I grew up without a father figure.

Sting is a father figure to us all.

I didn't have a father figure in the house.

My grandfather was like a father figure to me.

My dad's not a very intimidating father figure.

I never had a father figure so I never missed it.

I'm sort of a father figure to a lot of these players.

I don't know how consciously anyone looks for a father figure.

The Marine Corps was the first father figure I had ever known.

I was always looking for the same man - a strong father figure.

It's important for girls to have a strong father figure in their lives.

In some ways, I was looking for a father figure, and I found that in Donald Trump.

Mitch Hurwitz was like a father figure to me. He was so sweet, and he's just so smart.

The father figure is something I love, but also suffocate from and want to work against.

When you find a guy who is powerful, a big father figure, you latch onto him immediately.

My mom is just incredible. She's delved into both the mother and father figure in my life.

He was definitely a father figure for all of us. Once you were a Giant, you were always a Giant.

You have to learn to stand on your own two feet without a father figure around. You have to set an example.

You need to have a very strong relationship with your coaches. For me, Freddie Roach is like a father figure.

Please don't try and dramatize my relationship with Woody Allen. He was never any kind of father figure to me.

It's sometimes better to have a father figure to rebel against than nothing, than just a black hole or an absence.

Mark O'Toole from the FAI has looked after me well back in England to the point that I consider him a father figure.

It's become a habit to make films where the father is absent. My father impresses me, but the father figure does not.

I think being the girl of such a huge father figure, you want to be that tomboy... because you are so close to your dad.

Basically, a manager is a father figure to 20 or 25 blokes. It's about trying to get the best out of them and creating team spirit.

True maturity is only reached when a man realizes he has become a father figure to his girlfriends' boyfriends - and he accepts it.

I never want to be a father figure to my quarterbacks. I've got my own kids. I want to be the cool uncle you'd like have a drink with.

I know there are a lot of kids who aren't lucky enough to have a father figure in their lives. That's a really tough obstacle to overcome.

I tend to project my father figure onto any director that I'm working with, or mother, if I'm working with a female, or it can be confused.

These kids are looking for direction, for identification. Kids join gangs because they need a father figure or they want to be part of a group.

The wonderful John Avildsen was a hero and father figure who was really present in my life even though we didn't have day-to-day or year-to-year.

I would say Triple H is the biggest influence on my career. He's almost like a father figure. If I slip up, or there's a problem, he lets me know.

All my books explore fatherhood. I look at what it means to have a big father figure at the centre: sometimes they're a good father, sometimes bad.

I had three stages of knowing Wellington Mara. He was my boss for a long time and he was a father figure. And finally, as we got older, he was my friend.

My life has always been with my dad. Since I can remember, I was raised by my father my entire life. So he's kind of been that mom and father figure - always.

My sensei was a British karate champion named Brian Fitkin. He was my mentor and because I had a hard relationship with my dad, he became a father figure to me.

You'll hear guys talk all the time about coaches being a father figure. Well I'm 45 years old and I've never met my father. I consider Jerry Tarkanian my father.

I've always wanted to tell a story about Lincoln. I saw a paternal father figure; I saw someone who was completely, stubbornly committed to his ideals, to his vision.

All composers who came after were influenced by Beethoven, even during his lifetime, both by his personality and by his music. He was a father figure for generations.

I don't know what it's like to have a typical father figure. He's not the dad who's going to take me to the beach and go swimming, but he's such a motivational person.

I like having black hair. When I was really young, I wanted to be Asian - Asian hair is beautiful. I also wanted to look like the girl in George Michael's 'Father Figure' video.

For all the good that Alok Nath had done, being perceived as a father figure, the fact that he was hitting on a girl, who was playing his daughter, made me almost want to throw up.

If the role is challenging enough, I don't see why I shouldn't play an older man or a father figure. It is not about playing what you are in real life. We are called actors for a reason!

Pu La was like a father figure to people of my generation. I thank him for the characters his literary works offered us. They personify full-fledged human beings and have always given me company.

My father was murdered when I was two. Duane, even though he was only a year and 18 days my elder, he became a father figure to me. I would have done anything for my brother - I loved him so much.

I never really had that father figure to look up to. I think that's the reason I'm so ambitious. I felt like I wasn't appreciated as a child so I wanted to prove my worth as an adult, as an actor.

I was obsessed with Nelson Mandela. I had big posters of him in my bedroom and he became my proxy father figure. He was in jail, so I could project all sorts of things about what he would say to me.

I know a lot of people feel like they get eaten alive by New York, but I feel it more as a father figure or something - this huge presence watching over me. I definitely feel better and work freer here.

The one thing I've always said is I don't want them growing up without a father, and they're my inspiration to make sure I'm the best man I can be. I want them to have the father figure that I never had.

I grew up not really having a father figure, and it didn't bother me, because he wasn't there in the first place. But then he started other families, and I was jealous. It was like he was happy without our family.

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