To me, I love real estate because you can feel it.

I love stuff from the Holy Land. It makes me feel blessed.

I love visiting my friends because it makes me feel normal.

I love diving into different skins, skins that make me feel deep emotions.

I used to love going to the garden centre as a kid. It made me feel relaxed.

Wearing nice lingerie makes me feel really glamorous. I love to splurge on that.

I would love to live in Paris and speak French. That would make me feel glamorous!

I love getting dressed up and glamorous for the red carpet. It makes me feel powerful and sexy!

Seeing my friends succeed, find love, or just feeling content makes me feel unconditionally happy.

Tupac was a person who was all about love. I feel like that's me, too; that's who I've always been.

I don't really love roller coasters because I feel like they're filled with germs and make me nauseous.

I have got popularity. BJP workers have given me unmatched love. They admire me so much that I feel humbled.

I love the plie squat. I love that because I can feel my glutes and inner thighs, and it makes me feel grounded.

I love the crowds in Miami. I feel that is one of the tournaments where I get more support. That helps me a lot.

My main role is to help the team. And I love that role. And I love that my teammates feel comfortable coming to me.

I'm a Sagittarius and I love adventure and new beginnings, new experiences, because it makes me feel like I'm living.

Animals have never betrayed me. They are an easy prey, as I have been throughout my career. So we feel the same. I love them.

I still have my original love for acting. That's why I feel so lucky. I think that's what sustains me in the sort of leaner times.

I love being a wing, you can make plays there and also get down there to download the bigs so I feel that is the perfect position for me.

I don't know what it is that I love so much about high school, but I'm attached. The empty hallways. The teachers. They made me feel so much.

I love the smell of clean laundry. Working in the garden and getting my hands dirty. Doing the dishes. These are the things that make me feel normal.

I feel like I started with wrestling, and a love of pro wrestling, that lead me to MMA and the UFC. And now it's come full circle back to pro wrestling.

I love New York. I love the multicultural vibe here. Los Angeles doesn't inspire me in any way. Everyone is in the same industry, yet you feel very isolated.

I feel like everything I wear is a favorite thing. I wouldn't wear something if I didn't love it, and I wouldn't just wear something because someone put me in it.

I had plenty of offers to do sponsorships and TV commercials, but it's just not in me. I would love to get that out of me, but I just don't feel comfortable with it.

It's hard for anybody who's been with me not to feel starved for affection when I'm making love to my ideas. Maybe it's not meant for me to settle down and be married.

Old Vespas are very appealing to me. I love the way they feel. I love the way they smell. I love the curves on them. I have one of the earliest Vespas ever made, from the 1950s.

I love Canada. The natural environment here is so inspiring. It never ceases to make me feel grounded and calm and to help put things in perspective. And I love Canadians. A lot.

I love when an outfit embodies the fluidity of my gender - it makes me feel the most confident and grounded, especially when attending fashion shows, which can be extremely overwhelming.

I love to zoom in and study why a chord is making me feel a certain way, but then I've learnt to zoom out again. Because if I'm not actually feeling it, there's not much point making it in the first place.

Most of my songs are inspired by both falling in love and heartache. And it was a turning point for me as a singer and songwriter as it dawned on me that I wasn't being honest enough about what I truly feel.

Some artists I know, they would rather not see the audience or envision them. But for me, I'd rather see them. I feel like part of the reason I perform is to feel that connection. It's the reason I love it so much.

Tracey Cunningham does my color, and little by little, my ombre turned into more of a rooted blond, and then it got lighter and lighter. I love how I stand out more as a blond - it makes me feel bright and healthy.

I love tinted moisturiser. I feel like I'm wearing nothing when I'm wearing it, which is how I like to feel, but it still provides me with coverage - and it's got sunscreen in it, so I'm not worried about getting burnt.

I love Polo. I have a lot of Ralph Lauren suits. I got Dolce, I got a little bit of everything. And my favorite thing about Ralph Lauren is that he puts the number three on a lot of his clothes, so I feel like it's meant for me.

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