I would steal a lot of saris from my nani's cupboard.

Orange blossom water would make a magical addition to your store cupboard.

I am not good at small talk. I will hide in a cupboard to avoid chitty-chat.

I loved make-believe. I was the child in the cupboard playing with my Barbies.

I have two quite large houses, and every cupboard and drawer is stuffed with books.

I like my old nose. If I could get it out the cupboard and put it on, then I would.

I lived for a little while in a place where the kitchen was a cupboard on the landing.

I need to have dark chocolate in the cupboard - Green & Black's is good, but any will do.

If I were afraid of wrinkles, I'd probably be hiding in a cupboard, because I have a lot of them.

My favourite scent... changes every day. I have a cupboard full - so many I can't begin to tell you.

I'm not a collector. I don't like the toy cupboard syndrome that causes so many good cars to evaporate.

When the board games came out of the cupboard when I was a kid, I had to beat my two brothers every time.

I keep my own personality in a cupboard under the stairs at home so that no one else can see it or nick it.

If I have food in the house and I'm laying in bed, I go, 'I bet that Captain Crunch is lonely in the cupboard.'

I have very tidy cupboards. I do like a cupboard to look nice when you open it, with the labels facing forward.

The Photograph is concerned with the power that the past has to interfere with the present: the time bomb in the cupboard.

I've written just about everything for the sake of putting shoes on the children's feet - and a bottle of gin in the cupboard.

My mother cooked like a scientist. She had a giant Chinese-style cleaver that she chopped with, and a cupboard full of spices.

Leftovers in their less visible form are called memories. Stored in the refrigerator of the mind and the cupboard of the heart.

Honestly, there always has to be a jar of Marmite in the cupboard. And a bag of Fruit Gums. That's living with a British man for me.

I've always loved the scent of rose; it's just the most beautiful scent. If you open my bathroom cupboard, everything is rose scented.

A Local Government Stationery Store is something to behold. It's like walking through the back of a cupboard into a really dull Narnia.

Mama had her little cough. Once or twice, some quiet sobbing, out of sight... Or the slamming of kitchen cupboard doors. That was her language.

The first thing you have to understand is that I was not desperate to be a writer. I was never a closet writer filing away notes in a cupboard.

It is possible to do many household cleaning tasks by simply using ingredients from the store cupboard, which are also safer for the environment.

I always sent my mother all these huge books I made. When my mother died, I was cleaning her cupboard, and these big books were only 20 pages long.

If there's something in the kitchen I like, it must be eaten. I try not to leave any snacks I wouldn't want to eat on a daily basis in the cupboard.

I try to stick to the natural peanut butter, and I have several jars in the cupboard. I'll put it on oatmeal, rice cakes, chocolate... I just love it.

Lipstick just makes me feel like I can't talk, like I am going to suffocate - like I've been locked in a cupboard and can't get out. I'm so aware of it.

My fans' love and support keep me going. I've a cupboard which comprises letters, cards, and gifts sent by my fans. They encourage me whenever I feel low.

You can pretty much make anything with a base of tinned tomatoes. If I don't have tinned tomatoes in my cupboard, I start to panic - it's a genuine thing.

The elderly are all someone's flesh and blood and we cannot just shut them in a cupboard and hand over the responsibility for taking care of them to the state.

Polenta is one of those ingredients that in many homes spends its days at the back of the kitchen cupboard, on the 'no one knows quite what to do with it' shelf.

Money is great for paying the bills and putting food in the cupboard and in the fridge. But winning titles is different altogether. It's what you do, it's your living.

There are two types of people in this world: one who opens a packet of biscuits, has one and puts the rest back in the cupboard, and one who eats the whole packet in one go.

My grandmother had a cupboard where she kept her collections and textile samples of all sorts of things. When I had good grades, I could take out one piece of work to look at.

I went through a stage of wearing quite lairy trainers. I had all these trainers in gold or pink or silver. I look at them now in the cupboard - what was I thinking? Such an awful idea.

As a kid, there was a painting of 'Appeal to the Great Spirit' that I would see when I would get oatmeal bowls out of the cupboard. This painting, it was so real to me that it frightened me.

My mum is your archetypal Asian mum, always feeding people. If there was no food in the cupboard, she'd still manage to rustle up a feast - Bangladeshi food such as pilau rice, curry and korma.

I did things like get in a cupboard before the teacher came in at the beginning of a lesson, and then, two minutes before the end of the class, I come out of the cupboard and go, 'Sorry I'm late.'

I know exactly what it's like to not have a penny. I know exactly what it's like trying to get a job. I know exactly what it's like having bloody one tin of Ambrosia left in the cupboard. But I know I can survive.

I have found ways to kill this ever-present feeling of loneliness. I try a new dish and experiment with food, I'll clean my cupboard, do the little things in the house, and I keep myself busy. I find things to do.

There are five great ages of man - five moments when you need to reevaluate everything, clear out the cupboard and the wardrobe, and most importantly, your head. They are 13, 20, 30, 40 and 60. All men need to know this.

I do give a great deal of forethought and zone in on character and all sorts of things like that. Never before have I just stuffed something away in the back cupboard of my brain because it was just such a crazy concept.

What we've learned is that if you can make the right decision in the supermarket aisle, it's a heck of a lot easier to make a good decision when you reach in your cupboard when you're craving a snack at eight o'clock at night.

My mum has a cupboard in her house, and you have to fight an avalanche of tea whenever you open it. I go through eight teas a day because I like having something in my hands when I'm working, and it stops me going for the cookie jar.

I'm just totally into being strong. There's something about wanting to get a jar or whatever out of a high cupboard, or moving a sofa over because my dog's bone rolled under it, and not having to call anyone for help. There's comfort in that.

I'm a hoarder, but then, when it all gets too much, I turn into a ruthless chucker. I'm very good at clearing out and giving stuff away. But I'm equally skilled at shoving things in a cupboard, shutting the door, and calling that 'cleared up.'

We've got this gift of love, but love is like a precious plant. You can't just accept it and leave it in the cupboard or just think it's going to get on by itself. You've got to keep watering it. You've got to really look after it and nurture it.

Sometimes, I sit with my guitar and start playing... something or the other pops into my head... Basically, I write whatever that comes to my mind. I've written a lot of songs, but they are lying in my cupboard... I mean to do something about them someday.

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