I do think the U.S. has a moral and political leadership role to play.

I am convinced that your Mayor must take the leadership role in education too.

Taking on a leadership role doesn't mean that you only have to be personally ambitious.

America must not abdicate its global leadership role in the climate crisis to countries like China.

I was raised to believe that America was a force for good in the world and that it should take its leadership role seriously.

I've been the captain of my wrestling team, my college team, so to me, I've been in that leadership role for a very long time.

In terms of having views and being prepared to express them, yes, I think New Zealand's had a leadership role in a lot of things.

Ann and I were the main writers in Heart. We had the leadership role, and the guys in the band sometimes had a hard time with that.

Sinn Fein has demonstrated the ability to play a leadership role as part of a popular movement towards peace, equality and justice.

We're trying to take a leadership role in solving the nation's health-care crisis. We want everybody in this country to have health insurance.

I've been the co-chair of the Non-Partisan Women's Caucus and vice-chair for several years, taking a leadership role in this women's organization.

It's very important in a leadership role not to place your ego at the foreground and not to judge everything in relationship to how your ego is fed.

While global research is crucial, the U.S. must maintain its leadership role as the world's innovator for both medical advancement and job creation.

I'm a venture capitalist. I like to say my job is to help and support entrepreneurs. I can play a leadership role, but my organization can't be the leader.

Success in the revolution and construction depends on how a party, the General Staff of the revolution, is built and on how its leadership role is enhanced.

I'm not saying this is all men, but in my experience as a woman, I'm not taken as seriously in a leadership role regardless of how good I am at what I'm doing.

IBM has taken a leadership role in this area and is prepared to be a technology partner with companies around the world to take advantage of these new developments.

A few colleagues and I began Doctors for America with a simple belief that physicians should play a leadership role in designing and running our nation's health care system.

How can the United States preserve its financial and security leadership role when it conducts itself with such ineptitude and such disregard for the consequences for the world?

When you're in a leadership role, you can never please all of the people all of the time. There's also a lot of responsibility that goes along with it that others may not realize.

I think in a lot of ways, I handle the leadership role a little different than others. I'm not going to rah-rah or slap you across the helmet or push you. I'm going to talk to you.

To improve humanity's chances of survival, it is critical that Canada assume a leadership role, first ramping up our own ambition and then pushing for more ambition overall in global negotiations.

The Republican Party is the Grand Old Party. It's made enormous contributions to the success of our country. And it is a party that has embraced its leadership role when it has had the majority or the White House.

When you're the starter, there are certain things that you're able to do as far as leading and stuff like that. So, really having to kind of take a step back in a leadership role I would say is the toughest role for me.

One of the best essays I've seen in recent years was by a young woman who wrote about how being chosen to choreograph a high school musical forced her to assume a leadership role she wasn't sure she was ready for - but of course she was.

In a leadership role in Iraq and in running my own business, what I've learned is if you don't listen, you're going to strike out. You're going to fail miserably. The people you work with have got to know you're engaged and you're listening.

When women are starting out in their careers, they tend to be confident and look to aspire to leadership role and really want those positions. But then over time, as they advance, they become less confident and don't think they can attain those roles.

When I decided to leave the military, I realized that the skills I acquired there were transferable to the commercial world both in leadership and the information technology field. I made the decision to move to Oracle because of its strong leadership role.

The people I've met through my path in activism, we're trying to bring real people into a leadership role because we are real Americans and know the true pain of having to worry about our children. And there's no force like a mother trying to protect her child.

I realize that as the quarterback, you have to assume some sort of leadership role because you have to talk in the huddle on every play, and you're essentially giving out orders to the team. But in my mind, I have to prove myself on the field before I can start asserting a leadership role.

The day after Donald Trump was elected, Chinese business leaders, including the heads of Baidu, stood up and gave a speech saying, 'Come to China and build your company now.' The cognitive dissonance of that was amazing for some of us to think we might be losing our leadership role in building companies.

Now, do I think there has to be shared sacrifice among other nations in the world who want a stable and secure world? Absolutely, there has to be. But I don't think that America can ever abdicate its leadership role in the world because of who we are and where we've come from. We are the symbol for the world for freedom and liberty.

We never used to blink at taking a leadership role in the world. And we understood leadership often required something other than drones and bombs. We accepted global leadership not just for humanitarian reasons, but also because it was in our own best interest. We knew we couldn't isolate ourselves from trouble. There was no place to hide.

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