Each week, we might write 500 jokes for 'Weekend Update,' and ultimately, we can only do about 10.

Beyond Brookledge may be the most incredible weekend of entertainment I've experienced in my life.

I love reading books that you can't put down, and they just take you over for a night or a weekend.

Real estate is my life. It is my day job, if you will. But it consumes my nights and weekends, too.

Sometimes the weekend gets hijacked by work, but as my mother would say, this is the right problem.

That's basically what I did every weekend when I was a kid, just go and see two movies per weekend.

Hands up if you’re ready to do something you’ll regret this weekend. Go forth! You have my blessing.

I make it a point to go home every weekend so I can meet with Georgians and hear from them directly.

I think there's a limit. People want to be scared, but not every weekend, maybe every third weekend.

Be in the habit of getting up bright and early on the weekends. Why waste such precious time in bed?

If all the cars in the United States were placed end to end, it would probably be Labor Day Weekend.

Most people work all week to get to the weekend. A few work all weekend for years to get to freedom.

Youth is like a long weekend on Friday night. Middle age is like a long weekend on Monday afternoon.

In college wrestling we had to make weight every weekend, so it's not bad at all. I get it off easily.

Having a holiday weekend without a family member felt like putting on a sweater that had an extra arm.

Each day men sell little pieces if themselves in order to try to buy then back each night and weekend.

President Obama and House Speaker John Boehner played golf this weekend. Obama’s handicap is Joe Biden.

I'd seen more cops in the last few days than on a weekend LAW and ORDER marathon" - Paigne Winterbourne

I'm a really big surfer, and I have also been playing a ton of volleyball on the beach on the weekends.

I come home every weekend and I still can't believe I represent Las Vegas in Congress. It's such a kick.

I write on weekends, on vacation, and, really - on deadline and on my floor. Both terrible for the back.

It's not about an opening weekend. It's about a career, building a set of films you're proud of. Period.

I've played with Mardy Fish a lot. Played with him, I think, two years ago in one of the weekend rounds.

Every weekend he'd have me come down to work on Dragnet, which by now was on television as well as radio.

My perfect weekend is going for a walk with my family in the park. I don't think there's anything better.

I was packing to go to Columbia University, and they told me that weekend that I got the 'Pitch Perfect.'

Mitt Romney and his family have a big two-day weekend plan. They're going to hike to the top of his money.

Like most of the world's population I'm into coffee, my perfect weekend would start with a pint of coffee.

President Bush fell off his bicycle this weekend and you know what was really sad? It's a stationary bike.

The only reason why we ask other people how their weekend was is so we can tell them about our own weekend.

At your church, the week is more important than the weekend. Empower people and send them out for the week.

When you're young, you should live out every weekend. Even if you look like a scarecrow, you just gotta go!

I love weekends. Just like everyone else, I get to rest on weekends and go out with friends. I hate Mondays.

Very often my weekends are spent performing on Saturday, on stage in the afternoon and again in the evening.

There were weekends and evening hours. A lot of time went in to defend what proved to be a deceitful action.

I want my weekends off and I want to put my kids to bed. Those are good reasons to want to be in 'Batman 2'.

I grew up in a little cul-de-sac in the suburbs and went to public school. I went to Costco on the weekends.

In the evenings I studied chemistry at the University of Chicago, the weekends I helped in the family store.

Noting his mother's visit to Las Vegas the weekend before she died. She got to go to heaven four days early.

There's a big difference between somebody who does acid on weekends and somebody who takes downers every day.

In every day, there are 1,440 minutes. That means we have 1,440 daily opportunities to make a positive impact.

I had always assumed the weekend was a holy tradition, respected by good people everywhere. Not so at Wexford.

Typically a weekend retreat for the heart, soul and palate, brunch is the perfect way to unwind and reconnect.

The Victorians had not been anxious to go away for the weekend. The Edwardians, on the contrary, were nomadic.

I stand before you a weekend version of your reflection begging for direction, for my soul needs resurrection.

Agencies which frequently work nights and weekends are more stimulating, more successful - and more profitable.

I don't like to be gone all weekend and at night too. Because for 20 years, I've had children who are in school.

I bought a blimp just so I could get a bunch of wankers excited over nothing, what did you do with your weekend?

With all the trouble black people have, they try to forget on weekends. You've got to be good to make them laugh.

I spend my weekends sleeping and watching DVDs, and eating at restaurants within a 2-block radius of my apartment.

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