I grew up in the suburbs.

I grew up in the suburbs of Detroit.

I grew up in the suburbs of Chicago.

The suburbs: signs of life, but no proofs.

We lived in a slum area in the suburbs of Mumbai.

I grew up in Paris. Well, in the suburbs of Paris.

How can I be a folk? I'm from the suburbs you know.

Families that live out in the suburbs often make each other cry.

I'm a Sydney suburban boy shaped entirely by the western suburbs.

We're called New Jersey but we're actually the suburbs of New York.

Today I live in the suburbs, in a neighborhood [that's not] too bad.

I expected to be doing basement theater in the suburbs of Stockholm.

It just so happened that for most of my life I've lived in the suburbs.

I'm from the US of A. Born in Des Moines, raised in the New York suburbs.

I grew up in the suburbs of Toronto, where everything was in a strip mall.

I was born in Paris and raised in the suburbs and then lived in the countryside.

I grew up in the suburbs and basically associate the suburbs with cultural death.

Have you ever lived in the suburbs? It's sterile. It's nothing. It's wasting your life.

Identity theft is one of the fastest-growing crimes in the nation - especially in the suburbs.

A suburb is an attempt to get out of reach of the city without having the city be out of reach.

Some people like neat suburbs. I always am attracted to the rundown and the old and the offbeat.

I was born in Paris, and I haven't moved, except until now - I live in the suburbs and I hate it.

The suburbs are the American dream, right? Living in a nice house, having a good job, a happy family.

I used to go from place to place by tram. A shilling would take you all around London and the suburbs.

I have an affinity with Algeria, because I grew up with plenty of Algerian friends in the suburbs of Paris.

I grew up in a little cul-de-sac in the suburbs and went to public school. I went to Costco on the weekends.

Slums may well be breeding grounds of crime, but middle class suburbs are incubators of apathy and delirium.

Being an Indian in the U.S. and growing up in the suburbs were the two things that really shaped my outlook.

From the top of the quarry cliffs, one could see the New Jersey suburbs bordered by the New York City skyline.

The nation can no longer afford to continue policies that hasten the flight of persons to the distant suburbs.

When you're 17 in the suburbs and know only three gay people, holding hands with your girlfriend is a proclamation.

The first time I held an African drum in my hands was at Koc University in a forest in the northern suburbs of Istanbul.

For people who live in the suburbs and must commute long distances to work, their wealth will sink as energy prices rise.

I don't see the point of having 80 million people online if all they are doing in the end is talking to ghosts in the suburbs.

As suburbs go, Bromley's not bad. But as David Bowie and Hanif Kureishi have observed, you do want to get out of there quickly.

Growing up in the suburbs, I used to listen to punk rock, Brand New, Taking Back Sunday. And no one from my high school listened to it.

'Will Grayson, Will Grayson' is about two guys named Will Grayson who live in different Chicago suburbs who eventually meet each other.

I was born in Oslo, Norway, but now live in the suburbs of Southwest London, right near the River Thames. It's a lovely part of the world.

I was born and raised in the suburbs of Atlanta, which as you can imagine, was not the most diverse place to grow up in as a Korean American.

I grew up in the suburbs and was raised on rap radio, so it took me a long time to stumble upon the acoustic guitar as a resource for anything.

I was the music director at a dinner theater called the 'Pheasant Run Theater' in the suburbs of Chicago, and that was my side gig while I acted.

If mass media, social isolation in the suburbs, alienating workplaces and long car commutes create a bunker mentality, the Internet does the opposite.

I grew up in leafy suburbs in north and east Belfast, but if I had been born a mile down the road closer to the city centre, you might never heard of me.

I grew up in the suburbs, so I remember arriving at Waterloo and seeing Big Ben and the coloured lights on top of the Southbank Centre and thinking, 'Wow!'

Growing up in the suburbs of Chicago and living in New York, it didn't even strike me as a possibility that a place could really exist without tons of Jews.

In Toledo, people grow out. Out to the suburbs. Out to the parts of America where the economy is more vigorous. And all too often, out to 48-inch waistbands.

I live in the suburbs, the final battleground of the American dream, where people get married and have kids and try to scratch out a happy life for themselves.

Spirituality is a growth industry. And nothing illustrates that better than the burgeoning crop of colossal sanctuaries sprouting up in suburbs across the land.

I was trying to break out of the suburbs, and when I did break out, I don't think I took my whole self with me - I think I played a role of being too cool and hip.

The women's movement hit my neighborhood like a freight train. Everybody got divorced. You wonder what would have happened to women if the suburbs hadn't been built.

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