My favourite trainers are Converse.

I work out with a trainer five days a week.

When the bell rings, your trainer can't help you.

Take action every day - some small dose at a time.

I'm not afraid to wear jeans and trainers under my dress!

In Indian cinema there are no professional voice trainers.

I learned Tae Kwon Do and gymnastics and I have a trainer.

I do actually use a boxing trainer when I train for stand-up.

Personal trainers, however nice, give me PE teacher flashbacks.

I never considered myself a trainer, I considered myself a teacher.

I've got ten pairs of trainers. That's one for every day of the week.

I'm more of a shirt, jeans and trainers man, and I'll never stop that.

There's something so familial and intimate between a boxer and his trainer.

I'm bad; I wear trainers with everything: with a dress, skirts, all of that.

It's a wonderful thing when your trainer is actually the person you're playing.

I hoard and buy loads of the same things over and over - DVDs, clothes, trainers.

Being at American Top Team, I get the best fighters and best trainers in the world.

A good trainer can hear a horse speak to him. A great trainer can hear him whisper.

I'm up at like 6 a.m. With my trainer, running up the hill you drove up to get here.

My training sessions were nice, calm, and quiet. Just me and my trainers in the gym.

The WWE has a great school in Orlando and most of the trainers are of my upbringing.

There were times people tried to get me to change trainers, but I stuck with my dad.

John Sayles is good. He's like a good thoroughbred owner - he leaves the trainers alone.

I spend most of my time wearing uncomfortable things, so for me, it's all about trainers.

Waiter trainers claim that an investment in education pays off very quickly for restaurants.

Usually I trundle about in trainers and baggy jeans, looking about as attractive as a potato.

I work with a team of coaches and trainers to make me feel like I am not alone out on the ice.

I've tried to do stuff with personal trainers but I don't want to see anyone when I'm exercising.

Women in business are talented leaders who can share their skills as trainers, mentors and advocates.

I've got a new pair of trainers. That's the only difference in my life since I started working for Amazon.

I will never become a horse trainer, a biologist, a person competent with a hammer. My loves were my loves.

My trainer Jimmy Tibbs and my promoter Frank Warren told me that I had to be patient and get the jab going.

It's just really cool to see high profile trainers, athletes, and celebs using my products and loving them.

I love my Nike Air Max trainers. They're big and bulky and spanking - I can't be doing with grubby trainers.

How can women be as thin as we are? We have personal trainers to work us out. We have specially prepared meals.

I always wear Nike trainers and love a hoodie. I have a big black and gold one from Adidas that I'm obsessed with.

I'm heavily influenced by the Nineties - I love juxtaposing a slip dress with trainers and a vintage leather jacket.

It's really bizarre because no one knows this, but elephants have killed more animal trainers than any other animal.

Gym memberships and personal trainers can be very expensive, but they're not required for getting the body you want.

I've worked for some great trainers around the world, including Aidan O'Brien, Luca Cumani, Gai Waterhouse and Peter Moody.

Working with one of the best strength trainers in the world, I'm getting more dangerous. I'm getting stronger and stronger.

This is the kind of fashion I grew up on - a good pair of trainers, great denim - and I will always love high-end streetwear.

I like guys who wear nice clothes, nice jeans, nice trainers - I hate skinny jeans and those T-shirts that are really low-cut.

I'm really into boxing. I go to a gym and I'm friends with a trainer who's a pretty famous boxing trainer and I train with him.

If I was younger and I got a new tracksuit, hat, trainers, you couldn't tell me I didn't look good. I thought I was dressed up.

In sport, all my fellow riders and trainers and the people I meet and deal with have just accepted the fact that I'm here forever.

I'm really self-conscious if I go to trainers, so I just do stuff on my own. I go on the treadmill or do yoga and Pilates if I can.

My fitness trainer's English, my physio's English, some of my friends are English. I don't have a problem with English people at all.

I was pushed into Zumba by one of the trainers in my gym. He saw me looking inside the Zumba room, so he told me to just go and start.

I've trained with trainers in L.A., and they get complacent. They're used to dealing with celebrity egos, so they cotton-wool you a bit.

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