Mme. Deluzy has said that indifference is a woman's guardian angel,--a remark not only applicable in France, but all over the world.

The position of vice president does not exist in France; neither does a role comparable that of the first lady of the United States.

It's fine to discuss money in France, as long as you're complaining that you don't have enough, or boasting about getting a bargain.

The most momentous and far-reaching question ever brought to issue on this continent was: Shall France remain here, or shall she not?

I'm not an American actor. I'm a French actor. I'll continue in France. If I could make another silent movie in America, I'd like to!

In the spring of 1984, I went to the northwest of France, to Normandy, to prepare an NBC documentary on the 40th anniversary of D-Day.

The phenomenon of university creative writing programs doesn't exist in France. The whole idea is regarded as a novelty, or an oddity.

I try to come to Asia twice a year. I also go to Europe - to London as well as to France to see my family - four or five times a year.

When it comes to France, it seems to me the fundamental question is how a former colonial power should interact with its former colony.

France has become the second-largest consumer of pizza per person, per pound, in the world, behind the United States and ahead of Italy.

'Orange Is the New Black' was by far the most watched show in both France and Germany and, in fact, all of the markets that we launched.

Don't think you can frighten me by telling me that I am alone. France is alone. God is alone. And the loneliness of God is His strength.

My mission is to put France back on its feet. The priority is employment. Efforts have to be made, but those efforts must be made fairly.

An old sergeant said, if you want to get to France in a hurry, then join the ambulance service, the French are big for ambulance service.

Here, you go to the supermarket and you have wipes to clean your hands before shopping. No, we don't have that in France, but we recycle.

I shall die in the belief that to make France free, republican and prosperous, a little ink would have sufficed - and only one guillotine.

When you do deals with France involved, you want to make sure that the government endorses your deal, understands the strategic rationale.

When I go back to France now I spend all the my time with press and sponsors. I do not have a lot of time to spend at home with my family.

I have tried to lift France out of the mud. But she will return to her errors and vomitings. I cannot prevent the French from being French.

I really and definitely think that France has the capability to come forward. The EU should maintain their own position, without influence.

I want to become the president of all the people of France - the president of the patriots in the face of the threat from the nationalists.

Tithing is like training wheels when it comes to giving. It's intended to help you get started, but not recommended for the Tour de France.

I wish I could say that Carla Bruni's Guess campaign at age 16 led to her current role as First Lady of France, but that might be a stretch.

We have a complicated intelligence relationship with France. We have a complicated intelligence relationship with other - with other allies.

If in your soil it takes, to heaven A thousand thousand thanks be given; And say with France, it goodly goes, Where the Pantagruelion grows.

American high school students trail teenagers from 14 European and Asian countries in reading, math and science. We're even trailing France.

I didn't abandon everything at a moment's notice - on the contrary. I returned to France from America, leaving the 'Large Glass' unfinished.

It is nice in France they adapt themselves to everything slowly they change completely but all the time they know that they are as they were.

In France, they make you feel that you cannot be two things at the same time. You can't be French and Arabic; you can't be French and Muslim.

In England it was enough that Newton was the greatest mathematican of his century; in France he would have been expected to be agreeable too.

In France, it's easy to know which team is going to win the game, whereas in England, anywhere you play, you know it's going to be difficult.

We were married in the south of France because Gene loved France. If he could have been born French, he would have been - that was his dream.

I consider that France does not have to submit to the calendar of the United States, so I want France to leave the integrated command of NATO.

There is an element of delusional obsession in the French political elite's preoccupation with the notion that France is still a global power.

I was astonished at the effect my successful landing in France had on the nations of the world. To me, it was like a match lighting a bonfire.

In France, everybody realized that God exists, and that he is back in the French international team. God is back, there is little left to say.

I grew up in the Alps and France, and Barbie was my first exposure to the American woman. For me she was blonde, she was free and she was fun.

If you go to France, you have to speakFrench. If you speak in English, no one looks at you. On the one hand we sayEnglish is a global language.

I think there's a kind of love relationship between an actor and an audience, and this is something I really feel with the audiences in France.

My husband is Australian, and my family is scattered around the U.K. and France mostly, but we try to get a big group together for the holidays.

We need French chaplains and imams, French-speaking, who learn French, who love France. And who adhere to its values. And also French financing.

Sundays in France have a different atmosphere to other days, with fewer phone calls, no postman, no delivery men and no one banging on the door.

A lot of people don't think I'm English. I've lived in France, and people do think I'm French, but I don't see myself as having a glamorous look.

I am just like 99% of my friends in France, who say on their resume they can speak fluent English. In reality, they can't even count up to three.

What I saw when I went to France was that really good quality education and childcare is seen there as a completely normal part of everyday life.

I am just like 99% of my friends in France, who say on their resume they can speak fluent English. In reality, they can't even count up to three.

It's true, pressure is something that goes with football nowadays. You need to accept it, and everything that it involves - the good and the bad.

I went to Paris, I went to France, I went to England, I went to Ireland. In my mind, I can go wherever I wanted to go. I left death row every day.

What matters to me is to find rational solutions for those that are facing difficulties so that France preserves jobs and its ability to innovate.

I wanted to get far away from those who believed in cruelty, so then I went to France, a land of true freedom, democracy, equality and fraternity.

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