I'm kind of insane when it comes to music, a little obsessed.

My fans aren't obsessed. They're just incredible and devoted.

When I was growing up, I was obsessed with 'Cagney and Lacey.'

Don't be so obsessed with stardom that you miss out on success

I would love to do something with space. I'm obsessed with it.

I am obsessed with rap music - it's such a big part of my life.

Middle school is when I got super obsessed with battle rapping.

I'm truly obsessed by clothes. I just buy clothes all the time.

I love the MLB app, because I'm a pretty obsessed baseball fan.

I love Mary Poppins - when I was little I was obsessed with it.

I am obsessed with proportion, and how proportion is perceived.

I've been obsessed with sunglasses since the beginning of time.

I grew up in a family of people who were obsessed with fashion.

I'm super-obsessed with 'Intervention.' I wrote a song about it.

I'm obsessed with cooking! I want a degree in the culinary arts!

Surf is something I have been obsessed with since I was a child.

There's a difference between being obsessed and being motivated.

We're so obsessed with [big] data, we forget how to interpret it.

I was sort of obsessed about corporate people committing suicide.

Like a stalker. An obsessed stalker. An obsessed, vampire stalker

I was obsessed with Nancy Drew growing up - I couldn't get enough.

Well, I was obsessed with Judy Garland growing up. Like, obsessed.

I was obsessed with Chubby Checker and old dances, like the twist.

Every generation is obsessed with the decade before they were born.

I was never really obsessed with the whole guy thing to begin with.

I was obsessed. I wouldn't quit. My grades suffered. I didn't care.

Further, I'm obsessed with how language contorts and creates bodies.

If you're truly obsessed over customers, it'll cover a lot of errors.

I'm obsessed with getting married, but I don't even have a boyfriend.

The big thing is to make a winning effort. Im not obsessed with wins.

The very first song I wrote was about a boy that I was obsessed with.

The big thing is to make a winning effort. I'm not obsessed with wins.

I wouldn't say that I'm particularly bothered or obsessed with detail.

I'm obsessed with giving the audience something they don't see coming.

As a technologist, I'm obsessed with searching for the next killer app.

I want to give up every single day of my life, but I can't. I'm obsessed.

I have a gajillion headbands - yellows, pinks, reds, blues. I'm obsessed.

I'm obsessed - I couldn't even tell you how much coffee I drink in a day.

I grew up in the countryside, and I was obsessed with horses and wildlife.

I'm obsessed with Radiohead. They're just the greatest band on the planet.

I am completely, utterly obsessed with clothes. To an embarrassing extent.

We are obsessed with image. I don't think we should take it that seriously.

I'm part of the crew obsessed with 'The Wire.' Like, I'm not over that yet.

If I'm feeling crazy, I'll make some bacon because I'm obsessed with bacon.

I was obsessed with The Sound of Music. I always feel nostalgic watching it.

I'm very obsessed with 'The Real Housewives' franchise. It's a bad obsession.

Ours is an age that's often obsessed with knowledge at the expense of wisdom.

I'm obsessed. I've always needed to know what's going on but now it's a must.

Music is my biggest passion and Ive just been obsessed with it. Like, always.

I was always just kind of obsessed with guitar, even before I started playing.

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