As I got into high school I sort of came into my own and gained some confidence and, luckily, wasn't really bullied by others.

I first studied the effect of plants on humans for my Yale thesis… and it was a 185-page thesis, and luckily I got honors on it.

Luckily, I'm only aware of about two or three concussions that I have had, but there's really no way of telling how many overall.

As hopeful as I am, there are some times in my life when I get to low points. Luckily, I still have music to get me through things.

Luckily, with 'Insecure,' we have really great writers who get it and work hard to give Kelli layers for me to explore as an artist.

What we're always looking for is weird social issues and weird connections to make. Luckily for them, there's no shortage of material.

Luckily enough, I read 'NOS4A2' about a year before I ever heard of the TV show, so I had read the book and absolutely loved the book.

There was no pressure at home regarding grades. We were expected to study and pass but luckily our parents gave us a broader education.

I'm a mom - I'm lucky if I get to shower in the morning. Luckily, nail polish stays on my toes. I've been so bad on the upkeep, though.

Luckily, everyone that I've collaborated with, everyone that has been willing to offer guidance and advice, they've all been dope people.

I knew I was dog meat. Luckily, I'm the high-priced dog meat that everybody wants. I'm the good-quality dog meat. I'm the Alpo of the NBA.

I think hard times either bring out the best in you or the worst, and I think I've luckily managed to bring out all the positives in myself.

Luckily my parents were not against my ambition, they've always been very supportive. But they were adamant that I went to university first.

Luckily I've got family and friends to keep me grounded because there are a lot of negative people around who can suck the energy out of you.

Luckily, I'm in a band with two other guys who really pull their own weight and have the skills and abilities to compensate for my weaknesses.

Luckily, I feel like I was a late bloomer as far as my body developing. I really didn't start developing until I was like 18, 19, 20 years old.

Survival is very powerful. All your faculties want to cling to life. We're not tested usually, luckily, but when we are, we become superheroes.

Luckily, my husband is my business partner as well as my life partner, so I never had to do the heavy lifting alone, literally or figuratively.

Luckily enough, I've been able to work with Ava DuVernay, who was able to rally this large ensemble and get us all on the same page for 'Selma.'

If it wasn't for my sport and my father, I'd probably be a fallen statistic. I'd be dead; I'd be in jail. Luckily, I had a great dad in my life.

I could've easily gone the other way, but luckily, I had football and the dream to play in the NFL so I could do something positive with my life.

Luckily I haven't fallen into the trap, which has claimed so many writers, of living from day to day thinking 'Ah, I'll write a book about that.'

Luckily I was financially okay, so I had a choice, I didn't have to stay in the game. A lot of players have to play as long as they can. I didn't.

I have a trainer that I box with. Luckily, on ER, they'll tell me if I have a shirtless scene coming up and I'll have a few weeks to power it out.

When your first marriage goes into tragedy, you become very battle-scarred... I even thought of suicide. Luckily, I had known some happy marriages.

Luckily, I have been a part of New Japan Pro Wrestling for eight years and it's been a great run with a lot of cool things and amazing experiences.

It was hard to get my name out there, but luckily, I have an awesome following who would not stay silent and helped me get to where I wanted to be.

Luckily there were no venomous snakes around Hoosick, N.Y., so I amassed quite a collection of milk snakes, garters, ribbons and ring-necked snakes.

I have my own definitions of success. And I have my own definitions of country music that, luckily, I share with more people than I realized before.

Luckily, 'Petta' encompasses all the dimensions of Rajini sir's performances. His main strengths are his charm, style, and the fun that he represents.

I took piano lessons and I wanted to play drums when I was six. Luckily enough, my parents let me have a drum kit in my room - which is kind of crazy.

Luckily, I've had a very good working rapport will all my co-stars. Nobody has complained about me. No one's ever said they don't want to work with me.

Nontraditional students often have the misconception that aid is intended only for high school students entering college. Luckily, that's not the case.

My dad actually makes the best cookies. My mum is great baker, too, but doesn't share them - it's tantalising! Luckily for me though, my dad shares his!

On Conte's first day, I told him that I wanted to join Atletico, and he was upset with me and didn't even look at me. Luckily, I started to score goals.

I was married at 20 and had a baby by 21. I had to grow up fast. Luckily there were people who believed in me and there were always jobs when I needed one.

Luckily, I don't have to be anybody but Yolanda, because people don't expect me to be anything other than who I am. For an artist, it's a great place to be.

All through my senior year, luckily, I didn't have too many hard classes, just a lot of electives. I was able to spend most of my time at the practice space.

I went to the Royal Academy of Dramatic Art because it was the only drama school the social worker had ever heard of. Luckily, I got in at the first attempt.

I've never considered stand-up. Luckily I'm given great lines to say. I'm not sure how great my timing would be if I actually had to come up with my own jokes.

I live in New York, and when you're older and widowed, it's a perfect place because you just don't feel lonely there, and, luckily, I like my own company, too.

I was pre-med, so I was going to go into the family business, more or less. But I came to my senses, luckily, and backed out, and decided to go to drama school.

That's a good sign for a movie: When it becomes part of the lexicon and pop culture for an entire generation. I've been in many movies, luckily, that get quoted.

Luckily, I have the kind of personality where I am extremely private. I don't really like to tell everyone my business. I'd much rather people wonder or not know.

Obviously I'd love to have kids and all that. Luckily, as a man, there's not such an egg timer on it, but I'd like to be able to pick them up without Nurofen first.

Luckily for me, when I was growing up in high school, I had a band, and I was a singer in the band. I'm less of a legit Broadway singer than I am a pop-rock singer.

Luckily, there is a wind of change happening in Hindi cinema. Good work is coming to people who are not conventionally good looking like Ranbir Kapoor or Akshay Kumar.

I didn't grow up a theatre kid, going to theatre camps. I played sports, and that was my main direction. But luckily, I never had to choose between sports and theatre.

I moved out to LA, got an agent, started auditioning. I didn't know anything about how it worked. And since I was really bad, luckily, I didn't get any of those parts.

I'm very, very happy with my recognition/lack of recognition in England in terms of my life. In terms of household name-age. The public's memory is very short, luckily.

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