valley High' is fantastic, fabulous, a little bit campy, and - dare I say it - cinematic.

Screenwriting is the most prized of all the cinematic arts. Actually, it isn't, but it should be.

I love it when television is shot in a cinematic way and I think to aspire to that is no bad thing.

I want to work with a wide range of genres because it gives each film a different cinematic energy.

A lot of Ennio Morricone's music is just - it's very soulful, very cinematic, and very psychedelic.

I've always been fascinated by chefs and the worlds of chefs - what they do is incredibly cinematic.

God of War' is traditionally known for these cinematic, pull back cameras, which I think are fantastic.

The cinematic universe will not worry about 'Legion.' They will not worry about these TV worlds at all.

The actors are the greatest executors of tone in a film. They're the most important cinematic component.

When working on a period, it is the finer details that evoke imagery that helps in cinematic adaptations.

Fred Bumaye shows great promise as a young filmmaker with a passion for story and the cinematic language.

Ridley Scott is a cinematic master and a great man. It was a real honour working with him on 'Prometheus.'

What he's done is recognise the cinematic nature of the book. It's beautifully realised - it's a beat film.

When you enter a Ralph Lauren store, it's almost cinematic, as though you're walking through someone's home.

Our music over the years has been very cinematic. It's surprising we never really got into film soundtracks.

My favorite music is when the sound is supplementing the message. I don't think it's dramatic; it's cinematic.

We're used to thinking of force as a stable phenomenon, but it has a cinematic variable, which is acceleration.

I love films that take place over a short period of time, and I feel that those films are in our cinematic DNA.

I use cinematic things in a theatrical way on stage, and in film I use theatrical techniques in a cinematic way.

I think in the wake of the domination of the Marvel Cinematic Universe, everyone is now looking for a grand plan.

The ridiculous events in everyday life are often overlooked - people don't recognise it as potentially cinematic.

I purposely try to make my music cinematic. I try to inspire visuals even though I'm only an instrument of sound.

Make no mistake - LeBron James was carrying the Cavs, but Dellavedova was the cinematic element: hustle personified.

I have never seen a connection between cinematic violence towards women and actual violence towards women in society.

Drawing the desperate and the adrift, Los Angeles has long been the dumping ground of dreams both real and cinematic.

I think my job is to deliver the best, most cinematic, rich, exciting, surprising and emotional version of 'Camelot.'

I don't make the best movies in the world, but at times, I do feel like I'm adding something to the cinematic community.

The spy genre is something which, as a fan of movies, a movie geek myself, I just love that cinematic joy that they bring.

The guys I grew up with, my cinematic heroes, have always been men of few words, but of action. Clint Eastwood, Eli Wallach.

Even though there's a lot of horror from Asia in the American cinematic tradition, I hadn't seen Asians at the center of it.

Dystopia is a very interesting setting. Whether it's '1984' or 'Fahrenheit 451'... Dystopia is a wonderfully cinematic setting.

I go to a very visual place when I'm singing. It's very cinematic and I get this feeling of space. I love when music does that.

Who do I have a cinematic crush on? I mean, it's such a go-to: Michael B. Jordan. I was like, it's everybody's go-to. Who else?

I was raised with James Bond. I love James Bond movies. I would love to do a James Bond movie one day. Action is very cinematic.

My favorite review described me as the cinematic equivalent of junk mail. I don't know what that means, but it sounds like a dig.

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