I love every second of being a mom.

We're reborn every second, every moment.

I want to act every second of every day.

Every second I have spare, I'm with my kids.

I am influenced by every second of my waking hour.

My dad was around every second. Teaching me the game.

I've seen every second of 'Survivor' since it started.

You paid for every second of beauty you managed to steal.

I got to fight every second, every minute and every round.

It is important to spend every second possible with my family.

I enjoyed every second at West Ham with the lads and the staff.

I love to eat, and if I could, I'd eat every second of my life.

I guess I don't want everyone to know what I'm doing every second.

Every second that you're filming, you have a myriad of choices to make.

You only live once, for a very short time. So make every second divine.

Do whatever you gotta do to chase your legacy every second of your life.

Every second I'm on the pitch for Wales is an honour, and I love playing.

Every second minute, a woman or a girl dies in the world due to pregnancy.

The Premier League is the best league, and I've enjoyed every second of it.

I had a really fantastic time shooting 'Bad Teacher.' I loved every second of it.

Love is a dynamic interaction, lived every second of our lives, all of our lives.

It took five years to get 'Parental Guidance' made, and it was a fight every second.

I'm great at retirement. I'm excelling at retirement... I've loved every second of it.

I'm loving every second working with the brilliant Kayvan Novak; it's a hoot from dawn to dusk!

Democrats want to peer into every second of President Trump's life, hoping to find a smoking gun.

Playing Joanne in 'London to Brighton' was my first taste of film, and I loved every second of it.

I think longevity is more important than trying to make people realize you're around every second.

From the time I was three or four years old, I drew all the time. Drew all the time, every second.

College coaches, you know how they are - they want you to go 1,000 percent every second of the day.

And then my husband works every second weekend, sermons on Sunday, baptising on Saturdays, weddings.

Do what you do and mean it every second of the day. If you don't, you're living someone else's life.

I miss my son every day a little bit more, but I thank God every day for every second that he was here.

Going through all of this physical stuff, it's been a tough job. But I've loved every second of my life.

Most teachers in America could dramatically improve their teaching if they just made every second count.

I never thought of starting a cricket academy because every second person is starting a cricket academy.

If we were all happy and getting along every second of the day, we'd probably make some schmaltzy record.

I'm terrified I'm about to die, or that all the people I love are about to die, every second of every day.

Every second is mapped out and he has this total childish fascination with color and shapes and sequences.

You can't go over every beat, every second, and worry about how you can do it better - it'll eat you alive.

I give everything for my team to win but the most important thing is to enjoy every second of every minute.

When you start to realize life isn't fair, what do you do: curl up and die or fight every second of the way?

As much as I disagreed with every second of 'Fahrenheit 9/11,' the fact that it is out made me jump for joy.

Every second of every day, our senses bring in way too much data than we can possibly process in our brains.

I don't want to be seen in every second film. I don't want the audience to say, 'Oh no, she's in this one too.'

If you're going to dedicate every second to winning the decathlon, what are you doing wasting your time in bed?

I'm motivated every second by my work; it doesn't switch off. The pictures I make come from every blink of my lashes.

I'm not spending every second thinking about the World Cup, but it's always in my mind when I make choices and decisions.

Lyrics are so important, I hate every second of writing them, but it's something I take great pride in when it's finished.

Every second of time is a doorway to unbounded possibilities. Yet if you are not open to them, these possibilities shrink.

There are so many things that pop up. If you are paying attention, you can learn every second of the day. Life is my guru.

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