DOS is ugly and interferes with users' experience.

Depart from discretion when it interferes with duty.

Anything which interferes with my social life is a no-no.

Why don't Jews drink? It interferes with their suffering.

You come up, you love music, and then business interferes.

Fear connotes something that interferes with what you're doing.

The only thing that interferes with my learning is my education.

Composers shouldn't think too much - it interferes with their plagiarism.

Going around under an umbrella interferes with one's looking up at the sky.

I think therapy interferes with the creative process. It takes off the edge.

The less government interferes with private pursuits, the better for general prosperity.

Israel never interferes in the domestic issues of any other country. It's not our matter; it's not our policy.

I don't want a political party in my government that interferes in Arab countries against other Arab countries.

The darkness, the loop of negative thoughts on repeat, clamours and interferes with the music I hear in my head.

I don't have tiffs with people. I only mind my business, but whatever interferes my freedom of expression, I have always voiced.

If anything interferes with my inner peace, I will walk away. Arguments with family members. All that stuff. None of it matters.

Freewill means that the Universe never judges, never interferes with your own choices - and sees you as a being of equal creative power.

Mercury is a potent toxin that interferes with the human nervous system. Reducing this hazard will be a major public health breakthrough.

If anyone interferes into the private life of two people, I will defend the right of those two people between their four walls. That is no problem.

The benefits from stardom as Klinger outweigh any setbacks. It's a double-edged sword. What makes you famous is what interferes with getting other roles.

Dad never interferes in our personal matters. He is a very candid person and knows where to draw the line. He is always there for all of us in the family.

An arrogant person considers himself perfect. This is the chief harm of arrogance. It interferes with a person's main task in life - becoming a better person.

I've trained myself to write the first two or three hours I'm awake simply by doing it every day. If life stuff interferes with this sacred time, I get very cranky.

A lesser but still fundamental rule of racing is that you properly enter the event. Anyone who doesn't but still insists on running interferes with the paying customers.

It would be a great vacation to act in a movie if I weren't directing it. But to do it while you're directing interferes with your concentration, and I wouldn't do that again.

Consciousness is a phase of mental life which arises in connection with the formation of new habits. When habit is formed, consciousness only interferes to spoil our performance.

You want less of the annoying nonsense that interferes with your portfolios and more of the significant data that allow you to become a less distracted, more purposeful investor.

Most people would agree that the E.U. is too bureaucratic, not transparent or democratic enough and that it often interferes too much in matters that are best left to national governments.

Literature is a far more ancient and viable thing than any social formation or state. And just as the state interferes in literature, literature has the right to interfere in the affairs of state.

I just think age is meaningless. It's a system we've all agreed to that supposedly signals when we should develop, reach our peak and go downhill, as they say. It interferes with our natural growth.

There is a computer disease that anybody who works with computers knows about. It's a very serious disease and it interferes completely with the work. The trouble with computers is that you 'play' with them!

My advice to other disabled people would be, concentrate on things your disability doesn't prevent you doing well, and don't regret the things it interferes with. Don't be disabled in spirit as well as physically.

With comics, you've got to develop some kind of shorthand. You can't make every drawing look like a detailed etching. The average reader actually doesn't want all that detail; it interferes with the flow of the reading process.

Cast away your sloth, your lethargy, your coldness, or whatever interferes with your chaste and pure love for Christ, your soul's husband. Make Him the source, the center, and the circumference of all your soul's range of delight.

There can be no assumption that today's majority is 'right' and the Amish and others like them are 'wrong.' A way of life that is odd or even erratic but interferes with no rights or interests of others is not to be condemned because it is different.

We should not televise trials. There's only one purpose for a criminal trial. It's to determine whether or not the defendant committed the crime. Anything that interferes or has the potential of interfering with that should automatically be prohibited.

Because a man is placed in charge of a club does not make it necessary for him to be a taskmaster or a tyrant. In my opinion, he ought to be as lenient with his club as circumstances allow, and the less he interferes with the personal liberties of the men, the better.

Listening to what people were saying wasn't even important. But it was important to look as if you were listening to what people were saying. Actually, listening to what people are saying, to me, interferes with looking as if you were listening to what people are saying.

The exploration for oil and gas off our shores can play a role in making energy more affordable and accessible... However, effective safety measures must be in place, and exploration must be done in an environmentally sensitive manner that in no way interferes with our military.

The FCC banned throttling for good reason, namely that Internet service providers should not bias their networks toward some applications or classes of applications. Biasing the network interferes with user choice, innovation, decisions of application makers, and the competitive marketplace.

I have a stepfather who isn't around just because he wants to be with my mother and sisters. There's more to it. He's around for the money. He's proven that in a lot of ways. And my mom loves him. And that's not wrong. But when it interferes with my career and my business and becomes a threat to me, there's a problem.

Science works because the phenomenon being described can be relied on to remain the same. Even in quantum physics, where phenomena are changed by observation, the way in which observation interferes is regular and falls within a limited range of possibilities. Human culture, however, has the nasty habit of never staying the same for very long.

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